Why is the dialogue so fucking cringeworthy?
Why is the dialogue so fucking cringeworthy?
because it's from a shitty light novel
Because it's anime.
I finally dropped the series when they spent several episodes filled with loads of grandiose speaches that could basically be summed up as "yeah, we should maybe talk a bit more".
Because you're adopted ;/
H-HOw did you know?!
Because you're probably too old for this. Light novels are basically the equivalent of young adult fiction, maybe even worse.
Why was the end of volume 11 so terrible
because the author is a hack. yahari is garbage loved by faggots and redditors
>implying manga is any different
Anime and Manga is the lowest form of entertainment you faggot motherfucker.
Not an excuse. Zack Snyder made fine art with the superhero genre, why can't someone do the same with anime?
Keep the "capekino" shit in Sup Forums, please.
It's not.
Season 1 had potential because it actually seemed different considering the MC was different and no girls seemed to like him, Season 2 was when it went down the shitter and proved it was the exact kind of show it made fun of.
>zack snyder
It never made fun of anything though.
Because it's awful otaku pandering trash. MC is also a fucking faggot who deserves to get cucked.
It made fun of certain things like the MC being gay for the trap but not caring for anyone else, tbqh I can't remember it off the top of my head since it's been 2-3 years since I watched the 1st season, I immediately dropped the 2nd season.
It basically made fun of a bunch of character archetypes as well: the trap, the loser protagonist, the otaku, the ice queen, the genki girl, the bishounen, the tsundere, and a few others iirc
Not that this example is actually "making fun of" something but where did the "MC being gay for the trap" joke change into "being the exact kind of show it made fun of" with season 2?
Because it's a show about a bunch of cringy teenagers
something something realistic