*Converts the entire Europe into his teachings*

*Converts the entire Europe into his teachings*
Nothin personel kid.

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Based or subversion kike?


>have Jewish religion (Christianity)
>be anti-Jew

explain this shit to me

Jesus called the Jews the sons of the devil.

The ((swedish church)) played a huge part in accelerating things to their current state.





Because it's not a Jewish religion. Abraham was technically the first "Jew" but proceeding him all the way to the period of Adam they were Gentiles. In the period after the Gospels in Acts the ministry was handed back to the European Gentiles when Acts describes the missionary work, not to Africa or Asia, but to European Asia Minor(which was Greek at the time) Greece and the Italian peninsula(European). The proceeding books describes the failure of the Jews in their rejection of Christ and His rejection of Him; hence why they hate Him and Christianity so much.



"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luc 14:26

Also jews killed jesus because he refused to follow the jewish religion.

Serious question right there where come from this christianity is a jewish religion?
christians were the n°1 ennemy of the jewish in this world.
Unitil a couple years every mass celebrated in the catholic church called for the destruction of the jewish religion (Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis)

They are taking Church Fathers out of context, they are condemning personal retaliation while they explictly taught Just War at the same time. Except for tertullian who was condemned a heretic

the subversion is protestantism


*believe in this religion or die*

lol, Christ cucks...

>christians were the n°1 ennemy of the jewish in this world.


Charlemagne (800–814) readily made use of the Church for the purpose of infusing coherence into the loosely joined parts of his extensive empire, by any means a blind tool of the canonical law. He employed Jews for diplomatic purposes, sending, for instance, a Jew as interpreter and guide with his embassy to Harun al-Rashid. Yet, even then, a gradual change occurred in the lives of the Jews. The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending. This decree caused a mixed reaction of people in general in the Frankish empire (including Germany) to the Jews: Jewish people were sought everywhere, as well as avoided. This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable, while their business was viewed as disreputable. This curious combination of circumstances increased Jewish influence and Jews went about the country freely, settling also in the eastern portions. Aside from Cologne, the earliest communities were established in Mainz, Worms, Speyer, and Regensburg.[15]

With enemies like that who needs friends

Jews didn't know how much of a Jew they were 2000 years ago.
Modern Christianity is very different than what it was 2 millenniums ago, thus resulting in having several antisemitic paragraphs.

you forgot
>Finally arrive in Byzantium
>Turn on fellow christians and rape and pillage the capital of Rome, paving the way for Islamic domination of the most developed nation in Europe.

Must be true then. Jews never use false flags.

It's like fucking German barbars can't help themselves.

Based, and subervting the kikes

That's not a picture of Theodosius I

Great. Now show me a church that agrees with you.

The Swedish church is literally ran by atheists, tons of its adherents say that the do not believe in God, nor in Jesus you moron. If anything, Christianity got invaded by atheists and agnostics in Sweden. Theistic Christians (actual Christians) are almost non-existant in your country .

Are atheists also responsible for your church-goers literaly dying for israel?

Gonna need a citation for that one, and not from wikipedia. But the seige of Constantinople was a just cause since they had committed the Latin Massacre and owed Venetians money, so when you're broke, your house gets cleaned by the bank

>Venetians siege Constantinople in 1204
>Constantinople falls to animals in 1492

No, not sure why you would think that. You would have to look at evangelicals for supporting Israel. Although denying that atheists do not openly run churches in Sweden is moronic. That's common throughout many European countries.


>1 Corinthians 11:14 Doesn’t nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him
Who's that guy?

Was that before or after celebrating Hanukkah and playing with his dreidel?

>ignoring the fact that the fourth crusade balkanized Greece and created the Ottoman Empire

300 HUNDRED YEARS APART. NO Constantinople fell because they couldnt' get their shit together AS USUAL. You have no evidence goy

You're naive if you think sacking a city doesn't involve rape, its human nature.



none because hes making it all up in his fucking head

Best thing that happened to that shithole since 1679

>dancing jews

Fuck off retard, churches used to be exactly like that.

Oh yeah I am sure kike posting one fucking picture means jack shit. No one believes what you do only the mentally challenged.

Jesus was the first holocaust denier

Christkikery in the year 2017 is utterly indefensible

Jesus did almost jack shit. In his lifetime he only had like 15 followers tops (not counting his mother). It was Paul who actually converted people, and with a bastardization of Jesus' teachings sprinkled with Paul's own biases, later passed on from church authority to church authority who added their own interpretive bullshit until we had at last the Catholic Church in the west, the Orthodox Church on the east, and later every rejection of each sprinkled with their own reinterpretation what Jesus and the bible supposedly said or meant.

The moral of Jesus is that any idea is subject to inevitable diversity with subsequent generations of people, who interpret and adapt or reject said idea according to their circumstances, environment, and the degree and capacity of their intellect (to say nothing of the level of their determination and psychosis).

It was the jews

The keyword is USED TO BE. You know damn well that the average church is all about helping shitskins. Such as missions to feed the niggers in Africa and make the population problem worse.
unless you christcucks are going to start leading major reforms to church's to be pro-white and let go of all that cucky nonsense I don't want to hear it.

I'm glad you agree with my point Achmed

Also. Arabs are animals and have no human rights according to the Scriptures.

Historically it's the soldier who most often seeks the whore.

>american calls me an ahmed
Don't drink and shitpost, jamal.
So both pope and king of france were jews? Shit christianity really kept Europe safe from jews.

>to feed the niggers in Africa
Yes that's the difference, Christians used to feed them in Africa, while atheists bring them into their country to give them welfare.

Do arabs havehuman rights Achmed? Im white

>Christians used to feed them in Africa
They still do.
Also christians are hardly ones fighting against shitskin immigration.

>Im white
You sure fucking are. Poland never had arabs. Polish muslims were lipka tatars.


>Christians used to feed them in Africa, while atheists bring them into their country
Opening borders is a Christian trait, sorry. It's literally what Jesus did with the kingdom of god, so please stop pretending that this doesn't fall on you cucks too.

>christians are hardly ones fighting against shitskin immigration.
Christians literally voted a president for building a border wall, dumb slavshit.
Also you should know your country is extreme Christian and the one that most fight against immigration.


Oh great, this redpill again!

>Opening borders is a Christian trait,
No, those are fagtheists who vote left.

American christians voted for previous republican candidates just as much. They voted for fucking Mccain for fucks sake. Fucking BASED.
Sure anti-immigration poles are largely christian. But anti-immigration czechs are atheist. And catholic italy is drowning in rapefugees that both pope and polish clergy is shilling for.

Not according to the Arab scriptures.

They also voted for both romney and mccain. Shit, they would vote for jeb bush too. Republicans are kosher right.

So the church went on a crusade for the benefit of moneylenders and usury?

Why didn't we learn the dangers of jew tricks?

Ah don't blame christianity on this, it is you that turn everything you touch into a cucked haven.



We did, that's why Europe was the only territory that tried to eradicate them.

Abraham wasn't the first jew, Jacob was

So Jesus was the first Jew-hating Jew. Which, of course, is no different from your ordinary Jew.


>"Swedish" """"Church""""

>*teleports into Rome*
"h-he's fast!"

I really like how you pretend to be against the actions that your lord and savior, rabbi Jeshua bar Joseph, would support. Why?

Jews killed Jesus because he was performing miracles and was acquiring a large following while calling out the Pharisees for being a bunch of faggots

>Jesus did jack shit
he died on the cross for your sins, faggot