does Sup Forums download anime like a proper man or streams it like a savage?
Does Sup Forums download anime like a proper man or streams it like a savage?
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i stream anime via popcorntime
>even an option
Why give retards oppurtunities to show their disabilities to the board?
I stream half the season on crunchy roll before torrenting to see if I like it
i have 24 hour internet access
if you keep at it you might be able to experience being young and rich
step one: grab an IRC client
step two: go to exiled destiny
step three: DCC a chapter
the chapter is downloaded in order and is the same file that the torrent would get. You can open the file (give it 20 MB start up upfront) and you can have both worlds
you fags are so tribal, you are either this or that. Grow up kid
I would download anime wallpaper but I feel like it's a waste of time. I'm never looking at my wallpaper and at that point if be trying to hide it from others which goes against having cool wallpaper in the first place. I need weeb friends.
This isn't 1998, grandpa.
I streamed naruto because I didn't want to have to download 400 episodes of a single series
>step three: DCC a chapter
you lost me
>Exiled destiny
Is this 2005 or something? You also seem to have forgotten that sequential torrenting exists.
I torrent all the seasonal anime I watch but if it already aired, especially if it was years ago, then I usually just stream it.
What's so bad about streaming anime? I don't get it?
The fact your even asking this says you're new as fuck and need to lurk more.
it works nigga + Torrents are also from 2001. Also you don't have to see seed/leechs as the servers have great bandwidth (specially when is nightime in europe)
>tfw some anime can only be found on IRC
Am not really new it's just the first time I've asked. I could say the same about you for not linking your post to mine.
Not even that, user. Look through this thread. There's a large portion of Sup Forums that now unironically streams anime. I'm sure in their free time they also read naruto fan fiction. It's over.
no seeds for older series, plus wasn't in-file sequential download something only pop-corntime did?
Yet another image.png quality thread.
Hey man, sometimes people make some good fanfiction. I've read some and it's actually better than you'd think.
niggers want to feel patricians. So they filter on the most irrelevant thing (where they can compete)
>no seeds for older series
Unless you're a retard who only knows about nyaa, this isn't true for most things.
>wasn't in-file sequential download something only pop-corntime did?
As far as I know, most major clients that aren't Transmission support it.
I subscribe to Crunchyroll because they are doing god's work by destroying the elitist autism circlejerk that is the fansubbing scene, but end up downloading all my anime from horriblesubs anyway because quality.
Stream. Don't really want to waste time looking for a torrent and waiting for it to download for a marginal increase in quality or slightly different subs
Also a linux trick. If you have a good stream 480/720 you can buffer it, do a `pgrep plugin` and go to /proc//fd . There do a `ls | grep deleted` and it will show you a file descriptor number. Open that in vlc and enjoy
Reply to my fucking post so I know it was me trolling you. Fucking newfag
There still isn't a better software for chatting with people
>waste time looking for torrent if it's even available
>waste time waiting for torrent to finish downloading
>waste hard drive space
>go to streaming website
>watch anime
Only Sup Forums is autistic enough to waste so much time for a slight quality boost and a choice in subs(which all vary so slightly that the differences are trivial)
>saving thumbnails
>posting weak bait
I'm a quality freak. Both with music and anime. I've done too many side by side comparisons between the best streaming quality vs the best downloaded quality.
Downloading anime is 1000% better in both audio and visual than anime streamed in 1080p, or whatever lies they tell you.
Of course, if you download in 480p or something shit, then that's different. Also, if you're poorfag who can't afford good internet, that's sad but also conditional.
It doesn't mean you're a total fag, but if you actually claim streaming is better when you have the option to download anyway, you are both
1. Lazy
2. Wrong
>I'm a quality freak.
>I'm an autist*
Who cares
This. Anyone who willingly streams when they have the option to torrent is akin to eating a plate of dog shit when there's actual food available.
>dumb mobileposter
>streaming even considered
>ironic shitposting bait thread
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Download from a private tracker and store on my NAS.
Streaming it totally normal. Grow up already.
>streaming now has video quality settings
>audio is dependent on that setting as well
>thinking TS matters in 2016 when every one watches HS
>not just downloading the raw to make shitpost images
>CR is html5
>watch any licensed anime when you want, on almost any device
>watching old anime(there are only really 5-10 series worth it pre-2010
>CR archive is good
>not browsing in incognito in 2016
fuck off back to /r/anime you mouthbreather
>People actually do this
I mean I would understand if you didn't have any other choice but come on.....
Even on my junk laptop with 1366x768 there's a huge difference in quality unless its in 480p or something but why would you even download that unless you have shit internet?
Daily reminder that streamfag opinions will never hold weight. If you don't even have the decency to look at what you're watching at the best possible quality, what makes you think you can formulate a valid opinion for discussion when the only thing you saw on your screen was distorted pixels?
Why do you watch anime on a shitty monitor when you could be streaming it directly to your brain?
Shit pham, you right bruh. The human mind only remembers stuff in 480p anyways.
Get a better mind then.
>not ripping the raw directly from Japanese television cast yourself
>not encoding translating and typesetting it yourself
Fucking downloaders
Takes me two days non stop to download a single season at 1080 with lossless compression.
That is the only reason I prefer streaming, I often download 720p on the side overnight but it is still suffering.
I can easily tell the difference between streamed and lossless.
Streamed looks acceptable enough to me considering how long it takes to download each episode via torrent client.
If I get higher downstream bandwidth then I will obviously download. Until then streaming is far less time consuming and more practical.
damn nigga what third-world shithole democracy you living in?
I don't think that term means what you think it does.
>a single season at 1080 with lossless compression
>lossless compression
What is there no such thing as lossless compression.
Surely you should be able to compress a file without any loss but it wouldn't reduce the file size by much.
does one 24 minute episode take up an entire 2tb hard-drive?
>Paying to watch Chinese cartoons
I use crunchyroll exclusively XD
No such thing. I once zipped a bunch of text files but then when I unzipped them, all of the words were spelled incorrectly.
I don't watch anime, it's for fags
people who stream should leave Sup Forums
I moved to Japan and watch it as it airs on broadcast Japanese television.
>shitposting thread
That would suck though if you had other shows airing at the same time on a different network
what's wrong with streams?
I can comfily sit on the sofa or lay in bed while watching a stream on my ipad.
>lossless compression
why the fuck don't you just get lower res batches or download while you watch other shows
>ironic shitposting
I downloaded All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku via their XDCC bots, since it's been banned on Bakabt and I couldn't find it on Nyaa.
>inb4 AB
This I can understand.
Unless it's something super legit, and has merits as a show beyond just being popcorn entertainment, who in their right mind would download stuff that edges into the hundreds of episodes?
Nigger, chances are you're not gonna watch that shit more than once, and if its a long running shonen, they only get a quality episode like once a season. Half the time it's gonna be panning shots with close ups that show a person's face, but conveniently zoom in enough to where they don't show a mouth, so they don't have to deal with lip flaps.
Found a homo hipster nigger assbackward retard
Fuck off.
Only time I can recall something like that happening was when I was channel surfing and Space Adventure Cobra reruns and I think Cromartie reruns were on.
im not homo, nigger nor hipster