What is her major malfunction?
What is her major malfunction?
It's a bit fucked if you ask me.
I didn't get this either. Why was she so mad?
fuck off
Because he didn't suck her toes like she wanted
She viewed him as a prideful little shit and expected him to refuse to give up his pride so readily. She was mad that he proved her wrong and things didn't go the way she expected them to. Keep in mind she truly believes that everything goes the way she wants them to.
What were the other two candidates problems?
Literally Hitler thinks Subaru just wants to get revenge on the cult and is using saving Emilia as an excuse. The Jew princess just thinks he's a useful idiot.
How is she like hitler? She just wanted to gain something in return for helping him?
Jew princess? I am so confused.
I'll let other anons answer.
>is using saving Emilia as an excuse
But it's clear he cares for the others just as much, not to mention he fears what Emilia's rat will do to the world.
She's a cunt
He didn't tell her about the murder rat
There was literally nothing wrong with what either of them did. In fact purple jew even went so far as to give him good advise after using him for a little while.
She's known Subaru for a few days at most.She doesn't know what his true intentions are but not only that, if he's telling the truth then in her view, he must have some connection with the cult to know what their plans are which is why she suggests he might just be a member. If he's not telling the truth, then he's just a raving madman which is also very likely considering the show he put on at during the ceremony.
She found him to be amusing when he met her mainly because he talked to her so casually. He wasn't scared to speak his mind and so he was foolish but cutely admirable in his devotion.
All that was stripped away when he threw away everything to lick her boot. Remember Priscilla enjoys seeing things going as planned and she also enjoy characters. Subaru going against that and being a dog like that annoyed her because not only did it go against her prediction but also her idealistic idea of Subaru the person.
>which is why she suggests he might just be a member
Only a sort of mental gymnastics can lead one to this conclusion.
I think the biggest problem is that he doesn't even try to explain how he knows in at least some elaborate way. Obviously him trying to say what his 'power' is won't work but surely being very subtle and inferring what his circumstances are will work, right?
>Only a sort of mental gymnastics can lead one to this conclusion.
Not really, how else would he know what the cult is up to when literally no one outside the cult can even track them down? The best explanation he can probably come up with is without getting shadow hand raped is "I had a vision of the future." This still cements him as a raving madman.
Welcome to the internet newfag
She worships Pride.
She enjoyed seeing Subaru act prideful while being both a dumbass and a weakass.
However, when Subaru threw away all his pride, it pissed her off because now Subaru is a dumbass and weakass with no pride.
His power is sapient and malicious. He felt that. He also knows it is listening to him. He doesn't even want to toe that line.
>filthy peasant attempts to save you from thugs
>filthy peasant dances for you in the court after you brought him with you
>filthy peasant comes to you for a favor
>gives up all his amusing traits instantly when salvation is dangled in front of him like a pig
>disgusting and unamusing
Let's face it Sup Forums, you could never understand a lady of her stature and position. Subaru is her toy and he ruined himself in front of her.
Why is every candidate either a complete fucking retard or an unlikable cunt?
Probably the same reason why people at my company always move out of the way of the heads of my company and don't speak to them unless spoken to.
She is just a bitch.
I really want to see the queen candidates get tortured by Betelguese. I want to see Priscilla play hardcore fantasy Twister really badly, and I want to see the Jew loli get sent to the oven like the filthy fucking rat she is. Last of all, I want Krusch assassinated like the evil, emotionless, manipulative bitch of a dictator she wants to be. Felt is just normal trashy riffraff and shouldn't even be there. Emilia dindu nuffin, she's just your average Bernie supporter, her heart's in the right place.
Who was that thing that cut his head?
Geez man, the "literally Hitler" character is the green haired, royalty candidate Crusch. She's a militarized ruler who is pretty much a dictator.
The Jew princess/loli is the little girl with violet hair and a winter coat is another royalty candidate who emphasizes money and power. For future reference, "Toyota", "Mitsubishi", "Honda", and "Nissan" are all referencing the main character: Subaru.
Did she think any sane man WOULDNT lick her foot? WTF is wrong with her?