>get in an argument with someone on Sup Forums
>get so BTFO i close the window and hide the thread
Get in an argument with someone on Sup Forums
>make a really cringy thread on Sup Forums consisting of a series of pictures from a certain show
>no one responds
>feel guilty every time I think about that show and terrible when I post in the threads
>still embarrased even though I'm anonymous
I really hope my guilt goes away before the show's done airing.
btw thanks for the blog thread OP
>get in an argument with someone on Sup Forums
>get BTFO so hard I close the window and hide the thread
>also add it to filter
>arguing over cartoons
This is how pathetic we've become
>see a thread I hate
>hide it in the filter and report it if it breaks the rules
>after 5 minutes open the thread anyway and get butthurt as fuck
>everyone calls you a pathetic retard
>it's the truth
>get in an argument with someone on Sup Forums
>spend 30 minutes thinking of a good ass reply
>he replies in 10 seconds with a smug anime girl
>get in arguments anywhere on this site
>whether I win or get blown the fuck out either way I'm stressed and tired afterwards
It's just not worth it for me.
>You now realize that people you argue with and despise in one thread could be people you get along with and share your waifu or something in another thread
>get in an argument with someone on Sup Forums
>after a certain time I start to feel that I'm clearly losing
>ready to close the thread
>suddenly some user who knows his shit comes and starts arguing with that guy
>in the end we win
>win an argument on Sup Forums
>no feeling of triumph
>just emptiness when its over.
>argument is getting heated
>realized I made a fatal error in my last post
>thread 404s before he could reply
I wish you were dead
>losing argument on Sup Forums
>start spamming /jp/ memes instead
>watch as the other user slowly loses his touch with reality
>get into an argument on Sup Forums
>some guy comes in and pretends to be you
>my post doesn't get a reply and instead he jacks the whole conversation
>losing an argument
>"not that guy but I agree with him"
>i actually am that guy
That used to happen to me a lot when I was new here years ago.
>get in an argument with someone on Sup Forums
>get btfo
>go quiet for 35 minutes
>return to argument pretending to be different user
>btfo again
>go to sleep
That's why I just quickly hide the threads the might spark an argument I'd like to participate in, saves me a lot of time.
what is tripcode you dumb baka
This. It's draining. And you can so rarely say that anything positive actually came of it even if you "won". The idiot will just go back to being an idiot tomorrow.
If you resort to wearing a tripcode you automatically forfeit the argument
Is there any better feeling than this?
>Make a well thought out point in an argument
>Post below starts a Marry/Fuck/Kill chain
>My post is completely ignored whilst Marry/Fuck/Kill is bombarded with replies
>get in argument
>you're right and know it, yet opponent who clearly has no idea what they're talking about is standing their ground spewing nonfactual and misleading information
>get stressed/tired
Everyone knows there's only one way to leave an argument when you know you've lost but don't want to admit it and are still angry.
>you used to be the user that needed backing up
>now you're the user that backs up others
Feels good.
>whip up a tasty piece of OC in photoshop
>no replies
>know someone is probably baiting or just too retarded to respond to
>can't help but reply to them with a serious, thought out argument anyway
I take everything too seriously, I've never trolled or baited anyone in my life so it's hard to imagine other people are just fucking around and won't listen to reason
>go on Sup Forums with Aussie proxy
>someone quietly saved it and uses it later
>they get praised for it
>mfw I finally realized that's why Sup Forums has no argument but only sperging out
>get in an argument
>several people respond telling me I'm wrong
>nobody's helping me out even though I've seen others with my opinion in other threads
T-t-thanks a lot g-guys
USUALLY this is me, but occasionally i'll see something of mine reposted and i know that my job is done
pic related
>get in argument
>after some time get a "you're so fucking retarded holy shit, you don't even understand what I'm saying" kind of reply even though you replied seriously
>get mad/stressed
You're wrong
So long as someone uses my OC I'm happy. I'm not on an anonymous mongolian video board for recognition anyways.
