How do we stop disgusting nigger music from corrupting the next generation, I mean look at this shit, is this even
Nigger music
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We kill Lyor Cohen.
Making hard rock or heavy metal cool again.
Rap is just a nigger murmuring rhymes with royalty free beats in the background.
You're just finding this out?
Fucking niggers have already taken over
Rock music was also about degeneracy, it just sold better to white people.
>sex drugs and rock 'n roll!
Yea but its some how more autistic nowadays than before, back then i could at least appreciate fast rappers
I like rap. I like drill and some mumble rap. But this new wave of fatherless niggers has got to go.
Bluegrass is the only American music for White men.
Are you sure this even English?
Get those who are pushing it.
Hint: (((they're))) not negroes.
Russia has got a highbrow Jewish rapper that beats every Youtube record, he lived in England, was educated in Oxford and "battles" with simple minded folks.
I'm glad that there's something absolutely nihilistic to counter his Jewish narrative
What went wrong?
That being said i hate rap less than anime
People actually listen to this crap? This is terrible. How can this be even called music? Because of what? Drums?
Some nigger talking in a rhythm without changing the pitch of his voice is easy as fuck to make and easy to sell. That's why you see so fucking much of it. The beats are good sometimes, but like I said before, it's made by someone else almost always and the murmuring nigger is the one who gets the fame.
>taken over metal
Do you know a slightest thing about music? One distorted synth with 3 tones is not metal dumbfuck.
>Fucking niggers have already taken over metal
frylock is more boring irl then I would have figured
At least it's not full of niggers!
Don't defend anime to him, bro. His loss for being a FAG
(((Someone else))).
Both were hype af and fun
This Bo Diddley cover is better
What are your thoughts on Oxxymirron?
I mean the beat, not the master Jew. It's usually some college kid with a pirated FL Studio shitting out free rap beats for nigs to use. Just look up "royalty free rap beats".
The last breeding wigger pair went extinct in 2002
Now we need to keep white kids from wearing skinny jeans and becoming trans BLM allies and shit like that
He's the Jew I'm talking about. Jews rally around him and wear his name as a battle flag.
One can meet lots of 40+ normies that "dig" him and write retarded reviews in culture magazines.
Metal require scandanavian faggots with KISS makeup too
I don't care, listen to your own music.
Oh he is about to battle dizaster soon, in english for the first time. Never heard of him before that.
This rap you see know is garbage and niggerized, hip hop is what I grew up on, I love rock and metal too.
and battle rap has become commercial too, the jews have sucked the life out of it.
Pol bullshit aside, god damn is that the state of the rap game now? Kids like this? but why?
for one - support the bands you do listen to by donating or buying their merch.
On Wednesday, John Edgar Rust, a 26-year-old white male who is a registered sex offender, was arrested and charged by federal agents for allegedly posting the online threat from a Panera Bread restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia.
you people
bravo to ski mask for bringing the busta shit back
I unironically like tentacion
It's too late. Even a lot of the "redpilled" youth still idolize niggers, nigger culture, and nigger "vocabulary".
>a genre (of music) is defined by outer/exterior looks and other superficial things
American mentality. No wonder everything you produce is garbage.
>White musician can make horribly loud and violent music, burn a church down and kill a person
>Praised and loved by Sup Forums
>Black musician makes music
>Sup Forums thinks it's horrible and degenerate
Lyor Cohen
that is all you need to know
Says faggot using the internet which americans literally invented
>Sup Forums is one person
>the hacker known as Sup Forums loves incompetent guitarist/degenerate edgelord murderer/destroyer of priceless european cultural sites
I think degenerate maybe an understatement.
Metal, then. Have some riffs on me.
even nigs think lil pump is retarded. read the comments on most of his videos.
>Serbian liking nigger music
Why am I not surprised?
hurr duurr we should hold blacks and whites to the same standards
Wow you sure showed me with your argument.
That's the whole point though. You think niggers are retarded, niggers think Lil Pump is retarded, I think Lil Pump is my friend from here on out.
maign ah du cocaign aint paign no gaign fo faigm
Rap is literally trash and feces in audio format, once a I heard a groidlet exit a trash mobile and all I could hear was some absolutely awful sound which only made me think of a dumpster overflowing with week old filth.
Sta je sa Marcelom?
Did you know about Mortal Kombat?
Lil pump ist a nigger though
Metal, rock and rap are degenerate genres.