They made an obvious political statement to make less intelligent conservatives look like Nazis. They used Trump's slogan to virtue signal republicucks into looking worse than they are.
How do we get them back? Inb4 don't buy game, duh
They made an obvious political statement to make less intelligent conservatives look like Nazis. They used Trump's slogan to virtue signal republicucks into looking worse than they are.
How do we get them back? Inb4 don't buy game, duh
>universal bad guys
Can someone post the WW2 foundation story explanation? I don't have it
fuck i like fallout also,guess i wont be buying fallout 5
After Fallout 4 and creation club you shouldn't be buying any future Fallout games, or TES. Or any Bethesda games. Or 99% of modern games released for that matter.
Wow, that's pretty based. I'm pre-ordering it now.
Fallout 4 was absolute trash compared to New Vegas and 3 anyway
The text reads like the Democrat's planning session after they got BTFO by the citizens of America in the election.
Hmm what does everybody hate? I know, Nazis! The universal bad guy! What if... Trump... equals... Nazi?!
Call CNN we've got a plan!
They are made by different teams. Just don't buy Wolfenstein or any game made by that team.
Who can bare the excitement for all the Trump inspired and extremely hack writing, dialogue, and characters, to be forced into every piece of entertainment media for the next 100 years?
the word nazi has completely lost its meaning to me, just like nigger. it's almost like when you take a word and try to empower it, you do the opposite.
I don't give a fuck anymore. video games are for children anyway. won't be buying.
Will this game feature the possibility of stealth, so you can win without killing any of the Trump supporters?
This. Vidya got jewed.
This is also very true, I haven't met one person who was disappointed by fallout 4
For games after 2010, only based Cupepe is worth it.
When people call you a nazi every day all day naturally you are gonna get a little pissed when people talk about killing nazis.
It's because they use it for everything. Not being ANTIFA is now being a Nazis, and that's the whole point. If you call yourself antifacists you strawman anybody not on your side into being Nazis, literally creating more Nazis.
Yeah they didn't think that through much.
Kinda reminds me of how the average Sup Forumstard accuses everyone that is even slightly to the left of them of being a commie. But it's ok when Sup Forums does it.
>when you're trolling is so weak, you cant 1 post and abandon thread
bethesa has been shit since fallout 3
>inb4 muh skyrim
suck a dick
>new vegas
>made by bethesda
they've been shit for nearly a decade now, it's no surprise.
Where's the pic of that commie character that looked to have AIDS? Was that real?
When did killing Nazis become a controversial topic?
Is saving private Ryan a controversial film now?
There you go desu sempai
have the CEO deleted for being a terrorist enabling kike who was removed from banking entirely for using the largest bank in the world to facilitate loans to known terrorist organizations in the years immediately leading up to 911
Why do people need these fantasy games? Project cars 2 is the only game worth buying
bethesda retweeted that message from the developer tho. get ready for a progressive TES6
Since everyone on the right started being called nazi. Left are not very intelligent, nor is antifa. We haven't many enemies? No problem! We will create them!
Just pirate it and give a shitty rating.
It's not rocket science.
dumbcunt leftists started using nazi as a cop-out insult for every-fucking-thing they don't agree with. you think people haven't realised this or something?
imagine public opinion changing over time, what a crazy concept ay gommie
Don't give the faggot yous
that waist and those hips.
I never really got into war movies. I never understood the boomercuck fascination with them.
When supporting police makes you a Nazis, I now feel threatened since I get called Nazi all the time just for not wanting complete Anarchy or Clinton control
Buy the game goy
Post again with higher quality pls user
yeah, the marketing sucks. who really cares though.
>The Transborn will save the world from the newly made deadra god "Trump-deru"
False sense of pride provided by parents actions, like everything they do
The Nazi epithet is thrown around pretty carelessly nowadays, many libtards are convinced, that Trump and his supporters are Nazis and the "Make America Nazi free again" slogan clearly echoes this idea.
They label anyone that is centrist or above a Nazi. That is the problem. Not the fucking Nazis who were destroyed 75 years ago.
Thank you for your free games comrade Bethesda!
why should anyone care about Marxism
>Why is my family being rounded up because my cousin is a police officer?
>Why am I in a gulag?
>Why did I get worked to death?
>Why does no one care about what happened to me?
Just stick to Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas. Anything that the original creators didn't have a hand in turns to shit. It's a testament to how bad things are at Bethesda when Obsidian made New Vegas in 1 1/2 years while Bethesda had 4 years to Make Fallout 4. You can even tell how butt-hurt Bethesda is at being upstaged by them not allowing development of official New Vegas patches.
The people you are shooting in Wolfenstein are clearly Nazis who occupied the US, using Trumps slogan if anything implies that killing occupying soldiers makes America a better place. The Wehrmacht soldiers in saving private Ryan aren't even really Nazis, they are mostly draftees who didn't really have the choice to not go to war.
But do rightwingers now identify with the Swastika flag because retarded SJWs called their anti abortion stance Nazism?
I'd assume that people wouldn't give a fuck about being called a Nazi by retards, heck even I get called a Nazi, I just move on and don't give a fuck.
Personally I only call people who like the Swastika flag and say Hitler was a gud guy Nazis, because overusing the term Nazi is really dumb.
You know what I really love? Shitty "clever" political statements ham fisted into my fantasy. What happened to the old Wolfenstien? It was fun and didn't take itself seriously unlike this tripe.
>take itself seriously
>this tripe
you can't be serious. just ignore the marketing.
i liked it at first, but after the main story, it becomes unplayable with nothing left to do, even with mods
So glad bethesda gave up on elder scrolls so I don't have to give them money anymore.
Before, they really were generic enemies because that's how everyone viewed them. Nowadays people either don't care, or want to use them to portray real people and signal their deaths. One camp simply would not make a Wolfenstein game, so we will only get the other.
