Is this the best MC of all times? He actually uses science to beat opponents with much better technology, and he does it so easily, he also takes the most logical decisions.
Is this the best MC of all times? He actually uses science to beat opponents with much better technology...
He's literally me. Intelligent, Nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor.
>sense of humor
Is this the best MC of all times? He actually uses science to beat opponents with much better technology, and he does it so easily, he also takes the most logical decisions.
>leaving the war mid battle to go save your cripple imouto is logical
His mind operates on another level. You just don't understand his brilliance.
Is this the best MC of all times? He actually uses logic and cunning to beat opponents with much better magic, and he does it so easily, he also takes the most logical decisions.
I want to impregnate this MC.
how many episodes have you watched, op?
How about he? Also use science and tactic
The only reason he does anything is to create a better world for his sister. Of course he'd go to save her
Is this the best MC of all time? He's a beater beta tester, so he's able to wield two swords to defeat much stronger opponents, and he does it so easily, he also takes the most logical decisions.
Plus he's not a whiny beta like Shinji; he occasionally cries, but only in really desperate situations. And best of all, he remains faithful to his waifu despite all the other girls throwing themselves at him.
He is literally the MC Sup Forums has been demanding for years.
Can he make batter better butter?
If so, he's a better butter batter beater beta.
Better bet that Belldandy beats that beater beta's butter batter.
his the best MC of all times? He actually uses his life to beat opponents with much better magic, and he does it so easily, he also takes the most logical decisions.
this is wrong on so many levels i truly feel the need to reply
I hope his girlfriend cucks him and gets impregnated by other dudes
Onii-sama is
The would have been better if the eggs were left scrambled
have you never seen a cow?
that's a horse.
Still mad this got axed.
I forgot about that movie.
>Aldnoah Zero/10 was two years ago
And every series he's written since.
>opponents with much better technology
You forgetting he got the bullshit eye hax?
That was literally such a stupid decision to make the eye computer.
Until he became based character and literally confessed for Inaho
What movie is that?
Jim Carrey in The MASK: Pet Detective.
>All this plebeian taste.