Mob Psycho 100

Subs are out

Vice President did nothing wrong


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Best fatheru.

Vice President is an actual good guy.

Reigen would be a deadbeat dad if he actually had a kid.

Vice President is an actual bro, looking out for Mob's best interests unlike Reigen

Is there a version that subbed the part after the credits?

Cruncyroll and HorribleSubs didn't bother

Anyone have a craving for broccoli? I really want to eat some broccoli right now.

I mean, of course they should've subbed it, but is it really that interesting? It's just the news talking about Reigen running away from the cops and the preview of next episode which we already know what it's gonna be about.

Tome may be an endearing character but that doesn't mean that she's worth going to a club and wasting your time over.

It's been years and people still don't realise HorribleSubs is just a script that rips anime?

Mob is a cute!! cute!!

They didn't animate this face

Amazing Episode and considering that those first chapters were the weakest for the most part. The anime seems to be really promising and could be one of the best.

It was just a summary of previous chapter, why bother?

That Ending was so amazing. Where Reigens dull and boring day became all colorful and crisp once he saw Mob. Good fuking Job bONEs.

First cour is ~50 chapters of manga.
Can we expect second cour ending with Boss Fight?
I really liked Boss as character, outcome was pretty sick as well.

You definitely took those words right from Reigen no? I know because I typed that shit

The fight versus the boss that One wrote this year will be animated before the Garou fight he wrote 3 years ago.

No, i would never stoop that low to do such a thing.

For those that saw the ending and were like "where does reigen smoke, thats so wrong".

Best Ending

Is there a redrawn version of Mob Psycho 100 or do I have to get eye cancer to not get spoiler'd?

Yeah, now I'm 100% certain I posted that on Mal as Reigen

How does everyone feel about the portrayal of Reigen...?

It feels like they're making him look... a bit too selfish


Huh? Isn't this Reigen?

He's obviously taking advantage of Mob, but he seems to care about him genuinely. He definitely doesn't want him to get hurt and his advice about not joining the telepathy club was pretty spot on, even if it was a bit self serving.

Reigen admitted himself that he was indeed selfish and was just using Mob.

I dont quite get it. What are you talking about i said the same thing in the last thread as the episode was released.

Reigen was a mix of selfish and helpful to Mob in the begging, I think it's just right

nope, mangalooks pretty good compared to one's opm though


The whole ending was made with oil painting on glass

Reigen is actually a shithead.

Bones trying so hard to cash in on Mob after OPM's success.

That ending is really beautiful, the ending in particular which shows mob slowly maturing is so lovely

I mean, yea, he's supposed to be selfish, but from early on in the series I always kinda got that there was a part of him that really did care for mob deeply (which was later confirmed) but those underlying positive feelings are absent in the beginning of the anime.
i realize we're only 2 episodes in so it's not something I can really parade around trying to rally supporters to condemn BONES but I hope I see some more of it later on.

That's a bit cynical, the shows aren't even remotely similar, and Mob's got much less widespread appeal anyway.

Why the fuck are you talking about? I'm watching it right now and it has subs for Reigen reacting the TV announcement plus the next episode preview?

That is how he was at the start. It isn't till teru till how he is actually helpful really starts to show

really ? I need to reread then.

Bones is not the one making big cash adapting a manga, they are getting the minimum. Educate yourself on how anime makes it money and then come backback before talking shit. Always these retards in theads.

How is your body improvement going?

This show surpasses by far most recent anime in terms of direction, animation, writing. It's actually quite embarassing for other anime.

And its only episode 2 and none of the big story plots have started yet. We saw glimpes of the teru fight and it looked just as amazing. Bones is doing some impressive work here.

Well, specifically talking about the chapter this episode adapted, the point pretty much was that neither Reigen nor Tome were interested in Mob's own thoughts, they both just wanted to use him, only the VP actually asked for his opinion.

It's only been 2 episodes. Chill.

Best bros.

>Why? He is an honest and successful man, he always solve his clients problems and his prices are fair.

>He's honest

Ok, I love Reigen, but let me stop you right there. He's only honest when shit really hits the fan. If it wasn't for Mob and the way he weasels his way in when taking and doing his clients requests, he would be just a scammer.

Sure, he does get his development, and I consider him a legit parental figure when and but let's not get carried away.