Every single time man, I am just so bad arguing with teenagers.
>in extremely heated argument
>hurtful insults are now being hurled with every sentence from both sides
>find hole in opponent's argument, type up the ultimate reply that will surely break his spirit and show him what a faggot with wrong, terrible opinions he really is
>this thread has been pruned or deleted
>he will forever believe he won the argument because he got the last post in
>get in an arguement on site
>goes on for multiple hours
>begin to notice I am losing
>finally I become mentally exhausted
>in my final reply I just post pic related
>user gets assblasted that I posted anime as reply and says it doesn't belong in the thread let alone the board
>thread is swarmed by smug girls and lost souls pretending Sup Forums isn't an anime site
>taking anons seriously on Sup Forums to the point of being emotionall invested to the topic being discussed
>avoid arguments
>only contributions are poking holes in arguments and injecting snide banter
>if someone replies to me, I don't usually reply back
I'm not trying to ruin the board, I swear. Arguing is just so exhausting.
>in an argument
>realize I'm losing hard
>sinking feeling of butthurt settling in
>turn a complete 180 and reply to my own post pretending to be another user and flame it fucking hard
>feeling of butthurt somewhat alleviated
I fucking hate myself.
sometimes if I'm losing the argument I like to samefag and argue against myself
then I win the argument too
>Almost getting titled over a dumb argument
>Go to sad panda tab
>Jack off
>Forget why I even had the original tab open in the first place and close it
>not getting the last word in by ghost-posting
Of course this can be a pyrrhic victory if a) no one bothers to check the archive, or b) they do check, and the argument is now effectively infinite because you were dumb enough to take it somewhere with no time-limit
>watch anime then pause it for a sec
>go to a thread and see someone replied to me
>argument gets intensive and then i don't feel like watching the anime now anymore and close it
I fucking hate myself
>get in an argument on Sup Forums about something I feel strongly about but don't think many others agree with or care about
>it gets nasty and posts get long
>reaction images stop being posted
>the argument is heating up and keeps bumping the thread
>start getting btfo
>thread is suddenly full of people who have the same opinion as me come rushing to my aid and destroying the other person
>mock him with reaction images
But our self-esteem hinges on whether or not we can win an argument against them!
>get into argument
>other guy is swearing and insulting you literally every other word of his posts
>tell him to calm down and say there's no need to be so upset
>suddenly his next reply contains no swear words or insults and he tries to say you're the mad one
I'm familiar with this feel
>post inflammatory comment and leave thread
>check in an hour or more later and see that people are having a heated argument over it
>reading someone else's argument
>get stressed
>get in argument
>the person start writing walls of text while replying to every sentence/phrase
>close the tab because I clearly know I won't win
>get in a bragging thread
>write a lot of bullshit
>everyone notice it is a lie and make fun of you
>turn off the internet and spend a whole month thinking about how pathetic you are
>come back to Sup Forums and immediately start to think about what your new back story will be
>it happens all again
>it is happening now
>i was ready to being writing about "my life as orphan" in a thread about feels
>someone bumps a thread from last spot on page 10
The classic sudoku. Always makes me feel better to just self-destruct, shit on my own post, and then leave thread.
>get into an argument
>It is actually intelligent, and pretty fun
>Have a lot of passion for the subject
>The other guy does too
>Argue for far too long
>Close the tab after I get tired
I'm sorry, anons I have left hanging.
>two anons are having a long argument
>jump in and point out that one of the user's points is complete bullshit and call him a moron, but don't address any of the main points
>he thinks you're the user he's been arguing with and that you've given up on the argument and are just resorting to ad-hominem
I'm sorry for making you look bad user.
>someone mentions something political
>close the window and hide the thread
>get in argument
>of course it's just part of my master plan and the imaginary person talking to me through the screen is meaningless
Even worse when the thread dies right after your post. Pointless shitposting in circlejerk threads are making this board too fast, interesting threads die after a couple of posts. This discourages people to put some effort into creating content.
