Make a Law

Let's play a game Sup Forums, to try and cut to the heart of what it is you as an individual want.

You get to make one law for your country to try and improve it; what is it, and how will it help?

(state your country if you're a flag LARPer)

Make bible education mandatory from JK to grade 12, prayer in school is mandatory, Sunday school mandatory for young children

Legalize drugs and make rehab more accesible, it'd be a new major income to economy, would turn drug addicts into useful members of society.

Why are you on here and not Reddit?

Shalam brother!

Preferences, I'd say


universal basic weed

Retarded left wing nut jobs

For every law that is passed, two must be repealed

>wants sharia law
Leafs truly have surpassed Aussies at shitposting

Corporeal punishment returned for corruption or embezzlement of public funds. No other way.

Ban all muslims and refugees and shit in Canada, as well as chinks

Term limits

Making drugs legal doesnt mean forcing it. Its like alcohol and tobacco, accesible but expensive

Again, it's better to have people who would take those drugs under check than another stitches runing around. It's the lesser of the two devils

For every new law on the books, ten have to be taken off.

Mandatory bi-curious workshops for toddlers

Muslims and people with black skin colour are no longer allowed to reside here.

There, fixed 99% of our problems in one swoop.

Hm, let's add 'arabs' to that as well, we don't want any christian/atheist arabs slipping through the cracks.

Being an ethnic Jew is punishable by death.

No more special privileges for the "native" races, i.e. bumiputras. All citizens are treated equal under the law. Abolish Shariah courts which is the parallel legal system alongside common law.


Massive sterelization of Brayans

People who are physically and mentally able to work and refuse to accept a job given to them by the state will be cut off from any form of welfare, social security, health service within 7 days.

I don't want sharia, Muhammedanism must be outlawed and the Koran banned
It's better to take them to the asylum and strap them down until they stop being addicted

>Reverse incorporation of amendments, clarify 14th amendment has no impact on others

Incorporation was never intended and has fucked up the balance of power.

And we need to bring back labour in prisons, those Dollar store items that we can never make in our factories with a fair wage we should have prisoners make them instead every prison in Canada should have a factory, and we need to send more people to prison. Thieves for example should be made to do labour, this is how they can pay their debt to society


Divide the country into 4 separatearts based on I.Q.

I.q of 30-70 in the west cost to haul shipments that come into the country

I.q of 71-90 in the midwest to be peasant farmers

I.q of 91-106 occupy the south and receive shipments and attempt to produce higher I.Q children

I.q 107+ too intelligent for the rest of society so they occupy the rest of the country living comfy and doing whatever the fuck they want

France is a white country of helleno-christian tradition, it is the duty of every politician and even every citizen to make sure it stays that way. This would be a constitutional law, the first in the Constitution

Federal Decriminalization of Marijuana - 4.5 grams or so, before it is considered trafficking. Save $1.2t in per annum LE expenses, and re-open prisons to only the most violence of criminals, and also put the Cartels out of business, at least on that trafficking front.

Tax collectors, politicians and bankers can get killed on sight as long as flint weapons are used to do it.

I'd love living there then!


Everyone pays 300 dollars per month for taxation.

Taxation is theft

Cool but the catch is there is no discrimation based on race. If you have a lower I.q than a black/asian man then you are his bitch

Retroactive revocation of the 1965 immigration act, enabling all immigrants (and their spawn) since then to be subject to deportation.

Portugal doesn't need new laws, it needs bullshit ones deleted

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

If you don't pay tax you don't get a vote, because all you're going to do is vote for more of our people's money for yourself

Either that or one vote per household not one vote per person

That could go horribly wrong if the people teaching it do a shitty job, and given how schools work in the west, that'll likely not only be the case, but it would end up turning people away from God more...

I think the best way to teach the bible is to just teach philosophical lessons (from the bible) and not even tell people; then when they're old enough you reveal "oh yeah, all that useful shit we were teaching you is from this thing, and there's more if you want it".

