>"You have no blessings or techniques. I'd hoped I could squeeze wisdom out of you, but you lack that too."
>"Shut up! I do have my pride!"
When will Subaru become an archbishop?
>"You have no blessings or techniques. I'd hoped I could squeeze wisdom out of you, but you lack that too."
>"Shut up! I do have my pride!"
When will Subaru become an archbishop?
Other urls found in this thread:
when will Subaru stop being a pathetic piece of shit
when will I stop being worthless shit
anyone wanna have a suicide pact?
Is it even possible to make Elsa join Subaru's harem ?
>You have no blessings or techniques. I'd hoped I could squeeze wisdom out of you, but you lack that too
Sum up Subaru so far.
Useless piece of shit.
I have no idea why people like him.
Pig Ending.
Well, I know why Rem likes him though. The only good thing he's done is saving her and her sister.
Other than that he's been shit.
Subaru is useless self insertion. Let's face it. If you was him you'd be a useless fuck too.
Because he represent Sup Forums very well.
What harem?
>Subaru is useless self insertion
Because when I self insert into a story, I want to be a miserable weakling who gets butchered every 10 minutes.
if you can die all cool and shit and fight people 100x stronger than you and still win then maybe?
He gits gud anyways
He is a victim, sometimes of his mistakes, sometimes of things greatest than him.
Let me guess, you're sure to be superior, smarter and more clever than him?
Most people would do better in Subaru's position.
I know i would.
You're looking at it from a detached, top down view.
You know it's fiction so you don't care about a fictional death in a fictional story because you know your fictional character will respawn.
A character in that story doesn't have the luxury of knowing they're fictional characters in a fictional world. They're being written as if they're real people in a real world experiencing real things, and real people are averse to the idea of dying, especially considering how painful it is.
Of course, I'm not saying one way or another whether Re:Zero manages to accomplish said reality well, but that's the author's intent.
What am I getting into here?
Can we fkk first
Faggot, there are things like the demon dogs that are objectively impossible to predict or psycho attitudes of Rem. Many of you believe that could survive without going to look for the Emilia vagina, but Emilia is probably a target imposed by Satella. Subaru is an unlikable character and I can understand that, but when I read about all of you idiots that you think you are Kirito, it's hilarious.
Are you like twelve?
>He gits gud anyways
He's not even Rem-tier.
Well Rem is quite strong.
Why do people like you repeat kirito like a fucking mantra, as if there's no middle ground?
I am assuming i'd go help emilia in this case.
So what if you couldn't fucking predict those things, that's what return by death is for.
He would never even have been killed by Rem if he didn't act super suspicious in that loop, which is something pretty obvious you'd want to avoid if you're living with a pretender to the throne.
Finding out about the dogs wasn't fucking hard at all, he just had to spend 5 minutes asking obvious questions about the curse.
Either way i wouldn't be in any fucking hurry to solve the second loop considering you could die painlessly in your sleep and spend time learning magic and as much as possible about the world.
Not compared to any of the relevant villains. Let's look at when he's fighting shaman puppy. He was completely outclassed. Now I'm sure he gets stronger, but now he has Beetlejuice, who's leagues stronger than that puppy. He turned Rem into a pile of shattered bone with apparent ease. We're back at square one. The gap is still there and just as wide.
Powering up a character is meaningless when they're always shit-tier compared to the current threats.
I don't even know what form of "faggot" insult I should throw at you.
yeah, thats why people like the show. It makes fantasy dangerous again.
If a ant goes up to rat level thats one hell of an ant.
>power up is meaningless
Subaru's main ability Return by Death is the one that forces the plot forward. He'd just be Deadbaru without it.
If anything, it makes him completely unbeatable and invincible. So thats why the author needs to take away the side characters and make them 'very happy' to compensate because if the MC dies for good the story suffers too much.
Subaru has done NOTHING particularly hard.
except die and see those he loves sacrifice everything for him that he will forever remember to the point where he becomes a master plushie maker
That's not fucking hard, that's just something that happened to him.
If you're talking about dealing with it, well he already deals with it pretty badly himself, i don't think most people would be worse off.
Subaru has infinite auto resest nobody in the story can defeat him, literally and confirmed by the author.
You'd have died the moment you had to fight the shaman dog, dumbass. Don't tell yourself you're a fearless supersoldier.
>I totally could've survived against the disembowler even with 5 tries! That shit's easy!
