After all that he joined the fucking body improvement club

>after all that he joined the fucking body improvement club
I laughed for like a solid minute, holy shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks /fit/

Man the body improvement club is full of bros, I wish I had one back in the day.


>Guy in the back doing the Zyzz pose

Telepathy Club a shit.

>That instantly welcoming attitude

Best bros.

Salty skinny dude. Get some gains you twig.

They are done either way

Cant wait for them to fuck this Teru Guy up.

ONE's fan are stupid and can't even see that coming miles away and thinks it's a plot twist.

Mob saw that bitch likes athletic guys so of course he wants to improve his body.

It didn't matter. /fit/ Club was cool enough to have them hang out in the room regardless.

Ignore the retard above, dude cant even bait right.

I wanted to give him false hopes...

From Interveiw : Bones director read Mob Psycho and was like
"Fuck that shit is good, lets do this" True quote
More reason to believe that Mob Psycho is the best anime this decade. Dont respond if you dont agree with me.

>Don't respond if you don't agree with me

you're serious about making this a meme are you?

Next episode is where shit starts to pick up with Dimple and the cult.
I can't fucking wait

Watch the animu or read the mango?

I watched the first ep, loved it, then ended up reading the manga in 2 days. It was amazing.

Now the wait for episodes is killing me.

read the mango so you can pretend you've been a longtime fan, and then shit on anyone watching the show who hasn't read the manga



Best decision of his life, telepathy club a shit

We don't shit on all animeonlyfags. We shit on animeonlyfags who think they're somehow superior in NOT knowing the source material.

>that screenshot
I could watch Mob, but I think I'll spend the time on body improvement.

ONE's art is bad so watch the anime while waiting for the Murata remake?

Here, you need this (You)? It's free. Take it.

Who is Mob's waifu?

I did the exact same thing. Now planning on buying the mango. Anime adaptations truly are the best way to advertise your series.


The anime really did catapult the amount of readings massively.

I'm serious though, won't we see a remake?

Here, have another (You). Now piss off.


I'll be nice and take you seriously. Maybe when Murata's done catching up to OPM, so never.

Yeah, I've been thinking about buying the volumes, even if they aren't in english to support ONE and also because the volume covers are fucking amazing.

Just need to find somewhere that ships outside japan

>that guy posing in the back
《 Fabulous. 》

No, you're not going to see a remake, you piece of shit.

How the hell am I going to wait 6 fucking days?

No idea, but when you figure it out please tell me

I'm learning CPP! The closest thing to psychic powers available in the 21st century!

Artificial coma.
Wake up after 12 weeks.
Binge Mob Psycho.
Repeat till next season.

Reigen obviously.

Never! I saw him first!

Here, have an anthology.


Based UK

Noticed the typo in the 2nd speech bubble, will fix it later.


>Dont respond if you dont agree with me.

How do you guys feel about them adapting the beginning chapters slowly one by one while also doing seemingly random omake as well? I know ONE is working close with the studio so he has input but it's weird to adapt chapter 1 then an omake near the end of volume 1 and then in ep 2 you got what I believe is chapter2-3 and then random omake near the 50s.

I planned to read the first 4 volumes so I could stay a head of the anime a little bit but now that's proving to be pointless since I don't know what the fuck they're going to adapt next.



I love the Vice President.


Aside from getting to see "I DID NOT LAUGH" animated I'm looking forward to episode 03 getting rid of at least SOME of the shit posters.

Was there ever another answer?


And that's it for now.

Thats what an adaption is all about, if they went and adapted it straight from the manga it would feel really out of place. You need to have to change things up so that they fit the medium you are working on.
Tachikawa was smart and just inserted future chapters to make the development of mob more smoothly. Now that the foundations have been made we can go through all the exiting and emotional stuff.

He knows.
How is Vice-president going to reach these kids?

Buyfag guide is you friend, user.


>Dont respond if you dont agree with me
You won Sup Forums today. Congrats.

You know that you guys already ran this joke into the ground and it's only been the first two episodes right?

Why does the sakuga-twitter circlejerk come to Sup Forums and think they own this place?

>Buyfag guide
Oh shit, thanks man.
Biggest cancer?


>No you option

At least fujos aren't underage attention whores right?

what the news said at the end of EP2? Crunchyroll didn't sub it.


I think they were talking about Reigen when he got stopped/arrested at the girls school

Is anyone else subbing this? Did ANYONE sub the part after the credits?

Is it really all that important?

>more BIC next week

Just read the anthology story with Emi. That was too cute

>That picture
Fuck that's cute. I love how messy Mob's hair is when wakes up.

>If you look closely at Adult Mob's frame, he's extremely well-toned after years of body improvement

It's the little things

Ritsu is a good boy, he doesn't deserve to be an option.

Watch episode 1 and marathon the entire manga like I did.

>tons of Mob/Other Male fanarts
>no Mob/BIC ones

no they are worse

You need to die just like Ritsu

Reigen is not a loser, he has lots of friends and fucks lots of bitches, he is actually handsome unlike everyone else in the series and he is rich and always gets laid. No I am not Reigen this is a serious post don't respond to this post if you don't agree.

That's harsh, why does Ritsu need to die?

For episode 1 the omaki works well because it was actually framed as an alternative introduction to Mob and Reigen. Episode 1's main function was to show us the relationship between Mob and Reigen.

Wow. Be carefull Sup Forums this guy has gone full berserk 100% Shinigami edition

>People actually think people who post cute pictures are somehow worse than people spamming "OPM clone," "Reee:zero is better," and ">watching battle shonenshit"
Who hurt you?

I'm with you, user-kun.

There isn't enough truly good pictures of Mob getting beaten up, bruised, bleeding and crying.





I'm going to respond and you can't do anything to prevent it


You're terrible.


explosion when?

Yuu done fucced up

Next episode friend.

136 hours and 19 minutes.

>tfw Ritsuposters have the least amount of votes
Feels good man.