Well, Should come out any time now.
You faggots ready for raku to get rejected and run right back to onodera to get rejected again? and end up with tsumugi
Well, Should come out any time now
Other urls found in this thread:
that's some wishful thinking
I dont understand why you always need to advertise your group.
My body is ready.
From last thread
楽... 確かに…これ…ニセコイじゃないですか
Basically, Raku runs awai.
Literally why?
>believing him
Heres your (You)
Spoilers are out
Should I fucking translate this?
I dont want to. But I want to know what happens. Fuck fuck fuck
Ima read it
Google translate a shit
What does it say?
>Raku: Shu! I like you!
wew lad
Not the worst choice to be honest family.
Easier to come to Sentoge of the original
Or "What was in such a place
Was Chima' looking quite "
I get to say "I'm suddenly
I ... I like the thing of you! "
"Yes ... I ..."
Sentoge notice something
"... Easy, let's talk a little bit."
"I also ... like that of you
Going out with you
I think I want to be together forever. "
"But you is I think I different?
It is that you are stuck on something mind
I will do some? "
"... !? No! Such a thing ... !!
I can of you!
Did not even imagine if with you
I think I can go together to the world! "
Sentoge shake his head sadly
"'ll Do you become an ordinary civil servants
In a world Why did not even imagine
You need to go?
And I am in you and together forever,
Much to support in the side,
Recall the people that have been much distressed
You'll should be like that person! "
Sentoge tears
"I was so either ... so ...
I ... I ... that of him ... "
Onodera come in there, lapis lazuli, collecting
Easier to shout back
"Collection! I like! Zaku Shine Love!"
"An good feeling of cumming internal ...
This is true of feelings! "
[Continued, image and character add update]
Same source as last week
TL Note:
easy means Raku
lapis lazuli means Ruri
collecting/collection means Shu
One of you niggers better translate this so I can fuck off until next week
So this doesn;t end this week?
So it's gay end after all, eh?
It says Raku confesses to Shu.
Nice comeback, faggot.
finally CLICHE sama deliver nisekoi as cliché as possible! long live CLICHE SAMA!
Toge= Bean sprout
Moyashi = Bean sprout
Raku = Moyashi
Chitoge = Raku
And people thought Chitoge won last week...
The people who write these have way too much time on their hands.
says the guy posting on a Nepalese flipbook image board
Seriously what the fuck
Why is the author such a cuck?
>Well, Should come out any time now.
Idiot, spoilers usually come out on wednesday or thursday and the fast scans usually come on thursday with the Tsurezure scans version usually coming out later like in Friday or even Sunday/Monday
I checked the Nisekoi subreddit that's how I know
It's fake? But Raku confessing to Shu at the end was so convincing.
Will shuu and ruri fuck?
After this? No way. Raku and Shu will fuck and thus cuck the entire female cast.
I approve of this
Raku (easy) confess to Chitoge (Sentoge). Fuck this komi.
>tumblr sized gifs
I still believe Komi might go How I Met Your Mother and fuck everyone.
Look at the last line:
>"Shu! I love you! Zawse in Love!"
>webms for something this short
kill yourself
webms aren't the best for everything
Fuck off you delusional doormatfag
Murifat tv shows have nothing to do with manga let alone Nisekoi
That would have involved Marika winning, then dying and Chitoge wins later on.
>spoilers this early
fuck off doormatfags it's over you lost deal with it
Too obvious. Marika will get cured while Chitoge will die because of cancer/gang violence causing Raku to permanently move to America.
An good feeling of cumming internal ...
This is true of feelings! "
lewd end confirmed
Rejoice, fellow otters!
The day of deliverance is near!
now gay, fag, and the others can rest in peace
Thank christ these cancerous threads are going to disappear soon
>these cancerous threads are going to disappear soon
They're never going to disappear
This is Sup Forums, they will still talk about Nisekoi and Chitoge winning for years to come
Now get buttblasted Kusodoormatfag lmfao
>Gust "An good feeling of cumming internal ... This is true of feelings! "
>the only victory I have in my life is a fictional girl that I like being picked by a fictional boy in a 4/10 romcom manga and getting to talk trash to anonymous strangers about it
I can see why you're so desperate to keep it going.
This series is honestly just plain bad and I feel bad for anyone who cares who "wins" anymore. This is coming from a neutral fag who first watched the anime a couple months ago. I'm just here for the memes.
No, you.
nice damage control, doormatfag. stay salty. lmfao
I don't know why you would think this.
Jesus, man. You can't even form a coherent sentence. I know that English is your second language but right now I'm questioning whether you're legitimately retarded or not.
Probably because most other similar series are still mentioned frequently. It probably won't get many of its own dedicated threads, but you can bet that Nisekoi will still be brought up for years to come, especially when some haremshit replaces it, it'll be compared all the time and shippers on all sides will keep arguing about their waifus. This is the way of Sup Forums.
It's not even very good. It only gets attention due to being in Jump and being animated by Shaft.
I don't think it'll have much more longevity on Sup Forums than your average long-running manga/two season anime. From what I can tell a solid number of Nisekoi "fans" just want it to be over with already.
"Most other similar series" have been forgotten. Romantic comedy manga are a dime a dozen.
But it won't be brought up because it was good and people want to talk about what made it good. It'll only be brought up to say "[this series] is as shit as Nisekoi was".
The manga was popular way before that overrated company made the anime(which they did a shitty job of anyways)
Nisekoi is the longest Jump Romcom
It won't be "forgotten" for a long time
Deal with it
He's asian.
