Only 11 more days until Kiss-Shot's film comes out!
Only 11 more days until Kiss-Shot's film comes out!
>tfw you try to buy the Special Edition BDs but you don't have a BD player
I'm pretty sure a BD player costs less than the special edition BDs these days.
>not having a bluray drive on your PC
Also, what does everyone prefer, new designs or old ones?
I like the new designs for everyone except Dramaturgie.
I want to titfuck Kisshot
Kissshot actually looks pretty in this. Normally she looks a bit off
That neck doesn't look off to you?
I mean the shape of her face, even just a Google search shows mostly manface
You sure about that?
I'm quite excited, I have been wanting to rewatch part one again.
I thought you were talking about the new one, but you're just half a year behind. Fuck you for getting my hopes up.
If you're that on top of things, why don't you already know the day the second film hits theaters?
gonna make that my phone pape thanks famalad
Can we get more big fat bat tats?
Doing Gods work, keep going.
Will we get some real Kissshot screentime? What about teen? I don't need another movie about young Kissshot.
Best girls but crab won, so fucking nips
Anyone planning to sub? Heard Commie isn't doing it.
>why do you need to subs
Yeah, yeah, I read the ln. Still want translations.
I'm sure someone will sub it.
nigga i dont even have a cd drive
There's almost no reason to.
The whole new art direction is simply amazing. I really wish Oishi had worked on S2 and Owari.
Not that I would ever watch cam rips of these movies but have any come out?
BDs never