This is your pillow tonight
This is your pillow tonight
That's a bit too slothful.
smells like piss, I dont want it
Are lap pillows already a thing?
Go jog or something, fucking fatass holy shit.
Yes, but only normalfags with girlfriends get one. I was thinking of acquiring a girlfriend for the purpose of lap pillows. Seems like a lot of work though so I dropped the idea.
yeah but only for tonight
Is it a trap?
>you will never cry yourself to sleep on her lap while she whispers sweet nothings into your ear
It fucking hurts to live
>tfw you will never get a lap pillow by Emilia-tan
>you will never cry yourself to sleep
People seriosly do this?
>crying when you can put your head on a qt girls lap
I fucking hope it hurts, you deserve it
Crying from happiness, that is.
Emiliafags do for having the worst case of shit taste. It's how they cope.
Stop being a pussy faggot.
I have years of pent up emotional damage.
>watching anime
>not being a pussy faggot
Choose one
Stop. Emilia is a good girl.
Ah okay, my apologies. I'm an Emiliafag now because user said so.
She's far from the best though.
God, this is why I don't associate with anime watchers IRL.
You guys have the mental state of a teenager girl.
Because she's better than the best
>implying you don't
>not being a little girl
>on Sup Forums
I canĀ“t sleep on a pillow without bulge.
I can stand sleeping on the floor but not without a pillow on the back of my head.
Looks soft.
Why do we never see girls using their boyfriend's lap as a pillow?
This is the only example I could find and it barely counts.
What does my pillow smell like?
How does witches smells?
Black roses.
erect dicks are not soft
Start playing eroge. Moege particularly.
But wouldn't her head be on his leg, not his dick?
Besides, why would he get an erection? It's all about letting a girl rest safely because he's there to watch over her.
That's really cute
>It's all about letting a girl rest safely because he's there to watch over her.
Get a girlfriend, user. I had that thought, that watching her being cute is enough. But it turned to lust really soon.
Also, a girl is supposed to rest on a man's pecs/dels/back cause they look dependable, not his quads.
>dem hips
>them perfectly soft thighs
>silky smooth white skin
Raw sewage.
Can I keep her? These niggers on Sup Forums have no appreciation and can only repeat memes to her
Roses aren't stinky.
>slender waist
>child bearing hips
>thick thighs
>curvy ass
>airheaded, dense
All her appeals cater to my fetishes, but for some reason I don't find her cute at all.
But the dangling pieces of flesh hanging from her hairy unkempt crotch is
Where did this "stinky" meme start anyway? I just caught up and avoided the threads before then
Its because she smells
She's a stinky whore.
It's revealed in the WN that Emilia is stinky and Subaru is just noseblind to it
That doesn't help Miss Daisy
Is this the same WN where Subaru gets skinned alive?
Imagine cuddling with Subaru-chan
So that's why everyone in this universe seems to hate her except Subaru.
Spoiler that shit.
Majikoi A1.
Hello, I am the creator of the stinky meme. Please do not use it anymore. Thanks.
Iron, sulphur, tar and shit.
Who is this?
It's a knife-ear. Just as bad.
Not true.
He was really tired.
how many times do I have to die to be able to rest on Emilia-tan's delicious thighs?
Just once.
emilia makes no fucking sense as a character to me, i don't understand her motives or why she acts the way she does.
actually the only character who seems to have clear motives is Rem, because she actually behaves like she gives a proper fuck about Subaru and understands there is something about him people can't see/understand.
also why doesn't subaru just write out "i can time travel through death" like one letter at a time over 2 or 3 days and then mail each word/letter one at a time, or something, will it still trigger the "heart stop" warning for telling people about his curse?
>also why doesn't subaru just write out "i can time travel through death" like one letter at a time over 2 or 3 days and then mail each word/letter one at a time, or something, will it still trigger the "heart stop" warning for telling people about his curse?
