Fuck your shit, I'm in a bear suit
Fuck your shit, I'm in a bear suit
I'd fuck Lain's shit.
Who the fuck is Lain?
Where is Lain?
Why is Lain?
You don't seem to understand.
A shame you seemed an honest man
>tfw you will never be lain's dad and casually molest her in her stinky, humid computer room
We have anons who openly admit they would molest a child.
Where are the feds when you need them, am I right?
I didn't get it
And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear
And you know what they say might hurt you
And you know that it means so much
And you don't even feel a thing
I am falling, I am fading
I have lost it all
And you don't seem the lying kind
A shame then I can read your mind
And all the things that I read there
Candle lit smile that we both share
and you know I don't mean to hurt you
But you know that it means so much
And you don't even feel a thing
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning
Help me to breathe
I am hurting, I have lost it all
I am losing
Help me to breathe
Really surreal look at that site in a pitch black room surrounded by computer hardware.
Any anime like Lain that will fuck with my mind?
Let's all love Lain.
We'll all claim one part of her to love.
I'll take the butt.
>implying it's not very well air-conditioned because lain is smart enough to use extensive liquid cooling
...................PRESENT DAY
i can't tell if that's an upscale with a filter added or if that's literally 4k
Sup Forums IS DEAD
My money'd be on w2x upscale.
It's been ages, was the song this is from from SeL?
It sound terribly familiar.
Nope, just remembered it's the Railgun OP
Nevermind me
Do you still have hope?
There are no studios with enough talent to do such a thing left, so nah
Let's enjoy the works as they are
tfw you will never hug lain
why live
>taking the bait
someone pls reply I am wondering, too
I thought ghost hound and tatami galaxy were quite the mindfuckery, but nothing comes close to Lain's insight on todays world. it's insane. how could some anime fuckcunt from 1998 have foreseen the future in such a significant way? I don't get it.
Lain is so mindfully understanding of this process of digital being accepted as reality while showing a embrace and understanding of theoreticians from Carl Jung to Michel Foucault that has never been seen before in anime, even with Steins;Gate and Martin Heidegger.
I really can't say any series that can match Lain, at least not in anime. Maybe Texhnolyze, but it plays on other fields.
Watch Boogiebop Phantom right now
honestly dude, i will. i trust you. dont disappoint.
seen it.
I like Lain a lot but I hate the kind of pretentious 17-year-olds who recently went through philosophy 101, that this anime attracts. I'm talking jayden smith levels of pretend-existentialism and pseudo-philosophy, combined with bad music, tumblr, pretend-nihilism, and photos of CRT televisions, despite the fact they've probably never owned one.
A bunch of pseudo-intellectuals who throw the names jung and heidegger around to look smart. You're too young to be depressed.
Lain threads are always the same and attract a few people who paste the opening lyrics, present day present time, fuck you I'm wearing a bear suit and "this show is such mind-fuck". Not that this show hasn't been discussed to death during the last 15 years or so, but none of you fags are even willing to discuss anything about it. You sort of enjoyed the visual aspects of it but ended up turning it into a meme and thus effectively killed it.
i hope you did not produce this poorly written post in reply to me , because if you did you're wrong on every level imagineable
>Not that this show hasn't been discussed to death during the last 15 years or so, but none of you fags are even willing to discuss anything about it.
>You sort of enjoyed the visual aspects of it but ended up turning it into a meme and thus effectively killed it.
i agree wholeheardetly
user, that's an essential thing about chan culture. You're never going to find anything worthwhile here that hasn't been cultivated anywhere else in a most developed manner; just schewed, masticated and filtered fun in criticism and unreasoned taste compiled through media overconsumption.
I wish this were less accurate, and I could at least point to a counter-point of a good discussion about this show.
>chan culture
go away
care to list a few of those levels?
To be fair we had a serious Lain discussion thread about a month ago. Lain takes a lot of thought and time to decipher and most people aren't willing to put in the amount of effort the show demands. Some people do and every once in a while they come out of the woodwork to seriously sit down and discuss the show. But you can't expect them to do that every few days which is the rate Lain threads are created on this board. If you wait around here long enough you'll eventually find the kind of thread I'm talking about. In the mean time let the memers and shitposters have their fun.
