What's this, a 2007-era Sup Forums nostalgia thread?
This thread makes me want to kill myself.
So the pretentious fanservice show has gone meta. Lovely.
I don't know why but females doing boy voice makes me hard
It was a joke in the book. It makes sense even without an anime being made.
she's right. Chiwa Saito is amazing. too bad the only thing she's doing now is that brown loli in fate
the show has gone on way too lo long
i finished bakemonogatari years ago
but now i have no idea where im even supposed to go from there
its just
malaise, and im usually a fan of slow shows that are deep
but fuck me this show does something to me in that it makes me feel like im melting into my chair and ready for a nap
>no idea where im even supposed to go from there
>its just
>its just
tumblr pls go and stay go
thats the part of my post you respond to?
Wow, this thread is shit.
Who wants to talk about EIGHT DAYS UNTIL KIZU BD?
Wait isn't she supposed to have purple hair?
I can't come faster. I just want to watch it already.
It was always meta you fucking nigger.
I want to watch it again
What I'm really waiting for is part 2
i need someone to explain monogatari series to me
what do you watch after season 1
I dont GET it, why do people like the series? Why am I not having a good time?
fucking this
there wasnt a single screening in my country
Sorry I'm not weeaboo enough to understand japanese wordplay you pretentious piece of shit
Because youre a gay cuck
What episode of nisemonogatari had the basketball girl molest aragi in the library and she was also naked
Pretentious nigger
Why do you have to be so mean? Like I didn't even insult the show.
It just makes me so tired for some reason
>nigger getting triggered
Her "know it all" attitude is Reddit incarnate. Now I know why people call her Redditgahara.
Reddit tries to sound smart when they're a bunch of manchildren.
She tries to sound smart when she's an immature abusive whore.
Good soundtrack, stand out(good and bad) animation style, dialogue and characters that are 'deeper' than your usual animu. It's something you can watch more than once and 'get' more of it each time.
Just watch them how they came out chronologically how they came out.
Sorry. I feel bad now
The genre isnt suited for your tastes. Dont force yourself to watch it
When did Sup Forums start to hate this series? It wasn't like that, heck, even two years ago. It's like it's all of sudden haters started popping up.
Is this the actual color of her hair?
ADHD generation hate it
I dont think I have the time to watch it more than once. I'm
I keep dropping the series, I usually love shows like this though. I just feel physical fatigue when I watch this
I lost track of it on the final episode of bakemonogatari, then picked it up and powered through to whatever episode that nisemonogatari thing happened
I mean I think I was having a really good time with it in bakemonotari before episode 12 where I fell off somehow I dont' even remember why
I like slow slows with tons of talking, I dont understand what happened to me with monogatari
Eh, it's always been quite controversial. I guess people are just starting to tire of it now with so many seasons.
Nearly everyone in that town has normal Japanese black hair. Shinobu is one exception, Numachi was another.
Then don't watch it, Different spokes for different folkes
But I want to watch it
what episode is nisemonogatari of that scene?
Like a in lot of series, the cancerous fanbase brings hate upon the series.
Jojo, SnK, Monogatari, Madoka and Evangelion have the worst kind of followers I've ever seen.
People have been calling it pretentious shit for years. A couple people have just been taking the bait recently.
Why do something you don't like?
I don't know why but I've always hated the dialogue in this show.
Can you elaborate? What's so bad about the dialogue in this series?
I feel the same about hyouka but like this one
They just said that they don't know why.
At least Hyouka doesn't make your eyes hurt from the constant camera angles. Also Eru is better than any Monogatari girl desu.
Wow it's even better now !
>tfw cant find good english sub torrents anywhere
Stop posting newshit.
I miss the time when Bakemonogatari bullshit was new to me.
There have been haters on Sup Forums since it first premiered. The style of the show apparently puts up peoples' backs. Invariably most of the people who hate it don't really know anything about it and just throw buzzwords at it though.
