>finally watch her story
>all the old man memes were real
Wow. So she's going to appear in anime right?
No way they would skip such a popular character right?
>finally watch her story
>all the old man memes were real
Wow. So she's going to appear in anime right?
No way they would skip such a popular character right?
Were you in coma for the last year?
Yes. Also, the focus will be on the girls (and one sort-of girl), and the story will mainly be a fantasy CGDCT comedy.
Oh, wait; that's in a different, better universe. Well, make do with what you have.
Cag should just get a spin-off. It's not like the main plot is good outside Vira.
He actually did it. A true hero.
Why are minion using alchemists such sluts?
>male character becomes a woman
>isn't a titty monster
What a waste.
Who the shit would want to be a tit monster when he could be a loli?
>better universe
Oh yeah user, I sure would like to see more of cute girls garbage flooding every season, thank fuck they are actually doing the in-game plot
>watch her story
>wanting to be a titty monster
What's the name?
Cagliostro, Granblue Fantasy
Breasts are the most visible, standout difference between men and women. Why would you want to be a girl without getting to enjoy having a pair of your own?
No user, her being a manifestation of typical Sup Forums underage faggot doesnt mean shes popular
>No way they would skip such a popular character right?
No, that would be the titty darufs like Narumeia or Danua or furries like Anchira.
>focus on tits
>not ass
fuck off homo
This nigga is literally living the dream and it makes me envious as fuck
so... you thought we were all bullshitting you?
>shitloads of art
>shitloads of doujins
Yeah dude, so unpopular.
>Cag is really an old man
>Vira is really a crazy turbo lesbian
This stupid anime needs to hurry up.
you want your love tunnel to get destroyed by a group of faceless men with giant penises?
Who doesn't?
>the old man is a little girl
Wow, just wow. Can't believe they'd go there. Who ever could have guessed Japan of all people would do such a thing. Shocking. Unprecedented. Everything I know is a lie.
Vira is shit, I'm sure all the cucks over here will love her though
You're retarded.
I'd rather have a modest bust, because I'd be able to fit in more clothing and could have sexier bras. Fuck big floppy tits that hurt my back, why would I want that?
Nigger I want to BE the faceless man raping sexy lolis into broken cumsluts. If I am a loli I'll be losing the most important equipment required to do so, yet I'll be surrounded by other lolis all the time constantly aware of the fact that I'll never get to cum inside their tiny wombs. Honestly it sounds more like a prison to me.
That's pretty much my fetish, yes.
Wait. I-Ive been fapping it to an old ma....
Ah why stop now
Holy shit you are such a fucking faggot
>Asanagi's Korwa
Leave her alone goddammit.
So be a futa loli dumbass.
Show me another old man in animu who became a loli.
He's a nice guy.
Well it was nice knowing you pal, thanks for giving me something to fap to that I can't let anyone else know about though.
>not learning futa spells
>not summoning tentacle monsters and soul linking
>not wanting to be the little girl
Whatever, homo
Seconding this
I assumed this was Sup Forums when I looked it up and now feel like I missed something big
It's ok user, you can fuck me.
I don't like it. They don't even look like they do in game.
Sounds gay and boring.
>Producer, about this voice role. "Channel my crazy"? What does that mean?
What went wrong?
Everything went right.
What went right you mean.
Thanks to Cagliostro my WH wizard I'm playing for about 12 years is now aiming to be the little girl. Truly an eye opener.
With a mouth like that you'll no doubt get it stuffed with all the megacocks you desire from manly lolicons that don't take lip from bratty cunts like you, so you surely won't have to worry about your desires going unfulfilled.
Can you imagine how weird it'd feel to have a vagina under your nutsack? Every time I see it I can't help but imagine how unbelievably awkward it would be to have a big wet hole in your gooch that serves no purpose unless you plan to take the D, which I don't. I suppose I could be a full-package without the girl parts but at that point I'd basically just be a trap and nine out of ten traps aren't built for dominating shit.
Which brings me right back to just being a muscular faceless man. Simple, effective, tried and true. I really can't say I see what your respective issues are here.
Needs more fuwa-fuwa.
Genderbent characters should look like this.
>unless you plan to take the D, which I don't
>which I don't
That's what they all say.
It's all about being cute and doing cute things. Also,
>unless you plan to take the D, which I don't.
Now there's your problem faggot
So do dick growth instead. You can have it grow out of the vagina so it's one or the other.
>wanting to be an old hag instead of a little girl
Novel translations when?
Probably never. Nobody cares enough.
They don't look like their original characters anymore.
Quit yer bitching, if all the strong manly rapists out there were submissive cumsluts like you lot you wouldn't have any huge bald men with monster cocks and balls to stretch all your holes beyond all hope of tightening up again, so if your loli cunnies go unfucked because there's not enough gangstas and too many ho's I don't wanna hear you crying your sad little slut eyes out.