Sup Forums BTFO
How would you talk about what I am without using the word culture?
gladly my friend
1 i'm not a teen, far from it
2 i've been reading philosophy for most my adolescence, starting with 16, almost a decade ago
3 nihilism has very little to nothing to do with lain
4 while you can certainly apply an existantialist reading to lain i think it's a lens that does not fit. lain should be analyzed from a psychological or sociological perspective, i would say most fitting would be lacan or weber
5 i do not have a tumblr
7 i am not depressed, infact the opposite is the case
8 i did not post lyrics, present day or any similiar memes itt
9 i have posted on Sup Forums exactly 3 times in my life
10 i don't care for memes all that much
hope this helped
Aside from the opening meme, lain has a killer ost that manages to combine ravey club music with chill. Let's cyberlounge!
>that's the issue with general discussion threads; there is a lack of actual discussion going on
to be frank, i don't think most of you are well-read or serious enough to discuss lain with.
i only post on very few boards (ck, trv, lit) and if i do it's almost exclusively oc or constructive criticism
even reddit would be a far superior medium for a discussion with this much weight. then again the difference between reddot and chan has become negligible in terms of userbase anyway. it is only the format that makes the difference.
Just say you joined this summer
>im not depressed, the opposite is the case
>big philosophy guy
Chances are your IQ is pretty low
Discussion would be a different thing than what we have here, it's more of a shared joke, common knowledge that is represented over and over; never started with the pretense of general discussion or interchange of ideas, since it doesn't start with any point or question. I don't know.
>even reddit would be a far superior medium
Then go back.
Has lain even been released in 4K?
I know the master is on film so I guess it's possible.
i have been browsing Sup Forums for about 6.5 years now
my iq is average
>this is what Lain threads have become
>posting with an IQ lower than 110
I think 110 is a good cut off. Remove anyone below this.
The post is a composite image of everyone in these threads, not just you; it wasn't meant as a reply to you alone. Just because all of it doesn't apply to you though, doesn't make you less of a pseudo-intellectual egocentric fedora-master. The way you're throwing your personality at us on an anonymous imageboard and getting defensive as to the kind of pseudo-intellectual you are shows just how conceited you are. Infact I'm surprised you don't use a tripcode.
It's like shouting "idiot" or "faggot" at a crowd of people and seeing who turns around. In this case, you did.
I thought meant that I was wrong about the people in these discussions but it turns out you just applied it to yourself.
>It's like shouting "idiot" or "faggot" at a crowd of people and seeing who turns around. In this case, you did.
So what you're saying is that he took your bait?
>Martin Heidegger.
No, only "1080p" by that I mean 1520x1080.
>Any anime like Lain that will fuck with my mind?
Every Satoshi Kon film. Perfect Blue is the one most similar to Lain in terms of it presenting two conflicting interpretations of the events being displayed.
>4 while you can certainly apply an existantialist reading to lain i think it's a lens that does not fit. lain should be analyzed from a psychological or sociological perspective, i would say most fitting would be lacan or weber
Ofcourse you realize western psychology, sociology and philosophy isn't really applicable to the show since it stems from a different culture which only recently got in touch with the west, right? Even when social commentary is based on western culture it's always skewed through their deeply rooted understandings, essentially making something completely different. This is what actually made 90s anime different and got them to stand out.
You philosophy people generally only recite people's names to each other. Kind of like in psychopass, where they did just that as a substitute for a meaningful conversation. Oh what a bad show that was.
Let's All Love Lain
It wasn't bait though. It called out a bunch of people, and he got defensive.
>you realize western psychology, sociology and philosophy isn't really applicable to the show since it stems from a different culture which only recently got in touch with the west, right?
That's completely missing the point. Lots of specifically western ideas are referenced in Lain, and it was actually designed to be interpreted differently by western and Japanese audiences. There's an interview with Ueda somewhere online where he mentions that he was disappointed in the similar reaction between audiences of those different cultures.
The American audience didn't appear to notice the Christian themes - though to be fair it was very abstruse, and most anime watchers are secular types.
In terms of communication, the person unable to make himself understood is the one at fault, not the person who couldn't make out what was said.
That's what means though.
>Even when social commentary is based on western culture it's always skewed through [japanese] deeply rooted understandings, essentially making something completely different.
Those western ideas you're talking about were heavily saturated by the japanese ideas the author has, thus getting merged into one, thus making something new and different. This is the reason all audiences interpreted it in the same way. This is also the reason regular western-only understanding and symbolism isn't applicable. There's a big difference in western and eastern symbolism, social problems, etc and the different ways both have always depicted those. In this aspect, Lain is the product of the early phases of globalization. You can't intentionally make something schizophrenic.
Who doesn't?