Meanwhile, in Academy City...
Meanwhile, in Academy City
It's Sup Forumscademy city OP you silly goose.
This is the real deal.
What do I say?
who is this semen demon in the middle and will she be in index s3?
Wrong series, user.
Guys, wann hear something funny?
There are people out there that believe that magic is actually real.
so she's from heavy object? or that other series that hasn't been animated yet?
Will Othinus ever go back to being a fuckable size?
Guys, I killed a few thousands people, it's not a big deal, right?
>Not a shit
Delete this.
Did that elevator always stand there?
So I was out of town for a few weeks and imagine my surprise when my place disappeared and a giant tower was there instead. What gives?
Anyone see Biribiri?
It was always there, you blind fool.
Zashiki Warashi.
Guys, quick. Eggs are on sale
She never stopped being a fuckable size.
Hey lads, I saw Mikoto the other day
She kept mumbling weird shit like "I see, it all makes sense now" and "THE WORLD IS SO BIG"
Is she on drugs or is rambling inane nonsense just some shit the Level 5s do?
Was she wearing goggles? I sometimes see her with goggles, and she's really odd when she's wearing them.
It's taken me a while, but I can fashion accurate fire swords out of fire now. Have been experimenting trying to make a shield, but it seems like forcing fire into flat surfaces makes it far less capable of blocking kinetic force. Any fellow pyromancers care give me a tip?
I'm temporary suspending the experiments while I go get me some eggs. This black haired guy always keeps getting the last pack before I do.
What is that tower thing?
[screams geometrically]
>watched Index S1 animu
>not much made sense at first
>read some of ln vol1
>everything is explained
What the fuck
I heard Accelerator lost to some level zero nobody.
I think I can him guys!
Mutated Ramiel
Yeah I think she's a stoner. Probably thinks wearing goggles prevents people from seeing how fucking glazed over her eyes are.
I mean look at this shit, not even trying to hide how high she is. Fucking Level 5s get away with everything
Guys, I heard the Tree Diagram was actually a ruse all along. Thoughts?
supesu erebeta
That's lewd.
I wanted to join Judgement but they turned me down because I wasn't a cute girl
Isn't this illegal? Should I sue them?
Not reading the ln to begin with
>what the fuck?
A level 5 found enlightenment... and her lost insanity.
I'm rooting for this.
The level 5s are a bunch of nutters
The #3 caused a blackout and they say she's the LEAST crazy
Why is everyone trying to kill me? What the fuck? That's because I'm russian?
What is so special about Touma that Mikoto lost her sanity (what was left anyway) over him?
Not much, she could be having the same dilemma over Thor or Guts if they encountered her first.
I suppose
Crazy girls just need someone to cling to and emotionally depend on
>Mikoto will never fall head over heels for Gunha
Why do I keep up with this series?
>Othinus will never collect semen from your corpse
I'd prefer she collect it using her mouth and while I'm still alive.
How do you convince a god to give you a blowjob?
Through understanding.
It's a Kaiju
I don't think I can ever take Stiyl seriously ever since that tripfag appeared.
That's completely fine, no one takes Stiyl seriously regardless.
>Ever taking Stiyl seriously
When did Accel become Basara?