You can only pick one.
You can only pick one
Can I have matsuki miyu back, please ;_;
Stella is fucking trash tier. The one with the dead VA is shit.
Saya is okay but I choose Luluco since she's my waifu of the year.
Top left seems like the biggest and sluttiest so I'd go with her.
Was Luluco a slut?
She kissed an entire boy.
none of the above
>not wanting a qt to brew you coffee
Easy choice for me.
The doujins write themselves.
Pick one for what?
Whatever comes to mind.
Two of those aired in 2015.
Top left - shit
Top right - okay
Bottom left - nice
Bottom right - good
>upper left
>upper right
>lower left
>lower right
Pure slut. Not purely slut, actually a slut that is pure
Stella is a really fucking hot bitch, worthy of the mating press.
Saya is cute and for marriage.
Luluco a SLUT.
Anna just does not know better, she's like Genie but with some social graces and knows how to walk.
None of them would be interested in me, so why even bother?
I miss Anna so much
>Stella is fucking trash tier
I don't want any of them.
>Twintail slut
>Naive first love slut
>Coffee tweeker slut
Good job picking worst girl from three series plus best girl from a series where all women are shit.
>tfw this terrible gimp image gets reposted
Anna a shit
>2 of these didn't even come from 2016
luluco is not a slut.
Yes she is
Luluco a best but you'd have to be a fucking faggot to not pick Stella tbqh senpai.
>bad taste hour
Sure man.
Can we get some better choices?