>I totally would've succeeded in removing Ram's horn guys, trust me I'm a great swordsman!
>I definitely could buy time against a demonic hound bigger than a bear!
>I definitely wouldn't cave in, cry, and give up after dying repeatedly, seeing others get massacred repeatedly, unable to even talk to anyone about it!
You have a ludicrously high opinion of yourself.
He is a good MC exactly because he is not another OP MC with hidden Godlike powers that will save him from any fight.
And I guess people forget that he came from the real world to a fantasy dimension so it makes sense that he doesnt know shit about anything.
Though his obsession with helping people even though he is the one who needs the most help is pretty stupid.
The one thing about Re:Zero threads that I actually find amusing is all the probably-underage wannabe tough-guys who pretend like they won't have an emotional breakdown after dying a few times, from which they never recover.
why does everyone hate him? actually worse than 8man
8man is a hero
>Why doesn't he just kill himself
>Why isn't he min-maxing his abilities?
>Why isn't he going balls of steel and exploring different possibilities?
Except Subaru did all of that shit in an AU
Emilia got mind-broken and full yandere with Subaru viewing her as nothing but a doll
Ram hates him because he technically "killed" her sister Rem
Rem is as good as dead
Beatrice is in such a sorry state that she can't even take a step without mentally breaking down
Elsa became his secret agent causing more harm than good
Reinhardt HATES him
Rosewaal is doing more atrocious shit than before
Subaru ends up being a hollow shell that kills himself because you asked how the weather is like
This is what happens you shrews.
>rem AU
Nigger please.
all you need is kill amirite
That's not the Rem AU
The Rem AU are the chapters
>Rem Natsuki
>Oni and Happiness
>Fortune Roll Rhapsody
>Rigel Natsuki
Fite me.
>Why isn't he min-maxing his abilities?
I always thought people were retarded for saying this in the first place, especially when they reference Edge of Tomorrow.
>Why doesn't he just keep training in swordsmanship like Tom Cruise did with his combat skills?
Subaru's using his physical body. No matter how much he trains, even if his technique is great, he'll never progress physically. Any muscle gain/muscle memory would be negated when he dies. Tom Cruise was practicing fighting in a suit. He didn't need to worry about physicality.
>Why doesn't he max his magic?
Exact same reason. His gate is shit, repeating time won't improve it. He can't increase his mana bar or level up to get new spells.
The only thing Subaru could improve with his RbD is pure sword technique, without any of the necessary muscles and nerve connections to make that skill useful. Subaru can't power up with RbD no matter what he does.
You realize you don't have to follow in Subaru's footsteps right? It'd be pretty easy to avoid going to the loot house and the dark alley after the first time. Subaru just loves brute-forcing his way through the wall instead of going around it.
Dumbasses always tell themselves they'd be a better hero than the hero they're watching whenever he's even remotely realistic.
Let me break this to you: The moment you were disembowled the first time, the moment you rez you'd probably curl up in a corner clinging your stomach to hold in organs you're imagining are still falling out. You're not a super tough badass leagues smarter than Subaru that could easily breeze through this show's plot.
You're a fucking weaboo that'd just fail in different ways. What's with this show and rising people's egos?
he's literally another OP MC with hidden godlike powers that will save him from any fight, just because he doesn't outright win doesn't mean he's not broken, he can try again for millenia until he gets it right, that's as strong a power as it gets
No matter how many times you post that dumbasses will always ignore it.
>, he can try again for millenia until he gets it right, that's as strong a power as it gets
>implying you wouldn't go insane from getting murdered hundreds of times over and over again
Not him, but can you name an example of a self-insert character that is neither extreme? Neither Gary Stu nor useless NEET?
Anyone care to elaborate? How does Subaru starting a suicidal training montage lead to THAT?
>muscle memory
You know that's not actually a thing, right? Since his long-term memory is being transferred upon death, I think it's a fair assumption to make that motor control is transferred too.
>not canon, confirmed directly by author
So, it isn't what would happen in the canon universe. It's what would happen in the AU which isn't canon.
>the character vary WILDLY from the main plot
Confirmed that it isn't the same characters either.
So, why doesn't canonSubaru grind in the canon universe?
what the fuck was his problem?
I'm talking about his accent btw
>So, why doesn't canonSubaru grind in the canon universe?
Why does everyone keep acting like repeated suicide would be easy and painless?
you're bound to get use to it,
>walk into an alley
>this guy slaps your ass
Do you hear yourself?