There better be Tome doujins incoming

>Forehead Space

Not him but, he does actually solve people's problems even without Mob. He usually lies about what he did but he does help in roundabout ways

it's been said before, but ONE's passion is magnetic to talented people.
can you imagine a big shot movie star calling you out of the blue saying they really like your blog and want to work with you?


Stop being so foolish. If the team only cared about "cashing in" then the anime would look nowhere near as polished as it does. It's obvious that so much work has been put into it. If they were going for a quick cash-grab it would be a fairly static looking 1:1 adaptation with little sakuga, hardly any stylistic quirks, and no fucking oil painting sequences which take longer than anything else.

I want a Fubuki x Tome Doujin.

what a slut

The weird thing about Mob is under any other hands it would be such a generic show. The lonely school boy gets magic powers (the best most powerful ever) which earns him a load of friends (including female) and he must train them with his crazy mentor

ONE is just really good at telling such a standard story though, he knows how to actually make these moments work and not just feel by the numbers


Anyone happens to have those animated manga to anime strips(webms)?


and a ching chong nip nong to you

It's all about the execution. Mob is a really unique coming-of-age tale filtered through this offbeat psychic lens. I'm also more partial to art that seems amateurish yet has a lot of heart behind it, so it's cool that the anime is going all out in that regard. Good shit.

Definitely more fond of this than OPM, which actually bored me after a couple of episodes.

This? Even though they aren't webms.

Stop posting shitty gifs from tumblr.

Thats the appeal of OPM and mob they are so standard and down to earth that you can really relate to them even though they have those insane powers. The fights are never really fights for the sake of winning. They are confrontations of different ideologies most of the time and Mob also gets emotionally stronger not physically like in most other shonens. Maybe i am reading too much into it. But Mob psycho is a really great series and i am happy that it gets such an amazing adaption.

I think OPM overall has better execution of it's core idea but I am much more interested in Mob. It's the slow burn of you realise this isn't just another gag manga but has characters with a decent depth to them

it's got posted in the previous threads as webm

Do they trigger your autism?

Agreed. OPM nails the whole urban ennui thing but Mob is a much more fascinating character. Haven't delved that far into the manga yet but there's a very compelling side cast too with characters like Ritsu and Reigen. It's definitely a series that catches you off guard.

I wanna do taxes with Reigen!

I want to protect Reigen's smile!

Is it a V2?


man,older woman on young girl yuri is really dang rare

delete this

I'm kind of bummed Ritsu and Teru don't actually get much screentime after the first fight with the seventh branch. The arcs that followed were so good but I wish One found room for those two.

What will it take to get you to join my club user?

ED was really cool. What was it done in? Looked like dry erase marker.

I'm 28, I can't be part of your club.


I want to bond with the president!
by holding hands under the pretense to create a telepathic bond!

Tweet from Miyo Sato (person who does the oil painting sequences)

>The Mob ED wasn't something I did entirely by myself. It was thanks to the director and other professionals from Bones' help that it came together. When I saw the final product, I felt truly glad, knowing that I'd completed something that I couldn't have done on my own.

I didn't really like Reigen in the first episode but this episode really shows that he's legit and actually a really good psychic too
He also helped my stiff shoulder so if you have any spare money you should check him out

OPM gets you in the first chapter/Episode, it has such a universal concept everyone can get behind by just reading the Title. Mob is a bit harder to get into cause of the slow start. Once teru and ritsu come into play tho. Shit gets outta control.



They're really taking this adaptation to an other level.

She wouldn't need that much convincing

How about you fuck right off reigen?

Fuck off Reigen.


Bones is insane, how does that fit into their given budget. These guys are working themselves to death.


In reality, you'd just be a beta orbiter without the guts to make a move. I know I would be.

This joke stopped being funny the second time. It's not going to start being funny again after 100 times.


ONE might be a real psychic and using his powers to brainwash the anime industry

If you go lurk on dynasty reader you can find lots of it

I might be a loser but Tome is an even bigger loser despite being a girl
since i would be higher in the pecking order, that means i get to peck her

Can you come deep enough into an ass that you make the girl pregnant?

why is the hype for this show not bigger, there must be something I'm missing.

There's only one way to find out

BNHA was like that in the beginning, give it time.

>Episode 3 my friend