Where's the outrage?

Anyone remember the outrage this vile act caused 5 days ago?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking Jews.

I think that's a nigger, potato nigger. Doesn't look like any Jew I've ever seen.

there's your problem

This, and I say this as a white male.

Women now have equal opportunities, and do you know what? They're starting to out smart boys in school, look it up.

Meanwhile, the pathetic conservative HATES this as it diddles his fragile masculinity. Men are just jealous of women, and it just shows how they get all worried over her sexual experience. It intimidates men.

Meanwhile I live a laid back life

>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian ((((Marxism))) Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden

I have a diverse life with connections

And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.

I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.

That nigger looks like he got dropped on his head like 10 times in a row or something.

Retard alert.

Ignore this, its copy pasta and its stale.

It looks barely sentient.

I think if we finally just classified them correctly as different subspecies, we could stop with the expectations of them acting equally to whites ans Asians.

Looks like pasta

I heard he went to church every Sunday and was about to start going to school to study rapping.

Americans are huge cucks, they'll never admit it. This is worse than Sweden tier and it happens weekly

we only have a nigger problem thanks to the jews

Funny that the only sources for this on the internet is dailymail and indy isn't it? Brits give more of a fuck than americans do

As long as you have niggers you'll have a nigger problem. Seems like the end result of Slavery-based economy.

Thank your kidnapping, slave holding Founding Fathers for this.

And they could be put down, like the beasts they are. And people running deniggerization companies would be rich.

This makes me mad and tempts me to change my flag to a nazi inste- Just kidding, you guys are absolute beta faggots.

Maybe we could repatriate them to Liberia? Seems like a humane and reasonable approach.

Women are receiving higher grades.

They are, by all measurable fashions, still about 8% dumber.


I will: 90% of women are lazy, stupid, shady bitches. Only about 80% of men are.

Advantage: men.

Just normal nigger parenting.

But you are the one who just said you wern't going to do anything you niggerfaggot

#blaxit needs to trend again, with focus on Liberia, their American constitution, their Afro-centrism, and their female president.

No, I'll tell you what. YOU need to run more drugs and weapons in their neighborhoods. YOu need to spread more sexual maladies within their ranks. Pit them against the hispanics in their barrios. Once they've been at each other for a decade or so, then you can start a bill planning the re-patriation of criminals or some shit, and bam, two birds with one stone

zero media coverage because the perpetrator is black.

As a black male in America, you are now protected not only by law but by the media. You can execute two white families and destroy the collective futures of a dozen people and get off scot free, no media coverage.

Get robbed by a nigger and shoot in self defense? Rayciss.

>ok tyrone go home and try rapping
>ends up raping

Dog bites man



just in Arizona crossing that border, the proposed bill also has the National Guard patrolling the border

Thanks for reminding me about why I hate living in Toronto so much.
Sadly the only place with a good music scene is Montreal and they're even worse. Life as a musician is shitty.

What you talkin' bout? That sweet boi dindu nuffin.

>As a black male in ANYWHERE, you are now protected not only by law but by the media

Nice copypasta user

shit in the toilet yada yada shit on the table yada yada

>wife visits nig nog in prison
>fucks him

just like the nigger who tried to pull a dylan roof in tennessee a couple of week ago and literally everyone instantly forgot about it?

death penalty what else, it goes for anyone that does a crime like that

>wife signals tolerance
You left one out


To be fair though, the criminal was obviously caught and faced the full force of the law for his heinous crimes
As misguided as they are, the white-kills-black scandals generally revolve around the belief that someone is getting away with their crimes unpunished

The face of this nigger. Kill it with a hammer



American slavery was a largely Jewish institution

Pretty crazy when you think about it. If the kid was white and it was a black family it would be all over the news. What sort of impact would it have if these stories were reported in the msm? Do people really have a misconception about black crime or do they just ignore it because its so common?

What a kuk

>Pretty crazy when you think about it. If the kid was white and it was a black family it would be all over the news.

A member of the lost tribe?

boo hoo people die everyday

you'll all forget about it in a week



>Not only will I KEEP being a cuck, but I'll be a PROUD cuck!

>When the media wants you dead


Fucking monkeys. They belong in a zoo, or worst -- sent back to Africa.



Shit like this is part and parcel in the US.

Why was she home alone?

Soon to spread to the entire world. We will have chaos in the next decades -- civilization may even fall.

The problem are SJWs and Political Correctness.

What the fuck kind of irresponsible parents would leave a white child in the hands of savage monkeys in Baltimore?

keep telling yourself that

>what about the black dude who raped that one girl a day after 9/11? How come nobody ever paid attention to that, gee, must have been a widespread conspiracy or something

You are this retarded

Advantage, not you

Use the modern version

>mfw that doesnt even happen to be on the news

Race war is happening soon, brethren. Soon.

Dog bites man.

>if only he owned a gun to protect his family, eh?

I'm genuinely surprised that I hadn't heard about this. The media LOVES to make blacks look like violent thugs yet complete ignores this? Something doesn't add up.

jesus christ, I thought it was fake;


where is the rest of the press???

I wonder.. is the right or the left guy in the thumbnail that is the perpetrator?

he dindu nuffin he wuz a gud boy


>The media LOVES to make blacks look like violent thugs
Are you insane or just not from this planet?

Should have more guns.

Fair point, the Vegas shooting took all the media attention in that period. But still absolutely no coverage in American news? Also it's not only about this case, black on white crimes are regularly brushed off by the media, same cannot be said for the white on black crimes.

it's an original jew, not a babylonian admixture

That is what makes me mad, no coverage at all. Nice digits

I guess everyone just sort of forgot to run stories on this. Probably because they were still talking about the Las Vegas shooting.

Here on Sup Forums. except its not outrage, its just apathy.

No one is outraged when you kill an animal. So why should killing whites be any different?

i jerk off to dead niggers

White boys aren't human so it doesn't surprise me.

alpha as fuck.

did I trigger the nigger?

forgot this

This is an obvious slide thread.