By this point, everyone knows that "Nazi" just means a Christian or a white person. The undertones are massacring Americans to replace them with transsexual mestizos. Again, if this wasn't their intention they would not have made this game. The "generic enemy" of today is terrorists or Russia. The purpose of this game is so that they can point back to their portrayal of us and say "look at how STUPID and EVIL you are in this game we made!"
Killing Hitler in the original games was not a deep political message and it definitely wasn't a current event. You were fighting the standard enemy portrayed in a silly way, and you were a cool guy for doing it. There was no symbolism in fighting Hitler's head mounted on a mech, but there was also no setting or realism, and not much of a story. The new Wolfenstein is the video game equivalent of J.K. Rowling screeching on Twitter about how Harry Potter is her political treatise and definitively proves that everyone who disagrees with her is Voldemort.
to be honest blazkowitch in the trailer seemed to tell this guy to fuck off
When it stopped being about the horrors of war and started getting some sort of sick moral high out of the deaths of others. Most German soldiers were just that, soldiers fighting for their country and weren't Nazis.
>Conflate a center right politician's campaign slogan with Nazis
>Claim that anyone who tries to point out your bullshit is a Nazi
>People eat it up
ITT triggered trump fanboys
>Downloading any single player games
You know you can download them all for free, right? Or are you one of those goys that think IP isn't a kike scam?
Don't they have a fat German fucking a nigger in their trailer too?
It's controversial, because removed from the context of an unreleased game, and citing a Trump slogan, the implication is that the half of America who support Trump are Nazis and should be killed.
>still buying video games
When leftists declared all straight white males who aren't comminists or Muslims are Nazis.
Back when killing Nazis was limited to Nazis and not "Nazis" it wasn't such a big deal.
>not playing grand strategy games
Too bad paradox went full retard though
Its the aspect of dehumanising the enemy that doesn't work in this day and age. It just comes across as incredibly hokey.
I'm guessing you meant "wasn't" but yes, my expectations were actually quite low (been onto Bethesda's laziness for a while now), and somehow the game was even worse than my already low expectations. Shit company.
I'm just pirating all their shit, make balance sheets red again
The amusing result of course, is rather than normies changing their opinions to avoid being called Nazis, they simply begin to think "well, I'm not a bad guy, and now I'm a I guess Nazis weren't all bad..."
This is going to backfire in their face harder then a fucking anti tank rifle.
wrong. It works
>Literal Commie
>Muh Resistance meme
What a disaster.
I’m buying the game
>self-taught intellectual
>influenced by the works of Karl Marx
>while not a priest, Horton wears the signature cloth anyway
Really makes me think
don't be so sure. Bethesda is a major publisher and this is their business.
Hey now, let's not be hasty
They chant it's okay to punch/kill "racists" then make article after article and video after video saying all whites are racists. It's obvious they want us dead. Imagine calling for a genocide of 900 million people and then being so cowardly you have to hide your intentions by made up Jewish magic words
>getting offended when called a nazi
Burgers are truly retarded and trumpflakes are truly the worst
Does it? In the last game they had to make us hate the nazis by having them do completely ridiculous shit like forcing you to choose between your two squad mates, the ridiculously over the top prison level, and what's his face the former nazi resistance member with the retarded brother. And then we're supposed to be cheering for BJ when he uses a chainsaw on a tied up officer?
>buy game
gamers are dead, mysisgonists sexist racist, 10 reasons why white people are the devil, you need to pay respiration, trust me (((fellow whites))) you are evil. same reason why people are desensitized to torture porn like saw and hostel tripe. too much crap that doesn't matter no long sticks when they are throwing it all time
just torrent the game. lol
When Hollywood Jews decided to fetishize it. They dehumanized NSDAP voters, then all Germans, then all whites in general. I do not feel animosity towards Nazi Germans any more because of this "kill them all" mentality and where it came from. If anything, this constant bombardment of propaganda has made me sympathetic to them.
Meanwhile communists killed more people than the Nazis did by a factor of 2.5 and they're not regarded as the ultimate evil of the world. Why? Well, because Jews invented and pushed communism.
blazkowitch is too much of a lover of the good old american lifestyle to let that commie shit take over the US
Well, 99,9% of the left doesn't think like you.
>Jews decided to fetishize it
Jews love the nazi cock
get out
>the universal bad guys
What a comfortable and simplistic worldview these people have. Must be nice.
I've always wondered why nobody made a video walking up to protesters with signs saying things like that and first asking "Are all whites racist?" then follow up by asking if they want to kill all whites.
Some of you faggots get triggered just as hard as sjws. The moment something is said that you don't agree with 100% you overreact like it's the end of the world. It's fucking pathetic
who gives a shit? don't play it,
About the time loving your country and not wanting it to become the third world was enough to be called Nazies. And just if you are to dense to understand people who voted for Trump = Nazies.
mutations that have turned redguards into functional members of society
hundreds of millions of white children are skull fucked with this type of media every year.
The, 'don't consume' meme is not relevant. You don't get supervision of your children 24/7.
"Just ignore them, goy" is how we got into this situation to begin with. This sleep-walking into oblivion must stop.
I know how Wolfenstein games are but really? I understand companies pander to the left but come on. Why can't we have resistance fighters who are stoked on the founding fathers or a Constitution boner.
I guess they're not a US company? IDK anything about them. I wish I could make games.
bethesda games suck balls anyway 2bh, its just the same shit over and over.
>killing anyone outside of the war
>bethesda dindoo
You are homos for not accepting the fact that Wolfenstein was and always will be about mowing down degenerate nazis like zombies.
It's basically trademark.
You can twist it as much as you want, you tikki-larping homos, we will mowing down nazis like zombies soon.