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Why is Gohan so shit? If you are the strongest with the most talent you have a responsibility. If for nothing else than to protect your family and your planet.
he is pathetic
He may be the "strongest" but he's not the best fighter.
Goku would still kick his ass if they ever fought for whatever reason.
He was a pretty intelligent fighter in DBZ, as opposed to Goku who gets owned by pathetic minion guns.
>intelligent fighter in DBZ
No he wasn't. He jobbed in every fight until he got his rage on for the power boost and then simply overpowered his opponent while still somehow managing to fuck up in the process.
Meanwhile Goku is a functional retard but he has nigh unparalleled combat intuition.
Gohan gets an excuse for jobbing for most of DBZ because he was just a babbu and was rushed into learning martial arts. However, as an adult now he is pretty intelligent, and he could learn some good tactics from Piccolo in order to beat Goku if he had to.
why do gohan fags exist
to suffer
>as an adult
As an adult he got consumed by Buu. Even with mystic power he still jobbed.
Dropping fighting was the smartest decision he ever made, he's just not cut out for it.
So was Piccolo, Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, and Goten. Getting absorbed by Buu doesn't make you a jobber.
Gohan vs Raditz: autism burst, lost
Gohan vs Piccolo: autism burst, lost
Gohan vs Nappa: autism burst, lost
Gohan vs Vegeta: extreme autism burst, forced a draw
Gohan vs Guildo: would have lost, saved by Vegeta
Gohan vs Recoome: would have lost, saved by Goku
Gohan vs Frieza: autism burst, lost several times
Gohan vs Cell: cocky autism, saved by daddy
Gohan vs Dabura: so shitty at fighting Dabura quit
Gohan vs Buu: cocky autism, saved by daddy
Gohan has always sucked and always will, I don't know why anyone gives a shit about him
>Gohan fights again
>Trunks' suffering continues
>Gohan starts training again.
>Stops off screen and goes back to conferences.
Characters being misused is a big problem all over the place in Super. Gohan is just kind of the mascot for it.
>Characters being misused is a big problem all over the place in Dragon Ball. Gohan is just kind of the mascot for it.
My favorite characters are being so misused. Gohan of course, but also Majinn Buu. The dude fell asleep before two major fights (Frieza and Universe 6) where he would have probably had a good shot at everyone. Makes me angry desu.
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!! XPPPPP
lol... what a wacky coincidence OaoaoaoAOAO!!!!
Again with these retards
>The page that warned us about the rest of dragonball would be shit.
>(X) manga is bad solely because (Y) character is a poof
Only if you're a Gohanfag.
>pretending that isn't a valid argurment
If the characters are shit then the manga is too.
Gohan has Saiyan genes in him. You would think that part of him would enjoy fighting.
Yeah it does, they were all jobbers, except Goku and Vegeta because they actually broke out but in the end even Vegeta acknowledges that only Goku can actually fight Buu.
Was there ever a reason why they couldn't wish grandpa gohan back to life or just wish to end all suffering or upcoming threats or something? Boom zing pow, problem solved series over go outside now lol.
This is the first time I have ever seen a fat buu fag.
funny meme
Who would win in a fight Yamcha or Fat Buu?
I get very confused watching dbz, that's why I stick to sailor moon.
Earth's dragon balls can't revive people who died over a year ago.
Fat Buu is propably stronger than Future Trunks
Is your question answered with that?
No, is Yamcha a better fighter or not? Will be get in a few good punches?
Then get Namek's dragonballs.
Read the manga dumbass
Did you even watch/read Dragon Ball? Grandpa Gohan didn't want to be revived.
This is an anime board kind sir
yeah i really dont get that, he's like aaaah i need to get stronger to protect my famalam
then stops again
Yamcha is still weaker than goku was back at Namek, he'd get one shotted
Not according to my fan fic he aint. Toriyama himself made it cannon.
>I don't like to fight like my dad
>like my dad
he likes to fight, remember Saiyaman? he just doesn't live every second of his day wanting to fight and train like Goku
I wish I had his life desu.
Why? Go life your own life in the real world.
please show us what you came up with
This is what happens when you have such a shitty overbearing mom
>tfw you will never be Yamcha
>Cell Saga
>Toriyama planned Gohan to be the next main character
>Nobody liked that idea and everyone wanted Goku
>he does just that
>now everyone is complaining that Gohan jobs
Daily reminder that you fucks asked for this.
>Daily reminder that you fucks asked for this.
half the people in this thread weren't even born yet when Z was airing and like anything but Japanese opinion matters in a manga series.
Alright that's fair but at least we have a solid reason why current gohan sucks and who exactly to blame.
Also, pic related. Gohan always just wanted a peaceful life when he grows up.
>Gohan always just wanted a peaceful life when he grows up
yes but he knows when its time to step up and protect his friends. he was one of the first ready when Frieza came to earth, he also to his mom to step off when he wanted to go to namek to save piccolo and when the androids came he was there being trained by his father.
he may not be the villain slayer his dad is but he was always in the thick of it in pretty much every arc
Considering Earth now has Beerus, Whis and two Super Saiyan Blue Gods I figured he must feel pretty safe.
beerus and whis dont give a fuck about earth
Welcome to Dragon Ball, where consistency is a myth and the characters are walking jokes. Enjoy your stay.
If they didn't Whis wouldn't do a time do over to help Goku defeat Frieza.
They're also enjoying Earthlings.
>Beerus used his wish to restore his brother's Earth
He cares. It's exclusively about the food but still.
Its not about the food. That was just a bluff.
Even if it's not a bluff, it's also not wise to emotionally devastate the fighters you're grooming to entertain you.
except for Frieza
They just geninuely love earth. Its not about the food.
You really think Whis will commit a galactic offense just for food? Its been shown that Whis can literally make ramen out of thin air. He's done this.
You think Beerus will let Bulma slap him just for food? Its a no brainer that they're lying that the only reason why they stay is for food.
it said earthlings.
Freeza is a freezaling
>being this delusional about some deeper plot or even emotional attachment
nigga I guarantee you that it's just "le ebic food jokes xD" it's a fucking sunday children cartoon
kid... dont you DARE insult my favorite anime *pulls out future trunks sword* take this!!! oaoaoaoao!!!!
>It's a fucking sunday children cartoon
Are you retarded or trolling? Have you even started the Black Goku saga? Literally the first episode of it proves you wrong.
>nostalgia trip
>bunch of flashbacks
>an edgelord to spice it up
There was literally nothing (yet, of course) that proves me wrong.
Stop restoring to the nostalgia comeback. I watched DBZ for the first time last year so try again. Explains to me how Bulmas big tits, a literal loli relationship and Bulmas death shown on screen is even remotely close to a children show.
I might have been mistaken. By nostalgia trip you meant trunks going back in time?
Odd choice of words
tis' better be bait
So was it supposed to be like this?
Freeza - Goku
Cell - Gohan
Buu > Combined efforts?
>its bait and I won't explain why!
So I take it you were trolling because nobody is this stupid.
Frieza wasn't restored completely hence the need for the healing chamber
So why couldn't they revive Piccolo or Vegeta ? They're not earthlings and the namek balls should have been able to do the job.
autistic black kid
>So why couldn't they revive Piccolo or Vegeta ?
user, pls. The strongest means absolutely nothing in the DB-verse. It's the smart people that actually gets shit done. Smart people invent shit like dragonball finders, time-machines, artificial-gravity chambers and spaceships. Without smart people, all the supposed strong people would have died long ago.
>all the supposed strong people would have died long ago.
yeah but those smart people would have died fighting against Red Ribbon and they'd control the earth if it wasn't for Goku