The reason it isn't canon is because its a AU if what would happen if he did do everything that has been listed
>Why doesn't he just kill himself
>Why isn't he min-maxing his abilities?
>Why isn't he going balls of steel and exploring different possibilities?
>Confirmed that it isn't the same characters either.
They are WILDLY different because of the things above. Have you not heard of the butterfly effect you shitter?
Do I not even have a choice of what do? I just accept my fate?
The irony is that the main reason he's such a pathetic piece of shit is because of his hurt pride. Every time someone points out how much he sucks, he loses his mind, like a kid who can't stand being wrong.
His pride causes his Lust for Emilia's approval.
His pride causes his Gluttony to be a hero.
His pride causes his Greed which Anastasia used against him.
His pride causes his Sloth for failing to save Rem.
His pride causes his Wrath against everyone that stands in his way.
Truly, Pride is the source of all sins.
Read the chapter
Do you know what a fucking IF chapter is? Its what would happen IF canon Subaru did all of the shit you suggested.
now that you mention it, didn't someone asked him if he was "pride"?
No, you're really, really not. I can't even imagine you'll never be able to shrug off the feeling of your body shattering and splattering against stone from a cliff jump, the cold feeling of bleeding to death if he slit his wrists, etc.
It's not like I can speak from experience, but I just can't believe you're "bound to get used to" dying or killing yourself.
This board is for anime and manga, not fan fiction discussion. Even if it's by the same author, the story has a foreword that specifically states "this is a fiction of the main piece and isn't to be taken seriously."
Clearly not, since it's stated that the characters are different from the beginning.
He can revive at a certain point in time. How is that winning a fight?
He will still die no matter how many times he fight.
Its like a sandbag that gets punched till the sand comes out and gets refilled again for another session.
Subaru is as OP as Wile Coyote.
Subaru becomes so OP that he had to kill and fend off Reinhardt like, 20 times before forcing him to join his party. Due to Felt leaving the royal candidacy to support Subaru. The fallout was not pleasant.
Obviously I can't read moon.
Im sure at some point you get use to it and if not then at some point you have to go "It's time to step up" and tough it out
>then at some point you have to go "It's time to step up" and tough it out
Why does everyone keep acting like repeated suicide would be easy and painless?
>Subaru becomes so OP that he had to kill and fend off Reinhardt like, 20 times
Literally how? In the other thread all those blessings he has makes him pretty much invincible if you're not a reality warper.
fuck off normalfag
You get used to the pain, though. Haven't you gone to a dentist before?
>Clearly not, since it's stated that the characters are different from the beginning.
Obviously they would be very different especially Subaru. As it would completely go against his character to min-max and explore all possibilities and do repeated suicides.
They would all be different character from day one if SUbaru was also different from day one.
Isn't it obvious?
You use Felt.
Then you finish him off.
>Haven't you gone to a dentist before?
Yeah, and it's never involved falling off a cliff. What kind of fuckstupid analogy is that?
Would you rather die a meaningless death every time or at least learn something?
>Would you rather die a meaningless death every time or at least learn something?
He learns critical information about future events, the world, and others every time he dies. That's far more useful than swordfighting. If the real question is
>Why doesn't Subaru abuse RbD to win at everything
Then the way he's using it is far more effective. Prophet powers >>>>>>>> how well you can fight.
Oh, now I see the sins that Subaru possesses:
The swelling emotions, the overflowing affection only made unstoppable sins start arising to the surface.
――The Sloth, of not being able to wipe her tears.
――The Lust, of wanting to melt together and become one.
――The Gluttony, of wanting to devour and snatch away at everything around her.
――The Greed, of wanting to love, demand and obtain everything.
――The Pride, of wanting to radicalize everything other than her.
――And the Wrath, towards the world that would not allow him that.
A little poetic here, aren't we, author?
>falling off a cliff
Which is less painful and quicker than going to a dentist which you have to do repeatedly to keep your dental health.
If you can go to the dentist, then you can kill yourself.
>If you can go to the dentist, then you can kill yourself.
Why is this sentence so funny?
>less painful
I think the .1 seconds of pain you'd feel hitting the ground would be worse than 10 minutes of someone drilling a tooth.
That is assuming your brain is fast enough to transmit that pain before you die, however. I honestly don't know.
Forced contract with Beatrice. Witch fuckery, hostage abusing, constant respawning, random checkpoint system.
>If you can go to the dentist, then you can kill yourself.
