Which girl would you take to the beach?
Monster Musume
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A horse of course.
>Not taking best girl Rachnera to the beach.
Polt, to the muscle beach. Then on a hike then for a swim then a run then another swim. Then food and horizontal cardio.
My waifu and daughteru
Would you a random alien butterfly girl?
My fishfu
> Manlet showing off his "waifu" to Kobpld men way more muscular than himself
TTF becoming a bigger cuck every day
I came here to TL and lift weights and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
: ^)
>eat polt out and get a mouthful of hair
Man, TTF sure has it ruff
Let me put it this way, when it comes to Polt I might as well be Chinese.
Poor TTF, gets bullied on here no end, and will never acquire medium gains because of all the cardio Polt makes him go through.
What cardio? His lower half is pretty much dead.
Chapter 45 dump
01-02: The chapter begins with Cerea and Darling leaving the hospital, saying they’re glad the venom didn’t do much damage. As Cerea gets her sword out of a locker, Darling comments that she sure like knights and stuff, which she attributes to her upbringing. They discuss what to do with Kiira.
03-04: Questioning why she was after Darling, Kiira says that she wasn’t after him, but Rachnera. Kiira asks if Rachnera has forgotten what happened.
05-06: Kiira says that she once got caught in one of Rachnera’s traps, and, in her embarrassment, threw a fit, which landed her on the Dangerous species list. She goes on to explain that she used a private broker (as there are some small companies doing species exchange, not just the government program) to sneak into Japan, intending to capture Darling to draw out Rachnera. Cerea makes her swear to leave Darling alone, but that she doesn’t really care what she does to Rachnera.
07-08: Walking home, they say that they’ve notified Smith/MON, and that MON is coming to the house to keep an eye on him. Opening the door, they notice an odd smell coming from the house, which Cerea says is Miia’s cooking, which is “more dangerous than the Dangerous Species.”
09-10: Opening the door, Darling turns into a South Park Canadian upon seeing it’s a massive castle hallway.
11-12: Wondering what’s happening, he sees that Cerea has turned into a full knight, and his attention is drawn by fairy-Papi
13-14: Papi says that all their friends are inside the dungeon, and while worried about having entered another world, Darling and Cerea make their way further into the dungeon. They encounter Princess Miia, who thanks them for coming to save her.
15-16: Bemoaning her fate, Miia asks them to free her. Cerea says they’ll need the key, to which Miia simply bends the bars with her tail. Papi says that she’s just a Snake princess that lives in the dungeon, waiting to attack adventurers who come to save her. Miia gets angry, and as they argue, Lala appears.
17-18: Lala speaks in her normal quasi-threatening manner, as Cerea prepares to face the Shinigami. “White Snake Shrine Maiden” Miia makes her appearance to help.
19-20: Miia prepares to fight, when thread drops down, snaring both Cerea and Darling, yanking them away.
21-22: Arriving at Rachnera’s item shop, Cerea happily shops, while Rachnera marvels at how he’s not affected at all. Darling is given a mask and Rachnera tells him to leave the house, come to his senses, than use the mask and come back in.
23-24: Rachnera vanishes, and Cerea realizes she was tricked, and has nothing but junk. Suddenly Suu makes her appearance.
25-26: Unable to fight her, Cerea and Darling run, spotting a pool of water.
27-28: Diving in, they hide from Suu, and Darling ponders what Rachnera meant by “leave once and come to your senses.” but then Darling is pulled under water, and passes out.
29-30: They wake up with Mero, who explain that her mother paid to have under the house excavated to add several rooms for her, including the hidden room where they are now.
31-32: She explain that Papi met the mushroom girl and took her home “to be friends” and once everyone was gathered, she blasted them with spores Breathing through her gills, Mero wasn’t affected, but when she saw everyone else tripping, she got away. She wanted to call and warn him, but couldn’t grab her phone in the confusion.
33-34: Wondering what to do to stop her, they realize that Mon is coming to the house. They speculate that Zombina might start acting like a real zombie and bite the others, causing them to do the dame, until everyone in the world is infected.
35: Darling says that they need to stop Mon before they get to the house, and the chapter ends.
Okay, we've got some story this chapter, but next chapter there better be some tiddies, crabman.
Why take inferior girls to the beach when you can take best girl
>Darling has to remove the spores from everyone else
>This requires sucking their nipples for some reason
>Crabman_furiously_scribbling_in_ his_manuscript.jpg
But you posted an inferior girl :^)
Why take just one girl to the beach when you can take them all?
