Why are the clones so much better than the original?
Why are the clones so much better than the original?
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because the original was a bitch and the clones weren't
But that's not true. The clones are objectively inferior. They're not even real people.
Because they aren't bitches and could win the Touma bowl if they actually tried.
Not really. The sisters pale in comparison to Mikoto's awesomeness and cuteness.
>better than the original
Kek, this mongrel.
10032 a best
If a clone surpasses the original, can the original truly be the best? It's like saying a prototype is better because it came first.
Go be Gilgamesh somewhere else.
I disagree. Misaka is best.
Does she have cool goggles?
19090 is the best
Does he ever actually have any romantic development or am I just expected to get strung along for the entire series with teases and a dumb nigga as MC?
It's a shounen light novel, so the latter.
Second best
There's literally a guy who has a 100+ person harem and he hates them all because its all a ruse to keep him tied down in this story.
Kamachi works because he's having fun with his imagination and he doesn't let plot get in the way of that.
>better than best Raildex character Biribiri
>It's like saying a prototype is better because it came first.
That's how it usually works in Gundam.
It's that that makes them interesting.
They never can beat the original
That's just mc plot armor. Most suits later in the series would destroy the main mecha, but mc plot armor saves it.
If you read Raildex for romance, you're doing it wrong.
This is one of the few series where keeping MC away from girls is beneficial to the story. The appeal of Raildex comes form stupid banter, stupid shenanigans and stupid, over-the-top action. Any serious romance would impede this insanity rollercoaster, and rollercoasters are fun.
Seriously, the fanfic shit shipfags sometimes post here makes me cringe.
is Gilgamesh laughing at himself because as a summoned servant he's a fake as well.
Do they ever?
Seriously, I'm getting pretty fucking sick of Japan doing this exclusively to the series with actually good girls.
not annoying = better
Mean bitch who treats everyone like shit
Sweet princesses who can't emote yet show more love & compassion than any other characters
Mikoto dodged a guy for days and forced her bullying victim to pretend to be her boyfriend in a retarded scheme instead of just saying "I don't like you romantically, please respect my feelings"
To be fair, she legitimately wants her bullying victim's D.
No she doesn't
Touma just offered her someone to emotionally rely on
She was already loner and here comes this guy trying to save her from whatever despite her cynical monologue. Then he saves her again when she's about to an hero.
Touma is a glorified security blanket, not a love interest.
Wut? She was literally squirting over him in her sleep.
I obviously need to catch up on the LNs. When did this happen?
>In the LNs
It was literally before their "penalty game".
Purely a physical reaction
Like when she makes those creepy faces if he's in her clutches
>This delusion
I will have the last laugh deniers.
Nigga she was going full Kuroko on her pillow
>"hehe, now what can I force you to do first..."
Oh, right. That bit. I'd been kinda hoping there were new developments.
Ah, it's okay.
I thought you were
10032 seems like she'd take you around the fucking world if you reciprocated her desire
Original wears shorts to hide her panties.
This is why the clones will always be superior.
Tfw nobody loves Last Order.
Accelerator loves Last Order
Last Order is my favorite.
Accelerator would cry like a bitch if he lost her
Shorts under skirt is hotter. True art agrees.
Artificial body with an artificial heart.
Mikoto's sisters aren't as cute and fun as Mikoto herself. So, not really.
Only one person is allowed to see them
You completely missed the message user.
Misaka leaves nothing to the imagination because she is showing her shorts covering everything.
>no mystery
>just shorts
Search deeper, young one. Misaka have a two-stage attraction. The first is the fantasy of seeing her under her skirt whenever she moves around. The second is seeing the short when it presents itself, but the deeper mystery lie in the wonders underneath the shorts. Letting one's imagination run wild. Is it pure? Is it lewd? What color is it? Having hope of being granted the chance to peak through the gaps at the right angle to witness a miracle. That is the wonders of the universe. It's far more enticing than just seeing vulgar panty that gives fleeting pleasure, but leaves one feeling dirty afterwards.
seeing what's under her*
Finally a man of refined taste for once. God bless you.
Clonefags truly are lesser beings
>imagination run wild
As much as I love Biribiri, we all know that under those short there's only Gekota.
>Best Raildex
First she should try to be best Railgun, as Kuroko and Saten are better than her.
Neither the clones nor original are anywhere as good as Frenda.
>as The Annoying Runt and Filler Queen are better than her
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Saten also got two non-clone cute girls killed. She's irredeemable.
>the clones are better than the original
They're not. They're not worse either.
The whole kuudere robot thing is a popular fetish. Also I love the dead look in their eyes in s2. Mikoto herself is amazing as long as it's not involving Touma.
The sisters are so cute. Can I have a few? There's over 10,000 of them. Why can't I have a few?
If you wanted romance then why the fuck are you reading something with a stereotypical oblivious harem protagonist? This won't end well for you. Go read a shoujo instead.
Worst is the best
Taking a clone is too much of a hassle. That pesky loli will signal everyone and send the flying crippled albino after you if you try.
Well Prototype Gil is better than finished product Gil. So sure.
Won't 10,000 clones of the same girl located in the same city cause a mass inbreeding problem down the line?
They're not going to breed so it's not a problem
WORST is the best clone.
Worst is the worst
Are you guys hyped for another 17 page chapter this month?
You get none.
Her shorts aren't doing any good, you can almost see everything.
ao dai is sexy
It's nice, but I want to see her in something different soon.
Why does she wear shorts instead of spats?
Spats are lewd
They're for semen demons like Mugino
Then it is an original in its own right.
There's less than 10000.
because the clones have emotions
cause you're not me
The clones manage to remain decent characters no matter who they interact with whereas when Mikoto is around Touma, Misaki or Kuroko she's a pile of shit
But she works well with Misaki, and it's Kuroko that shits the bed when she's around Mikoto.
Will-tan is the best and you can't deny it.
Misaka should talk with Will and learn a thing or two from her.
Will-tan is just Aleister's tool.
No she's shit around Misaki too
>the clones are better than the original
No both have their special qualities and every clone is unique and took a trait from Mikoto because they're her DNA sisters. So basically they're all different Mikoto.
Also Mikoto is unique of her own and this comparison is meaningless
Will-chan is a program Aleister installed on the Network so he could hijack it whenever he wants. It'll fuck everyone over mark my words
Railgun spoilers are in, lads.
Fuck off