The anime had good music, voice acting, and solid direction, which are all the norm for Shaft. Unfortunately the source story was too dumb for any anime studio to be able to save it.
>this is actually true
>good music
There was fucking metal music playing when Chitoge was drowning...fucking retarded
And everytime that track played when something happened to the locker or some shit it was ridiculous
The music awful and way over-used
Shaft failed completely at capturing the lighthearted atmosphere of the manga...it didn't even feel like Nisekoi, it felt too dramatic and at times really odd
And what was with all of the weird experimental bullshit? Like putting manga panels randomly out of nowhere or some shit?
It was overall just shit(besides the voice acting)
Probably to get one more volume out of it.
>lighthearted atmosphere of the manga
But Shaft didn't write those forced melodramatic scenes in themselves. They were in the manga and crucial to the plot. You can't blame the adaptation for problems with the story.
>weird experimental shit
Shaft does this to keep the readers' attention and add creativity to their series, especially when there's not a lot of action or motion. That being said, adding manga panels is barely "experimental" at all and it's clear that you haven't seen very many anime.
Fuckin nippon jews.
>I ... I like the thing of you!
>"An good feeling of cumming internal ...
>This is true of feelings! "
Just stop shilling, friend.
>But Shaft didn't write those forced melodramatic scenes in themselves.
They were not "melodramatic", they were made to feel much more dramatic then they were in the manga by Shaft's shitty direction
It reminded me of the Death Note anime where they made every death scene look like an action scene and it was dumb as hell
Not to mention the shitty CGI
>manga panels
It was hipster bullshit that's what it was
Watching Shaft's adaptation of Nisekoi literally gave me headaches, it felt like the director was constantly yelling at me saying "Notice me" and it was absolutely annoying
>It reminded me of the Death Note anime
Be honest. How many anime have you seen? 10? 20?
I don't fucking know
I don't count the number of anime I watch because I'm not a faggot
Now stop being buttblasted because I offended your favorite studio you pathetic retard
You're like a high schooler who calls required literature like Crime and Punishment boring because it doesn't have enough action for you. And then when someone calls you out for not having any idea what you're talking about you lash out at them and call them names instead of trying to defend your own opinion.
The funny part is that you probably actually are a high schooler considering where we are.
>calls Crime and Punishment boring because it doesn't have enough action for you.
Except I criticized the Death Note anime for being "too action-y"
And you're literally projecting at this point
You studiofags are pathetic
Also Shaft's Nisekoi sucks period
It's overdone bullshit by new-age hipster directors
And you sourcefags are worse. The anime was better than the manga but both were bad. In my opinion Nisekoi was one of Shaft's worst shows. Happy now?
>And you sourcefags are worse.
Adaptionfags are garbage.
The source is usually more thought out and consistent in tone than an adaption would be.
Ogga booga
I'm a Tsugumifag but sometimes I like to jerk off to Chitoge and Marika, especially that marika gif where's she's taking off bikini. I think to my self how I would destroy and in bed and then die of aids because she has it
>The anime was better than the manga
No it fucking wasn't you filthy animeonlyfag
The anime was dogshit
The manga is ok at best
>The source is usually more thought out and consistent in tone than an adaption would be.
The Nisekoi anime on the other hand felt like the director was just fucking around with different styles and didn't give a shit about doing a proper adaption
I am by no means an "adaptationfag" in general. I agree that it's a lot easier to perfect the source material when it doesn't have as many dimensions to it (audio, animation, run time etc.).
What I mean by "sourcefag" is that you fell in love with the source material and since the adaptation wasn't exactly the same you hate it. This is how it always goes when a manga that's already popular on Sup Forums gets an adaptation.
Also, let's not pretend that Nisekoi was ever "thought out". It was designed to run indefinitely and just rehashed the same asspulls and fake endings dozens of times until we got where we are now.
>Jerking off to the Nisekoi girls
I don't get this
I just can't see them that way considering there's barely any fanservice in the series
Why make a proper adaptation of source material that's already bad? They clearly just made the anime to pander to shit eating fans of the manga, they might as well add in some flashy bullshit for fun.
>What I mean by "sourcefag" is that you fell in love with the source material and since the adaptation wasn't exactly the same you hate it.
That's not why I dislike the Nisekoi anime
I dislike it because it feels way too different in tone/atmosphere to the point where it feels like a different series at times
I've liked anime that were different from their manga counterparts before(like for example Shaman King which made many deviations from the manga and even had a different ending)
>Why make a proper adaptation
Why not?
>source material that's already bad
Nice meme opinion you fucking sheep
>thinking something is bad is a meme opinion for sheep
This is Nisekoi we're talking about
This. The only twist was Onodera being the promised girl instead of Chitoge. This was pretty minor and didn't affect anything by the time it was revealed.
>This is Nisekoi we're talking about
Yeah which is an ok comedy/romance manga
The hate mostly comes from the waifufags who are mad their girl lost or dank memers like you who follow that crowd
>I suffer from ADHD so I need plot twists to enjoy a manga
Kill yourself you fucking millenial
Ugh. Shit taste should know some limit.
Marika is the Choice of God.
>I think to my self how I would destroy and in bed and then die of aids because she has it
What the fuck are you saying about my waifu? Fuck you nigger.
You know she has aids, her incurable but treatable disease
But it's not like it's some masterpiece with a carefully-crafted story and setting with a rich tone that enhances the series as a whole. It's just a generic comedy harem. So why shouldn't Shaft take some liberties and experiment with the presentation a bit?