>He sucks Miia's tiddies
>He sucks Papi's tiddies
>He sucks Suu's tiddies
>He sucks Rach's tiddies
In December's issue, he finally notices Miss Mushroom's plan was to distract them all so Draculette could kidnap Lala.
TL;DR: Everyone gets high on shrooms and has vivid hallucinations, and Monaco becomes a zombie.
So you can truly bond with her user. If any other girl is with you Mia will scream "DARLINGGGGG" the whole time. Even I find that annoying
And she won't scream DARLINGGGGG when you're alone?
When the lights go out, snek gets amorous.
And my heart starts beating faster.
Every time she screams "Darling", I'm reminded of that old MAD article where they tell you to vary your greetings, and the guy calls out "Daaarling" to get the butcher's attention, causing the poor fellow to chop off his own fingers in surprise.
>tfw you just wanted to talk about super large centaurs but got banned
You probably posted something stupid.
Yes, one of my drawings with the tits out
Yeah, you can only post spoilered tits from the official work.
>tfw you just want to draw tids but you can't post them because of stupid rules
Papi of course,I don't like big boobs.,also long time no posting here so I drew this quick Lilith sketch.
Post the censored image and an imgur link to the uncensored one.
Welcome back from purgatory, Nasse. Just post the censored versions. Then link to the full glory on imgur, gyazo, etc.
I got banned for posting drawings of nipples
Look at these nipples I drew
Those nippleslook terrible. Rare miss from you, Cuye.
Do you have a gallery of art?
These are not nipples are broken bones placed under her skin at least thats what I was thinking while drawing.
>broken bones
Too much BDSM?
Post more devil loli nipples
I want to be raped by Lilith
I want to be dominated by Lilith.
Yes Im a fan of Gore and very extreme BDSM involving poisoned plants and knives.
Oh jesus.....what have I DONE!!!!
How do you live with yourslef
I missed you
I suppose that's what I'll have to do.
still one more day until I can get home and draw
I haven't got any good ideas yet, aside from "boobs"
Thanks,I missed this creepy ass place too.
Lala with Papi's personality
none because there are no girls in this
>she doesn’t really care what she does to Rachnera.
Wow, Cerea is a cunt.
I don't know if you're discounting them because they're women or because they're monsters, but there's still Tree Girl.
You did good, my son.
What if there was a monster who had mouths instead of nipples on her breasts
Take note,Okayado.
/d/ pls go
Wait so are all of MON zombies now? What the fuck did Crabman do to my Tio?
She's acting perfectly logically as Aruji's protector. "You say you're here to kill X? Then stay away from my Y. You can do whatever with X, none of my business."
They're called slimes. Now, .
A slut.
She's knowingly risking Rachnera's life to eliminate a rival in the Darlingbowl, and after Rachnera once saved Cerea from a gangrape too. She's evil.
What if Cerea had lipples
Tio is dead, user, just like Papi. ;_;7
Hypothetical situation.
>if we don't stop psychedelic mushroom girl, she might infect MON with hallucinations
>zombina might start acting all D-movie zombie and bite someone
>we have to save the world!
Cleaner zombie shot for the user that asked.
And stay go.
Lilith a Bestest.
It's more like a soldier who can't abandon his guard post, because the mugging happening outside his camp is not within his area of duty. Stepping forward to help, or even discharging a round, would be dereliction of duty. Now, if the mugger were to discharge a bullet in his direction, THAT, he can respond to.
Do you want to get banned?
>Lala holding her zombified head over Rachnee so she's not hidden
Thanks, Summary-kun!
Lilith is pretty cute.
But nothing compared to Spooder.
>Manako chewing on Tio's breast
Spider is sexy, but she's not as cute as horse
Kiira actually did attack Cerea though, and after Cerea put her down she's just like "Lol go kill Rachnera I don't care"
They ban me each week,nothing to worry about I always come back.
Wouldn't you?
>Noty using spoiler
Horse pussy a slut.
>Zombie Suu
I have many questions as to how that would work
>Spider saved horse from gangrape
>Horse doesn't give a shit about spider
What the shit
>tfw you will never addict your horse to your cock
But I don't wanna see you go.
its pragmatism
less competition
Rachnera attacked Kiira in the first place, so she can't complain if Kiira retaliates.
Still inexcusable
Ping, zing, he's deflecting your questions with the power of plot armor!