Cryptic note full of numbers found in Las Vegas shooters hotel room:
My theory is it was a "one time pad". It's a vernam encryption cypher pad that spies use to communicate. Still in use today because vernam encryption is unbreakable.
Numbers stations broadcast numbers on shortwave radio in a burst at a certain time to spies in the field. The spy decrypts using a numeric key and then carries out instructions.
Or, it could be numeric keys that were broadcast to other spies.
Normally, after decryption or use the paper is burned.
If these were encryption keys, why did he leave the keys upon the table?

Other urls found in this thread:





Here is an example of a numbers station broadcast:


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand comped sushi memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical casino management most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Paddock's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike comped sushi memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Paddock's existencial catchphrase "I don't carry my own machine guns," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated taco bell employees scratching their heads in confusion as Stephen's gunfire unfolds itself on their concert pavilion. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a $100 sushi tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the filipina ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 50 gold card points of my own (preferably lower).

Freemason & Illuminati connections seem to indicate that this was very well planned and involves spies.
>32nd floor
>Luxor pyramid
>Masonic pillars behind stage similar in view to Twin Towers
>Oct 1st, 91 days left in the year
>91 Harvest
>mystery woman pushes her way to the front of stage 45 minutes before shooting starts and warns people "you are all going to die" before being escorted out by security
>Freemasonry connections to real estate and construction
>suspect shooter was a real estate millionaire with no record
>the pyramid on the back of the US dollar is a masonic symbol
>13 levels on the masonic pyramid
>Friday Oct 13th
>like 9/11 airline stocks short selling, stock in gun manufactures soared and someone made money off the attack
>attack happens at most expensive piece of real estate in Las Vegas
>private terminal to Area 51 right next door
Spooky stuff.

The sad thing is... these assholes won't publish it on the internet because they know some autist out there will figure it out for free in like one day. It would be so embarrassing since they're probably putting 20 highly-paid analysts and using $20 million dollar software (that taxpayers paid for) to do it - and they still can't do it.


>what was on the note?
Traps are gay

It was October 1st autist. What year are you in?


I can confirm it was a trip........

Time traveler

It's sad really.

I just do not believe the "full of numbers" claim. Unless there is an original crime scene photo of the note and its content the other bullshit is just noise.

Note: I am fine with law enforcement trying to protect the case.

The plebbest of pleb propaganda "newspapers", its practically day time television.

>new time line asserts that two officers were on the 32nd floor within minutes of the shooting stopping

ah hah. and therein lies the true point of the article. damage control and stopping people from rightfully questioning who was in the room with stephen, and if he was even the shooter.

Yes, I said Oct 1st.
If you are referring to the date Friday the 13th, that date is very significant to Freemasons & Illuminati.
It's the date the Templars were massacred.

It was digits to the thread containing the "john" posts

Check them

Trips too

If it was a one time pad, they won't crack it unless they have the key.
Wondering now about the calm before the storm. Maybe they have the key and know something.

On this website - priyom.org/number-stations/station-schedule - Click below the words "Next Station in..." and it will directly take you to the SW dial - "If" that cryptic note is a one time pad, who ever jotted those numbers down, perhaps they were "orders to carry out?"

You're right, but what if it isn't a one time key? He may have wanted to send a message to the world and he'd know (if he;s an "evil genius") that wouldn't be the way to do it. Then again, if he wanted to send a message to the world he wouldn't have just left it on a paper note in the room he knew only cops would get to ransack. Maybe it's already out there somewhere.

LVPD user said it would be the ledger for Paddocks illegal arms trafficking.

It's the nuclear launch codes for the nuclear football that was exchanged/stolen/taken.

My god that thing does not fucking exist. Stop watching movies.

When did he post that? Also, will this LVPD user post these cryptic numbers?

>to other spies.
>pic related happens at nearly the same time as shooting event taking place

one rumor says a nuclear attack was averted in vegas.

It's bank account numbers that will show transactions between Leftists and ISIS


Could be some kind of video poker algorithm proving Vegas rigs them.

There are algorithms you can run to check if they're just random noise and not likely to be anything. ie. left just to confuse and inspire myths and legends.

And if they're from a numbers station, surely there are databases that record them, so it could be matched up with one of them.

But honestly I believe it's just made up by the dude to grow his name.