Post them.
Post them
just seasonal shit + School Rumble.
>deleted mpc for mpv
Who else /mpv/ here?
mpv on windows is good?
just finishing up my rewatch of the series
almost fell for your b8 there.
Put too much into that bait.
To be honest lad, you can't be certain that this is bait nowadays.
>no gay sex with hats on
worst combination in history
>mpc has been the standard on Sup Forums for a long fucking time now
>worst combination in history
Why the fuck do you people download anime when you can watch everything on kissanime without downloading?
stop trying to fit in newfag
it was always mpc-hc + lav filters
>using a closed standard instead of a open standard
>stop trying to fit in newfag
Nice try but MPC and lav filters are expected.
PotPlayer over MPC-HC everyday. To hell with muh free software.
Picrelated, Accel world sucks and Akatsuki no Yona is boring.
>trying to correct his shit with to be expected
>using a it the year 2016 bs excuse
>when talking about MPC you talk about MPC with lav filters
You want me to make it more obvious?
>all ravens are black birds
>so when i talk about black birds i'm talking about ravens!
do you save your recent every time the list is full? i didn't know you could get it this big and i've watched more than that this week
No, when talking about MPC on Sup Forums you expect to be talking about MPC and lav filters. I don't know why you have to spin shit around.
>muh linux cause micro spy on us
>muh tinfoilhat
Just random seasonal stuff.
>ignore prism
>ignore snowmen
>ignore stellar wind
>ignore trailblazer
>just repeat you should not have worries about government or surveillance if he/she has "nothing to hide.
I have nothing to hide.
Why the fuck do you people compromise your viewing experience for an inconsequential convenience?
I mostly watch anime on my phone these days because my laptop is a piece of shit toaster that overheats way too often when I'm playing 1080p anime.
I'm procrastinating on the new shows this season, have a bunch of them downloaded by haven't watched much of them. Been rewatching some LoGH and Death Note instead.
you dont have anything to say so you should not care about freedom of speech then fag
>nobody else is watching Regalia
>Top Gear
>The Apprentice
>no regular anime except Yugioh
You act like downloading anime takes any kind of effort. You set up the automated rules at the start of the season and your client just grabs them for you as soon as they're uploaded. Better quality, easy screen caps, and since I like to make webms having a copy of the file I can actually edit is useful.
Also streamfags don't even realize they're also downloading the file when they stream, just a shittier version of it they can't do anything with except watch through their browser.
It's on my to-do list. Motivate me to start it.
I've been having a really tough week at uni. I'll start the new season tonight, I promise!
I use shanaproject which avoids me even having to add download rules or anything. Just click the shows you want updated and you'll have every episode. There are a few it doesn't detect, like 12-sai last season, but it's comfy enough I don't mind.
>he doesn't hoard anime
>he doesn't share anime with his friends
>he doesn't have friends
He was quite clearly joking, my sweet autist
I prefer using Nyaa because they let you customize the RSS feeds as much as you want. The way I've done it for a while now is subscribing to uploader feeds rather than show feeds, so I can make rules for shows and then just apply them to whatever uploader feeds are relevant. Great for when I want to compare releases or if I need to mux raws with subs from an uploader, like senketsu did for a while with some funi rips.
Maybe Funi will fix the shitty frame rate in the fights so it can be enjoyed properly.
you guys told me it was shit
you lied
well some parts were cringy but that's it
That's a cute loli. Also the card thing is interesting. Alright I'll watch this starting tomorrow. I'm putting it on my calendar and everything.
Merchant version is fine.
It's basically loli yuri incest with 2d mechas.
How bad is the funi version? cause those AT-X raws look sexy as hell. Downloading Merchant's releases but you can't count on fansubbers to be regular anymore. Doremi only released the last episode of 12-sai a couple days ago.
People say it's pretty bad but I mean the show still looks really good regardless. Probably the best 2d mecha animation I've seen since fucking Unicorn.
Well as long as there's no egregious censorship or horrible frame dropping I won't mind using it as a backup then.
There's no censorship. The colors are a bit off. Not sure how to describe it other than the funi version looks washed out. I have not noticed frame drops myself.
The colors thing is typical of Funi, if it's bad enough I know how to improve it with my filters.
Just ran ccleaner so have this instead.
Got way too many stuff in my backlog
Well it's mostly the color thing. Other anons were saying some of the sound in episode 1 was fucked up but I haven't watched the raws to compare, sound seemed fine to me.
Maybe if you are looking for frame drops then you will find some, I was just enjoying the episodes and nothing really stood out.
Take a guess what i just finished marathoning.
I really fucking enjoyed this series. I'm actually suffering a mild depression because i don't know what to watch next.
>listening to Sup Forums about anything
it's a good anime, i'm glad you enjoyed it.
Seriously there is literally nothing wrong with VLC
Seasonal shit and some backlog as usual.
>linux player
>on windows
This level of baiting is art. This should be in a museum.
ITT: The total neckbeards circle jerk about what they're going to watch because no one cares but them.
So much talk about anime going on in here. Oh, i'm sorry, did I interrupt your mutual masturbation thread?
sorry, i dont have any (you)s to spare
What have you recently watched user?
>not having the dub in your bait
I made the mistake of not watching Sabagebu with Sup Forums while it was airing
fuck off Sup Forums
And I delete them afterward.
All seasonal.
>The Apprentice
my nigger