>Forced contract with Beatrice
Of all his allies, how could he mistreat Beako?
You can always fall head first.
There's a number of things wrong with this post, but one of the funnier ones is that there are a LOT of adults who can't go to the dentist out of fear.
>It is estimated that as many as 75% of US adults experience some degree of dental fear, from mild to severe.[2][3][4] Approximately 5 to 10 percent of U.S. adults are considered to experience dental phobia; that is, they are so fearful of receiving dental treatment that they avoid dental care at all costs.[5]
Because this version of Subaru doesn't have feelings or empathy.
I'm pretty sure anyone would get used to seeing their own bowels falling out of their stomachs and dying after a few respawns. When you can cheat death, there's no way you don't start fearing it less.
Ok, say for example he has quite a bit of knowledge regarding the future. What then? Ask for help? Repel it himself?
> Ask for help?
No, speaking currently is a madman who cant reason.
>but he asked the merchants to help him user.
there is 1%(at best) he will even make it out alive.
> how to fix?
Either someone needs to say something to him or he just needs to die a couple more time to get his head straight
> Repel it himself?
I'd also like to point out that these are people who are willing to endure excruciating amounts of chronic, continuous pain, to avoid the imagined pain of visiting a dentist out of psychological trauma.
If a dentist drilling your teeth can cause that kind of PTSD, dying a few times would make most people drooling vegetables.
There are people who don't believe they'd do better than Subaru?
>There are people who don't believe they'd do better than Subaru?
Yeah, people that aren't fucking retards desperate to self-insert and tell themselves they'd be perfect for the hero position. 99.9% of anons would do just as badly as him, or worse.
But then there are idiots that think they're fucking Chuck Norris combined with Einstein.
>all these people thinking they could do better than Subaru when they can't even succeed in getting a career or a gf
To every user saying
>I'd do better in the MC position
congrats, you're just as guilty of his "I have to be MC!!!" bullshit that gets him constantly fucked over.
>everyone is as mentally unstable as subaru
I get where you are coming from, but you have to realize subaru is an especially flawed individual and most others would probably do better.
This is assuming they are more well adjusted individuals and actually graduated HS
>all these retarded anons saying shit like
>atleast he's not an OP Gary Stu and yadayada
It's like you fucking retards have never come across those semi competent MC's or those that fuck up sometimes and eventually get it over with.
Subaru is the literal opposite of a Gary stu in a bad way as he just fucks up and then fucks up again. This is just annoying to watch just as if he were an annoying gary stu that solved everything.
Holy shit, you faggots are so deluded it's just hilarious. I get we all have our hero fantasies, but I'm not retarded enough to say that I'd make a good one. You are
A) an unrealistic egoist
B) a massive retard
If you actually think you'd make a better Subaru. The end.
Have we been watching the same show? Yes, he fucks up repeatedly, but that's the whole point of his power. We've currently got 2 major arcs completed so far, and he was crucial in the happy resolution of both. We're in the middle of the 3rd, of course he's riding the failtrain.
user, you are giving him way too much fucking credit. He had to be gored about 5 times before he finally realized he could come back.
He acts like an asshole and launches himself into situations where he'd be fucking killed; he lacks alot of fucking common sense.
He doesn't realize his fucking bounds, this is why he keeps getting killed.
He has attachment issues and a sense of duty to people he hasn't known for a month.
He's insecure as fuck.
He's self-hating like fuck.
Let's be honest, you cannot expect a non-mentally ill user to go in and be as fucked up as him.
The whole reason he's despairing is because he feels helpless and blames his self instead of recognizing he's in a fucked up environment and trying to get gud.
Also because he's impulsive he fucks up his gate etc.
He's a tragic character with tragic flaws
He's meant to be more flawed than a normal person
He's going to continue failing and failing no matter what and he's becoming broken because of it.
This is just torture porn at this rate.
>literally has jackie chan "i want no trabr" table fighting skills
>doing better
>"Then I'll squeeze that pride out of you. Every. last. drop."
And that's how doujins are born. It's not that difficult if you try.
>user, you are giving him way too much fucking credit
And you and other anons are pathetically deluded. I never said he's perfect, not even that he's especially good. I just said none of us are much better. And you're a fucking idiot if you think differently. Anons,
You. Are. Not. Action. Heroes. Get the fuck over it. You'd probably cry and give up by this point in the story.
But most people would do better, not many would give a shit about Emilia in the first place.