Personally i think internet ad-bombardment has given people a powerful sense of "i'm being sold bullshit", so they're more likely to reject any advice if it looks like it's coming from a 'branded' source.

ZERO money in politics. No Superpacs, no campaign contributions, no lobbying (with money), publicly funded elections only. That's step one, before anything in this country can ever be fucking done again.

Senate term limits

All Polish females participating in 'cultural enrichment' will be deported along with their foreign boyfriends to Germany. This would be mainly preventitive, but still very necessary before Polska starts to look like modern Germany.

I agree, people need to be taught self control on a personal level - banning things is both a quick and lazy way to attempt to get people to not do harmful things for themselves and it's proven itself to be an absolute tragic failure.

Personal restraint must be taught.

>people will accept the garbage they teach in school
>but don't teach the bible in school they won't believe it

20 years minimum for all crimes would be my rule
>you wouldnt commit crimes if you were to be properly punished

An Independent White ethnocentric homogeneous Confederacy with added Amendments regarding the protection of Christianity in society and the expulsion of Zionists, Jesuits, non-whites, and Communists.

Surely the endgame of that is no law...

Unless you're talking about a formula (something like when the number of laws exceeds X, then for each new law, two must be repealed; else if the number of laws is equal to or less than Y, then do something else...)

>20 years for browsing the extremist right wing website Sup Forums


Children accept things they're taught, especially when it's presented empirically like science and mathematics.

So when you present unbranded advice empirically they'll eat it up; what i'm saying (if anything) is don't throw them straight into the deep end all "DIS IS DA BUYBUL, WOSHIP IT".

First they need to understand what metaphysics is, then they need to understand how to extract deeper lessons out of otherwise simple stories, THEN you can start teaching it.

Because if you jump the gun, you just get the exact result we have these days; people becoming atheists and taking the stories of the bible (deliberately) on the most literal level in order to debunk it, because it's human nature (and even more so the nature of children) to like taking shit apart.

I can accept that: blacks are fucking retarded

Merkel? What are you doing posting from a British IP?

That's not true, we had literal bible education for thousands of years and all of that was destroyed and our society destroyed within 40 years after they took the bible and prayer out of schools.

I love this exercise. One and only one law? Tricky. It would be against the spirit of the game to speculate in the open, so I'll keep to myself the competing priorities. One change, at certain success, so no speculating wildly about things I would just as soon be wrong about anyways...

Social Security dies. It's a ponzi scheme. It shouldn't have existed, it teaches bad lessons about long-term planning, it creates perverse incentives for state policy, and it can't be sustained given our current debt loads. It's horrible, and I know I could've put something more hopeful here, but I think this is what's necessary. Just give Social Security the Lassie treatment already.

Fold the payroll tax into the income tax as you're doing it. This WILL make the income tax look screwed up - that's because it already was. Fix that next. Pay down the national debt in the meanwhile.

Only free white persons may be admitted as immigrants to the united states and anyone still alive today who who was admitted to the united states by immigration after 1965 will have their income become taxed at a rate of 35%

Wait, I think I'm getting famous dogs mixed up...

Effective immediately Hartz IV (ALGII) unemployment benefits (NEETbux) and other types of monetary support will no longer be given to anyone whose both parents are not German and was born after January 1, 1991 (to account for last pregnancies after the Fall of the Berlin Wall). This means no money for immigrants, no money for refugees, no money for any kind of asylum seekers. This law includes ALL money and funding, that is: No medical insurance, no housing, no food, no allowance, no studies, NOTHING.

Get the hell out and stay out.

>Contradicting me means death penalty.
Now let's see those gibs and qties you've got over there.

I would make a law that allow citizens to challenge each other to a duel over a dispute.
>issue a challenge
>a non-biased third party, probably the government or cop, will be brought in
>they will roll a three sided die to determine what the challenge is
>side 1, person A chooses
>side 2, person B chooses
>side 3 is random
I think it would be an interesting way of improving society. People wouldn't only need to know one skill, they would want to learn a plethora of skills so they can win any dispute they have.
I don't know if it could be done in one law though.