It hasn't been shown in the anime, but even if someone finds out about Subaru's powers with out Subaru himself telling them, Satella will kill them
damn. i should really rewatch the one episode Satella shows up in. i'm scared of being spoiled on the anime by asking about shit regarding satella that's only in the books though. as far as i can tell she's only appeared in one of the original eps and not once since.
How us Emilia not making sense?
So far we don't know much about her but she is pretty consistent.
I guess I need to rewatch the series again once it's done, but i feel like for such a pivotal character, who is supposed to be the driving factor behind subaru's fanaticism and willpower, she is remarkably underdeveloped as a character. I would say even the icy princess bitch has now been better developed than Emilia.
but maybe i'm not used to having to read into subtle shit during an anime, so maybe her various comments about equivalency and such give insight into her personality i'm just not getting
rem seems like the heroine now, why does subaru still even give a shit about emilia when rem has gone through such a ridiculous amount of BS for him?
Why can't Subaru love Emilia when he has suffered so much for her?
Like smoke
he can it just doesn't make any sense to me.
rem is right there and she's like ten times the woman emilia is. the show is blatantly pushing them as a couple. part of what makes me think subaru is himself just a side character in the "RPG world" of re:zero and that the real hero / heroine are elsewhere doing the standard route.
Aren't you doing the same as Subaru?
Subaru is infatuated with Emilia for a couple of reason.
A) She saved him from the alley thiefs in his first life after arriving in the new world
B)She's generally been pretty kind towards him and was the first person to do so
C)Subaru is still somewhat under the delusion that he's the hero in some fantasy game/novel, therefor Emilia being the first girl he meets of any note must be the heroine destined to fall for the hero
D) She's hot
"But wait!" You ask "Isn't that incredibly retarded/shallow on Subaru's part?" and the answer is yes, yes it is.
rem fills all those same quotas though, she just wasn't the first girl he met.
and emilia always seems really upset when subaru mentions their first meeting cuz in the current timeline it never happened. it just seems completely doomed to fail between them.
come on subaru u got dat oni pusspuss right there, it's open for business
Rem is doing the same as Subaru but it's okay for Rem and wrong for Subaru.
Being first is important, Emilia's already impressed her self on Subaru and he's stuck on her like an idiot. Besides it's not like Rem's love for Subaru is much better than Subaru's love for Emilia. Subaru basically praised her once, and now she's basically his lap dog, none of the love's we've been shown so far in this show are healthy.
She appeared in one of the episodes???
He runs into her in one of the first few timelines but she behaves completely different and introduces herself as Satella, but that side of "Emilia" is never shown again, and they make a point of noting that Emilia looks almost exactly like the Witch. the impression I got was that he met Emilia, then died and met the actual Witch, but never came to realize that as he got caught up in the Loot House incident.
This is your pillow tonight.
>no doujin
People reckon Subaru is the villain and because Felt is the illegitimate heir to the throne she and Reinhard are the real MC's.
Lich pillow is the best pillow
I think Emilia just used a fake name.
She did, Emilia said her name was Satella since she didn't want anyone else to get involved with here and she figured that calling your self the in-universe devil while you look like the devil would scare him off.
it makes no sense for her to introduce herself as Satella, the name of the Jealous Witch, and when Subaru then uses that name on her later, she looks horrified and everyone stares at him. I think he met the actual witch near the beginning, and mistook her for Emilia
Butthurt autistic remfag is samefagging in an attempt to force this. Just ignore it
Darker than Black, episode 2
See The reason she was so shocked at Subaru calling her Satella the second time is because it was the first time they met and he basically just called her Satan out of nowhere.
There is no reason to be so upset
A warm, stinky and sweaty pillow. I'll have to decline.
>not getting turned on by a girl's stench
What are you a faggot?
sounds unhygenical as fuck.
You don't fool me, I know you are a bacteria behind the pc.
I'd prefer using her butt.
Bad taste.
This wouldn't be the first time I have anal fingered my pillow. The difference being, that this time it's alive.
The witch scent? The same smell that Subaru has?