On the other hand if you do this on purpose it's fun as fuck.
I feel so bad for being so autistic but compelled to argue every single point brought up when this happens to me.
>get in an argument with a tripfag
>he gets so pissed off at me he tells me to never talk to him again
>get on argument on Sup Forums
>be contrarian just to keep the argument rolling
>don't care about winning or losing
>not trolling either
>I just wanted to talk to someone
>Argument with someone on Sup Forums
>He actually agrees with my views
>Argument was carried on in a civilized manner and without resorting to insults
Feels good to have a decent discussion from time to time here
This thread actually has me laughing at how relatable the shit I'm seeing here
>want to look at anime and memes
>go to Sup Forums
>spoilers to Re:Zero everywhere
I could just ignore them, but it's unavoidable like the plague.
>that tripfag also manages to have a wife and a step-son and you are just sitting here shitposting on a chink imageboard
>reading someone guy's argument
>get offended by the replies he gets as if they were aimed at you
>join the argument
>after some time that guy just stops replying, leaving you alone
>in the end you lose
>ultimate autism argument going on
>thread is past bump limit but you and another guy are determined to keep going until someone gets the last word
>wait until thread is the last one on the board
>make my final reply
>instantly make a new thread on my phone of some random topic I don't actually care about
>victory is mine
>get in argument
>start getting BTFO
>false flag as the opposite viewpoint and act like a complete moron
>get in an argument
>shitflinging goes into maximum overdrive
>finally find the kink in his assertions and drive him down
>the autist still replies to me like a hardheaded bitch despite the fact that I've already dissected his argument
>get tired and just leave the thread
I know one of you motherfuckers are in here. Just accept defeat when it happens. Fuck me.
ive not have any intrest in that since it looks fairly typical but its freaking everywhere now.
Just add Re:Zero and other related words to your filter. That's what I did.
Please die.
>a step-son
Oh god, how terrifying, he is into NTR, right ? there is no other way someone would accept other man's parasite.
>Get into a debate over morality
>don't figure out a retort until the day after
I'll do it tomorrow, jeez
>opponent who clearly has no idea what they're talking about is standing their ground spewing nonfactual and misleading information
This is the worst.
>Get into argument
>Other user is spreading misinformation/spouting shit out of his ass
>Post proof that he's lying
>He stop replying and another user calls him a retard
>play devils advocate with a viewpoint you don't really believe just to keep the thread alive and discussion going
>a ton of people reply and call you stupid
>even though you didn't even believe what you said to begin with, still start feeling upset and like you need to defend yourself
come on manchildren, you don't win shit
>write out long post pointing out all the flaws in a show
>opponent just replies to every point with >opinions
>give an epic comeback that is sure to end the argument
>when i press submit i realize that i made a typo
thread closed instantly
This I'm tired of arguing anymore
>losing an argument badly
>resort to using smug anime girls or pretending to be retarded
>don't figure out a retort until the day after
This is especially bad when you keep thinking about the retort you could have made while trying to sleep.
>arguing with a 2011fag in a nutshell
>you're right
you probably weren't
>Get into argument with a user.
>It ends with Yotsuba being called a whore.
>Mods don't do anything.
It has happened.
>Post obvious bait
>Think that nobody will fall for it
>Get like 5 (you)s
>tfw you've been arguing for hours but the user still doesn't get your point
>tfw you realize the unfortunate barriers of human communication
best not to speak at all tbqh
>come up with an interesting post
>you replied to the wrong person
>go in a thread about an anime I like
>shit on the show and point out its flaws
>droves of anons come in and argue with me
>I slowly lose the argument
>mfw your fellow anons show up to beautifully defend a show you both like with legitimate points highlighting its merits
I'm sorry Sup Forums but sometimes that's the best feeling in the world.
I know this all to well.
I just try to stay away from the arguments now
>unironically taking an argument seriously from this site
>thinking someone is actually logically arguing with you in the first place
>Posting about shit:zero in general
This is the real cancer. Wish I could filter out the pictures too.