Fubuki is fertile as fuck

Fubuki is fertile as fuck

good because she's my wife

Isn't she a little too old though?

Besto girl

she's 23

>secondary trash

>Saitama literally doesn't look at her lustfully

Admit he is a fag because any man with a working set of eyes would eye fucking her.

To be fair so am I.

All his test is going towards gains

>literally doesn't look at her lustfully

I didn't either, but that don't mean I was hard as fuck.



but would she join the telepathy club?

Fubuki a shit

The only thing he lusts after is a real battle.

that old? If I wanted a girl like that I'd just go to the local nursing home.

There should be a Fubuki x Tome doujins in the future, given that they basically look similar design wise(One style).

Did you miss the part where he doesn't feel emotions like excitement or happiness anymore?

Sweet fucking mercy.

But tatsu is 28. Give it up.

Saitama confirmed for eunuch.

It explains why he took off or "lost" all of his hair.

I imagine.