Ohayou /yys/
It's Yuyuesday!
If you're reading this,
/yys/ Yuyushiki
tsukareta yuzu-chan iketeta etto watashi mou ehehe okaa-san oho tadaima wakaru nyuhuhu nagetai oomori ja hai yuzu-chan-sensei shitteruyo desu nee ima hadaredake u a docchi daro melorin are dondurma a toweru toweru zebura zebura gyunyu gyunyu narimashita doyuno hechano kandosurunobiiku un wakkanaiken nanka fs kakoui ah gochishosama ygfuedmx yui chan tenshi zen tanoshi nee yui chan yuzu chan aishiteru yo zutto
I honestly love you user. Mind if I save it?
Save it, it's all yours :)
But I messed up part before the the end
Nice, I started hearing it without even playing the actual MAD
>/yys/ will die in your lifetime
Fellow yuyus, good morning/afternoon. So what was that collab with Kiniro and Gochiusa? I've been out of the loop because college is fucking up my time.
/yys/ is the best.
OVA is yys playing ping pong
I took the liberty of fixing some bits. Hope you don't mind.
tsukareta yuzu-chan ikiteta etto watashi mo ehehe okaa-san oho tadaima wakaru nyuhuhuhu nagetai anmari ja hai yuzu-chan-sensei shitteruyo desu nee ima no daredakke eh ah docchi daro melorin are dondurma a taoru taoru zebura zebura gyunyu gyunyu narimashita doyuno kiechauno kandosuru kurai bikkurishita un wakkannai kedo ittemiru nanka yaruki dashitemite hun kakkoii ah gochishosama ah soosu kakeru yuzu-chan ushiro yui-chan tenshi un sannin ga tanoshii nee yui-chan yuzu-chan aishiteru yo ehe zutto
Also, good day to you /yys/.
When's that airing? I have high hopes for Tanoshi: Tennis edition.
Now play it in google translate
/yys/ is dying.
Is Kinema Citrus using the same character designer from yys? It looks remarkably similar.
God, i can hear the whole thing in my head.
No date yet, i heard it's pretty tanoshii indeed so i am looking forward to it
My love for all Yuyus is equally like a truck, berserker. My love for Yukari is simply more equallier like a truckieriest, berserkerieriesterererererererererer. Er.
>I took the liberty of fixing some bits. Hope you don't mind.
>/yys/ is dying
It's just resting for the OVA
I'm not laughing.
meh, we're just taking it easy before the OVA
>gets movie
>date announced
>plot announced
were we tricked?
It was all a ruse
It's already dead. It's a shadow of its former self.
This is the end
I'll always lurk. I won't leave you, /yys/.
Cheeky breeky
They shouldn't be out that late.
I would post more but I don't want to shitpost about how sexy I find the two of them.
You can add things to this image
I'm just a pervert with nothing to contribute. I apologize.
For a second there I thought that was an Yukari underboob
It happened to me too the first time I seen that pic.
[x] use Aikawa as a pillow
I tried
user... I kind of want to fap now.
Thanks. It's the highest compliment for me.
I like little teases like that. It's very arousing.
Assuming they stay with KC, it'll probably come out after animenewsnetwork.com
Wait, I thought they were supposed to get a special ova like us?
This one for you
I really do appreciate it user! I love that. I've saved it for uh... later use.
user, may I make a lewd request?
In my mind it also implies Yukari is bottomless aside from the skirt-like cloth thingie
If it doesn't requieres artistic abilities. I can only edit.
If I was going to fap that image and imagine finishing on them. Where would you suggest I finish?
Yukari - mouth
Yui - belly
Choose wisely
Thank you user.
If you were curious where I finished I picked Yui's belly.
I would do the same tbqh
It was a good fap. Thank you again.
We need more lewd OC in /yys/
Why does it have to be so hot?
I agree, but sometimes it's difficult.
Are you talking about this week's /yys/, or the weather?
I finally made it to a thread before it died!
>how to see if your screen is dirty .jpg
Hyped for Kinmoza tho
Yeah, I just noticed mine is
what we really need is a crossover. the kinmozas and yuyushikis would have great chemistry together.
I think Karen's navel is worthy of sharing the screen with the yuyus' navels.
I didn't expect to find Karen all the way here in /yys/ town. How big is your folder? If it's less than 200 images then you should probably commit. No pressure though.
It doesn't exist. It's just one big messy KM folder.
It has less than 100 files.
Karen looks better with short hair.
Why did the last two threads die before even reaching Wednesday? Are the mods bullying us?
>less than 100 files
you heard the man, user. commit to finding more cute karens!
Yeah, okay. That shit is not okay. That shit needs to stop. What's wrong with you? Why would you want such depravity to happen to my Karen? Did long hair hurt you as a child? This needs to stop. Short kimpatsu hair is not beautiful. It is a travesty. You aren't welcome at my family dinners anymore.
/yys/ is slowly dying. These last few threads are not much more than its death screams.
I got you covered, senpai. I uploaded my entire Karen folder earlier today. You can download the whole thing without even an account. I didn't include my supplementary Karen folder, though, because I haven't incorporated that into the main Karen folder yet. At the moment the Drive has 419 images. I downloaded a few more since then but I haven't added them.
How many of you are still playing 100% OJ? I picked it up a few months ago.
So I have a question I thought would be appropriate to pose in this thread about the studio Kinema Citrus. Could anyone fill me in on what they are about? I watched YYS way back and have recently been watching Barakamon. I am not really a sakugafag, but the shows seem to have a very particular aesthetic when it comes to animation. Kind of flowy, cartoony in a way, but with a high level of craftsmanship. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a driving philosophy behind the animation or if it is rather the work of a few talented key animators working on these productions. Thanks.
It's good that /yys/ actually lasts only for the yuyuesday sometimes. Keeping it on life support for days every week is not exactly the best way to keep threads fresh.
It's a shame about the dinners, but you should direct those complaints to the mangaka.
Saved. Thanks anons, now I can be a Karen lover too.
I don't think it would be possible to fill a lobby with just /yys/
There are 23 posters here, though. You think they're all too autistic? It's happened before, hasn't it?
23 isn't a very large number for all the factors we need to consider.
I mean, they'd have to own the game, want to play said game AND still be present in the thread.
Would 24 be enough?
Because that's how many chromosomes I'm accusing you of having at the current moment right now.
You're a very rude man.
Yuzuko would want a rude man.
>Wanting a man
She isn't actually a lesbian. She just wants attention. I'll teach her to want my dick instead. Because I am a wholesome person.
That's purely a coincidence.
Nah man, she's pretty fucking gay.
I have bullied the Yuzu this day.
Anime girls are pure and wholesome and would never do such degenerate things.
Why is Yukari camouflaged with the wall?
If you actually think that about Yuzu you clearly don't know Yuzu.
That's actually Agiri disguised as Yukari.
in all fairness, most women would turn gay if a yui was on top of them
You just can't bring yourself to look past the surface and into her deep and complicated heart you queer.
Agiri was practicing her vanishing ninpo but decided that it would be more impressive to take the place of Yukari.
>wide open eyes
Come to think of it, how does Agiri do her hair when it goes all the way past her hips?
>tfw you missed last week and couldn't save it
sorry yuyus