Going to be honest man, that don't sound much better. And like I said, a loli with a penis is basically just a trap and I'm not trying to veer off my path of becoming a respectable loli gangrapist to be a little 80 pound girlyboy getting destroyed by penis day in and out. Though I'm not opposed to being on the other side and breaking trap minds and asses left and right, but in order to do that I first need to be a huge muscular faceless man with a giant firehose dick, which once again brings me back to my original point.
As you can clearly see I've already put plenty of thought into this, if there were any other way I surely would've taken that route by now.
Was there one with Danua on top of that?
Is there a link for that? I'll try reading and making a summary at least.
Nips do like him and not just some fujos.
Honestly, if had the opportunity to be an amputated cock-addicted slut honahole I would do it, as long as the state was temporal within a reasonable time and my original body wasn't affected.
No matter how many lolis you rape you will never be a cute girl doing cute things. Life still wouldn't have a point
Fuck. Fuck man, sometimes it's better not to know these types of things.
I already made my personal headcannon surrounding her but now I'll have to live with knowing I've been fapping to an old man...
I can live with that, I've never really wanted to be a cute girl anyways, I just wanna fuck 'em.
I don't see a problem. It's 100% female physically.
And that's why everyone's calling you a faggot
Best girl better appear in the anime.
I love how Asanagi'll just throw in nosebleeds without any concern for how relevant to the events transpiring. Nosebleeds are my fetish.
Best girl better be the MC of the anime.
But it was relevant, she was being beaten up, kicked and killed non stop.
It happens for no reason in some of his other works though is what I mean.
I'm cool with that too, I actually kind of have a fetish for sexy little brats trying to provoke me into raping them by insulting me, even while I'm balls deep in them. It's a really specific fetish though especially when it's maledom so on the rare occasions I do find it I treasure it greatly.
How do you feel about ones where the proud and dignified immortal loli is forced down and raped but she doesn't resist that much nor gets too angry because she have been through worse?
Do you really think they will use Djeeta insted of Gran?
I hope so.
In a month.
so he is a lolimancer?
kinda want to be one myself
So the next victim girls is Erune only? I kind of hoped to see Vampy or monkey in one.
Looking forward to it.
Cogliostro in Granblue Fantasy, mobage. He used to be a famous old alchemist hundred of years ago, he was sealed and that broke she met the main character there only to reveal that he transfered his soul to a little girl body. He learn an ability at level 95-100 that use an spare body to resurrect once per battle.
He is sealed in gatcha now lol
There is also another Erune doujins incoming. Im looking forward to that one too. I dont have the picture though....
I hope they use both to be honest. This infight among fans to see which mc is canon seems stupid to me when the director could modify the story a little to fit both mc, Granblue its not a complex written work there are tons of part that could be retconned.
Everyone knows this, I assumed someone uploaded her event in english since he said "watched"
Eh, if she's not really feeling it then it doesn't really do it for me. It'd be different if she were feeling some kind of emotion, amusement that a mere child like me thinks he could break her composure, anger and hatred that someone as divine as her is being forcefully taken by a mortal man, fear and despair that such a horrible violation of her body is going to happen once again like it did so many years ago, or maybe just maybe she loses herself in the moment and allows herself to feel the pleasure of a man's touch and lightly flashes an amorous smile that says "Come on boy, let's see what you've got."
As long as she's feeling something, it should be good enough for me.
I don't particularly like Granblue but at least it seems like he finally got sick of boatshit. Thank fucking god.
How do you feel about an already submissive person that tries to anger you to get more punishment?
>there will be an anime of this shit
If she's being desperate and childish about it then it won't be nearly as intense as if she's really good at provoking me and knowing just what buttons to press to make me snap in anger, smack the shit out of her a couple times and plowing her ass into next Tuesday while she writhes under me in painful ecstasy. I would also love the idea of us being somewhat lovey dovey at times, doing sweet things for eachother that show we care but going right back to the bedroom ryona brutality after the curtains close so we can both get off the way we do. I'd love a relationship like that personally, getting teased all day until it hits the breaking point and taking it all out on her in the evening while she basks in her handiwork, emotionally manipulating me just so I'll give her everything I've got when it's time to get physical, I dunno. It's kinda strange but I want it.
Sounds interesting?
You only have this fantasy with women?
Eh, you just sound controlling, that's a bit boring
How about one who can tear you apart with a snap of her fingers but wants to play the helpless rape victim role
Why master metals when you can be a little girl. The ultimate power any magic user could want.
>No Sutera
SSR only, faggot.
The anime is being done by JC Staff give up all hopes of it being good now before it's too late