Agreed. But 300 dollars is like tax heaven. The goverment would most likely collapse if it didn't become free market.

Eliminate capital gains tax on gold and silver. Allow them to be used as legal tender. RIP Dollar, IRS and FedReserve.

30 IQ is profound retardation. 107 IQ is high school IQ. You really don't know how this works.

He wears the BLM flag, what do you expect from him?

All taxes are exempt and the federal reserve bank is to be destroyed and replaced by digital currency that is not held by any government. No more interest on loans and inflation should be prevented as much as possible.

lol imagine everyone trains for sword fighting
almost everytime its rolled random and they have to rewire a house or fix someones plumbing faster

Complete Federal standard for education, because schools being allowed to have a less than bare minimum cirriculum gave rise to a generation of retards.

Make assisted suicide a legal right for anyone over 18 years old who chooses to have it.

Will it only be decided by the individual in question? Can family intervene? What if someone in his/her name got someone else killed? Where would the person's money and belongings go? How will hospital staff be able to handle this?

Murder is a sin, if a doctor murders a patient the doctor has to be hanged

bring back the immigration restriction act (white australia policy) permanently. for obvious reasons

fix it so that it isn't anyone who's white and well be fine

Anyone that gets an abortion not due to rape has to get sterilized.

So where is the competition?

All humans are white retard it's not a sin to kill an animal, God gave man dominion over all the beasts

The doctor has to be hanged in my opinion
And the woman who seeked to have her child murdered should be made to do hard labour for 18 years

Interest free lending, but bring back workhouses.

beautiful post

I'll make anime illegal.

Well you just cut off most of Sup Forums from their NEET bux, sweetie.

What's wrong with Christian or atheist Arabs :(
We don't cause any trouble at all.

Foreigners shall receive no welfare nor free medical treatment.

... There shouldn't be competition in schools on a learning factor.. Location, faculties, lunches sure but leveraging the educational capacity of a school is only asking for uneducated people.

We need abortion regardless of your morality.

Make it mandatory for citizens to salute me as I pass

What about private schools for the wealthy?

That education occured in actual churches though, where it could be administered properly by an actual person who's ONLY profession is understanding and preaching the bible.

What you're asking is either for these multi-subject teachers to 'have a crack at' trying to teach the bible, and probably fucking it up.

Or for schools to have dedicated chaplains/priests, which could be a bit better, but even then, what brand of christianity would they preach, and who gets to decide?

It's a messy affair.
Parents need to have -some- fucking responsibility to raise their damn kids, having the state do everything is just feeding into this irresponsible culture we have.

>atheists Arabs
Is Rick and Morty in Arabic now?

Murder is a definition.

>multi subject teachers
I've never seen this before, and the schools can hire priests or people who are properly educated on this subject you know

Okay shariablue, I clearly said they could have one, they just get sterilized afterwards. The only pro to abortion is that it kills future criminals. This would solve that. Women need more accountability in society instead of just being adult children.

I don't see any issue with you guys.
If anything i think the west should prioritise non Islamic migration to offset the creep of that toxic religion.

>Will it only be decided by the individual in question?
Yes it should be up to the individual completely

>Can family intervene?
No once someone is over a certain age it should then be their decision maby the age should be 21 though 18 might be too young

>What if someone in his/her name got someone else killed?
Not sure this could happen as you'd have to the one actually going in yourself to ask for them to do it.They wouldn't do it without concent.

> Where would the person's money and belongings go?
A will would be written as when anyone dies.

>How will hospital staff be able to handle this?
It's wouldn't be their decision so if they don't like it that's their problem.

Shut the fuck up leaf

>Every citizen has the right to form communities that can write their own legislation and seceede peacefully from the federation if desired.

If you want to murder yourself use a gun, don't expect a doctor to murder you

Different story, I was only talking about public/charter schools. Which benefit more from public funding

I hope someone shoots you right in the face.


It would be great. There are a lot of skills that should be more known by the general public but instead it is all specialized.
>one random roll is who can get the most (You)s in 5 post on Sup Forums