The visuals and camera angles might be what kept me from getting bored from the heavy dialogue scenes. I dropped hyouka by the 3rd episode and can only somewhat remember two or three scenes at most, and can only recognize the characters by the art. I remember feeling like I was watching one of those educational videos made with flash on youtube when they were theorizing.
The visual style of monogatari just tuckers me out
As good as Monogatari's visuals are, if you don't find the dialogue engaging you must have ADHD. The dialogue is what makes me rewatch the series several times. I get sucked into it and end up watching several episodes in a row before I realize it every time.
Took me my third time to pick up the hanekawa radio letters scene and felt like an idiot for it, then I realise there are people who can't even get through the series and don't feel so bad
>if you dont like this show you have a disorder
This is why people don't like you guys
I can understand that. I'm not even sure how you're supposed to animate long dialogue scenes without boring the audience. It just doesn't mix well
it's the same for every other show's threads, though
its not that i'm bored it's just that I get tired
like I like the show its just that I get so tired
>if you don't find the dialogue engaging you must have ADHD
This. People I talked to that watched the series STILL don't realize why Hanekawa was angry at Araragi beating Mayoi. Considering her abusive father is brought up two episodes later people who didn't make the connection are literal retards.
Hanekawa radio letters scene?
Why the fuck are they splitting Kizu into 3 parts? It doesn't seem that long.
If you actually think Monogatari is 3deep5u then you probably only watch slice of life or other "comfy" shows
god guys cmon
I'm sorry, did you get triggered by my post? I can post a warning next time if you'd like
When she is telling him about the letters sent to the radio, the puns and such I got the references later on in the episode but didn't get all the jokes in the letters.
Always find more things each time you watch it.
Whats your problem
Araragi and Hitagi arguing on the street has such a timeless feeling to it
truly relaxing
post yfw the first part of the logical conclusion of all media gets released on BD for the whole world
>implying the wordplay is the only reason to watch the series
I don't know what you're talking about
I swear I don't remember this, when is it?
Bake - 14
Huh. Gives me an excuse to rewatch, not that I needed one.
>redirecting to tumblr when they fucking love monogatari
Come on guys, don't have false pretenses about the show.
Hold the fucking phone
Did Senjougahara really dye her hair purple?
While I do find the dialogue engaging it was represented in a visual medium so the visuals must be captivating as well or I'll just feel like reading instead, which I did. I did also enjoy the visuals, but only after a while. They really rubbed me wrong when I was first introduced to them in bake so I can completely understand why someone would dislike them. The dialogue itself kept me from dropping it long enough for me to get used to them and now I wouldn't want them any other way.
For any user getting started in the series I say, if you like the dialogues you will very likely learn to like the visuals as well by no longer than the beginning of the third season. But if you don't like the dialogues, don't bother with the series at all
It's just anime representing black hair
I want a Senjougahara gf
we all do user, we all do well unless you have shit taste
Like mental fatigue? You don't have to think too hard to follow the dialogue, I don't understand what tires you. Maybe you're already tired when you find time to watch anime and don't feel like using even minimal effort needed to think through puns, points of view, underlines and such? It's my best guess
Grab a random high school girl. They'll probably have enough self esteem issues and talk enough shit to pass for her.
>Grab a random high school girl
I don't want to be arrested
It has 10 years ago
It's Japanese Futurama and Araragi is Japanese Chevy Chase. The exchanges between characters is atypical and more interesting than usual anime
Anyony unironically likes this shit?
Quite a lot, and it sells very well. You might be the weird one out for all we know
Who's Sup Forums, Nadeko?
i liked kabukimonogatari, the others after bakemonogatari are pretty shit though, especially every time normal Hanekawa appears
She's more like /r9k/.
you're thinking of quora
Sup Forums doesn't pretend to love anything. We're more like Math: delusional, angry, low self esteem, lonely and blaming someone else for all of our problems
I liked the series before, but the fact that it's one the few to reference my all time favourite helps boost it.
Money, my dear boy