Would the spice and wolf LNs be appropriate for a 11 year old? My younger sister wants to read them but I'm not sure on how adult they get as I only read vol 1 so far
Help me help my imouto
Would the spice and wolf LNs be appropriate for a 11 year old? My younger sister wants to read them but I'm not sure on how adult they get as I only read vol 1 so far
Help me help my imouto
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Tell her to read a real book, not gibberish LNs.
She is a bookworm with weeby tendencies due to learning nipponese at school so LNs seemed perfect in between the other books she reads
This, what the fuck OP
I'd recommend her to read stuff like Beowolf or Goethe's Faust. In a few years she might be ready for harder stuff like Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment and Gene Wolfe's New Sun series.
>11 year old
>learning japanese at school
Where the fuck are you from? I can only wish I'd begin learning japanese instead of russian at that age.
>11 yo
She should already be reading more mature stuff than Spice&Wolf. Stop being a faggot.
read heavy object
It's good, but for a 11 years old girl, I do not think it is easy to understand and give enough fun for her.
Aus, we are taught a second language from the first year of school, Japanese is common along with German, French and Spanish
Should I try her on berserk for babies first edge?
OP, from your posts I can see she's a very intelligent 11 year old. You should giver her Heidegger's Sein und Zeit in Japanese. I believe Japanese were the first to translate the book, before any other Europeans even. That's because the concepts Heidegger talks about are hard to express in language and beyond German it was the easiest for Japanese to "get it".
You'd think English would be more popular than those as a second language.
Pretty sure he meant Australia
This Phone doesn't recognise the word aussie
Thank you. I will include a Japanese => German and German => english dictionary so she gets the proper experience
Spice and Wolf is too technical for someone so young, not mature.
Dont do it OP, anime ruins highschool lives. Do you want your kawaii imouto to get bullied?
Underrated post. Also, fuck Heidegger
She probably wouldn't understand a good part of the story. It's a romance revolved around not talking things straight, with a healthy dose of medieval strife like blatant inequality and plagues, and a bunch of economics. Maybe she'd still like it though, there's nothing overtly sexual or the like.
Also, my sides are flying at people suggesting Heidegger for an 11yo.
Why not some kiddie book like Harry Potter instead?
The most appropriate thing for her would be your penis.
I was surprised this wasn't among the first replies.
am at vol 13 and nothing too adult~ish yet, ganbare
>Why not some kiddie book like Harry Potter instead?
Dont even joke about this shit, that is the biggest steaming pile of shit to recommend to anyone, its just a drawn out revenge plot with no reasons for voldymorts actions, hes just bad for the sake of plot
I don't think most children would truly understand story-lines driven by economics.
It's a very simple story about student's adventures in a magic academy for the first 4 books. Chill out.
>Current year
>Not teaching the young how to exploit the trade system and the dangers associated with it
This way they wont decide to trade pepper for armor. Its a win-win
Honestly it wouldn't be that bad but SnW is not something a kid would get.
The interactions between Holo and Lawrence are really only something an older person would understand, and the economics in the earlier chapters would probably confuse the fuck out of her.
You should get her to read Oreimo
It's been a while since I've seen Heidegger mentioned, is /lit/ still dead? /his/ took the best parts of it.
I try to keep myself moderately informed about children's and youth literature and I can say that one can do a lot worse with some western YA than a 11 year old reading Spice and Wolf. It's a different matter whether she'll get into it though, she's not exactly int he target audience.
>is /lit/ still dead?
good riddance if so
Give 'er Atlas Shrugged!
Yeah, go for it. People underestimate children, and 11's getting on towards a teen. She can re-read it later and suddenly realise what all the coy bullshit was about.
>good riddance if so
It was a fun board and had a variety of stuff to talk about but when you look at it now there's not even any DFW shitposting anymore. It just seems a little sad seeing it as the husk it is now.
>my waifu has entered the 3D realm
My dream came true
This. When I was about 11, unlike most people my age, I LOVED reading books - and not kiddie ones either - I read 600-700 page long novels, and sometimes even hobbyist books (woodworking the most, because my dad was working in that sphere, and I guess I was thinking about continuing the "family tradition")
I like S&W, but I think you're overestimating how intellectual it is. I think an 11 could absolutely understand and enjoy it, especially if she is intellectual and enjoys reading already. I remember reading lots of adult novels in sixth grade.
It's not that uncommon.
A lot of children of that age enter a sort of period where they consume a large amount of books and just generally read a whole lot.
Some start testing their boundaries as they are in the cusp of adolescence and try reading from the adult section of the library or pick the heaviest multi-part young-adult fantasy tomes.
The period is actually somewhat critical on creating a lifelong habit for reading. If it is encouraged reading very likely persists through life, but when disturbed by anything it is possible one might not return to reading for their own enjoyment hardly ever.
Do we have any info if YP will continue past volume 17?
Not saying it's more intellectual, just that the interactions between Holo and Lawrence may not be fully understandable for a younger kid. Part of the beauty of SnW is watching their relationship develop from two acquaintances to lovers, and it is through their dialogue that they do that. Now I could be wrong but I doubt an 11 year old child would find it hard to wrap their heads around that, maybe because I'm a dude but 11 year old me did not know how any of that romantic shit worked (my dick did though), nor did I find interest in it. Maybe when she is 14/15 she will but as of right now that may not be the case. Then again I think the sole difference could be just that I am a guy and she's a girl, they dig romantic shit from a young age.
How expensive is it now to get up to date with the books?
Read real literature
Russian is a great language.
A girl of 11 will definitely get more about romance than a boy would.
I see girls start to develop crushes like when they're as young as nine. Boys get over the cooties only years later.
Girls generally hit puberty earlier too and so come the emotional changes along with it earlier as well.
17 books, ~13 dollars each. Or free if you just download it.
Reading shit that's too complicated for you to understand is important for children. The content isn't anything that's going to turn her into a psycho sex murderer and that's all OP need, so she might as well try it.
>turn her into a psycho sex murderer
do this op
Let your kid read what she wants to. The important thing is that she is reading, not what she is reading. And no, there's no "objectionable" content on S&W, but honestly that shouldn't matter.
I guess it must be a gender thing then
Tbqh I had trouble on picking up some of the things. Like when she gets mad at Lawrence when they are on the boat, as much as I want to call Lawrence a dumbfuck in that situation I wouldn't have fared any better.
>scenic boat travel with your qt
>ignore her and get obsessed over a useless puzzle
It's on the level of inviting your gf over and not understanding her anger when you spend the entire night teaching Overwatch to her.
I should re-read it someday. The more I think about it, the more I agree with Horo. Lawrence is a complete idiot, but he tries in earnest. His resolve alone and the depth of his love gave no chance for refusal.
Currently re-reading it right now and it brings back loads of good memories. I guess before I must have been speed reading because I forgot how amazing some of the books were. But Lawrence is a foolish mule, thing is he was all alone for a while, just doing his merchant thing. It is funny watching Lawrence develop though, in the beginning his banter was weak and he would shy away but now he's got balls and attacks just as hard.
Give her a bible and let Jesus into her heart instead of this devil worship.