Listen up gentlemen!
>Be rich
>Have access to top-tier hollowwod sexpots
>grab pussy
What seems to be the problem here? I for one would have done the exact same thing. And you would've as well. You are just jealous that this jew beat you to it! Learn from this man!
He fucked TayTay as well. Mad respect for him
kill all white people.
>reddit flag
Now you're thinking user!
You know you would!
Who wouldn't!
>kill all white people
Jordan, I...
Right, I want to fuck pretty young things, and I am the faggot. Nice try, incel!
where's the bacon, man?
It's entertaining seeing betas whinge that their "pure waifus" fucked some fat, ugly kike for favors.
? what is that garbage you posted?
wait, did she actually say that? i hope to the god's she did
>be rich
>best thing you can get is an ugly gook
I'm sorry but Slavs and brazillian women are the top tier gold diggers. No idea why you'd use your money and success to score a flip kek.
Sick disgusting Jew pedo whose ass you have to kiss to get anywhere. Hollywood makes me sick these days, don't care for their mass produced horseshit propaganda or coked out dolled up abused whores. Hope this fuck rots in prison and in another time he'd be receiving far worse treatment.
You really think that jew puppet said that?
ya it was in an interview with vogue magazine back in 2013-14 i think... tell your friends
Just a meme. She's quite liberal
>jew puppet
stop fantasizing that she's under your control, rebbe
>being this new
so was hitler
He can fuck who he likes, but he's part of a Hollywood establishment that pushes all kinds of SJW shit on us so fuck him, gas this kike
Trump makes locker room comment left bash him into oblivion. jew lord actually sexual harassed woman for years, nothing.
To be honest, they probably all fucked him to get some role and now he pissed someone off.
This is a smokescreen for all the pedos in hollywood.
My advice: These people, pedophiles, have huge networks on youtube. Huge. Find them there and follow the leads. The hard part is finding out the youtube usernames of hollywood elitists, the rest is just skirming through their channels and looking at the channels they are subscribed to, the comments they make, the descriptions in their channels, ther liked videos, and maybe their uploads.
Believe me when I say, this is fucking huge. You wouldn't believe how valuable would their yt accounts be, although they probably don't use their names. So that's the hard part, again. I repeat, FUCKING HUGE. I can't say more than this.
He's not a pedophile goy. He traded flesh for services rendered. He is a alpha man who takes what he wanted is this why your dick is twitching at him getting off.
Don't hate him hate yourself
im shaking,i cant believe my tay tay sucked that fat fuck
I would have done the same thing, just without the libshit virtue signaling.
top kek
Ooooyyyyyy veeeeeyyyyy goyim ur just jealous
Kek she loves jews and hates nazis
Nobody gives a fuck about what this guy did from a moral perspective. It's just a good cudgel to put the left in disarray.
AIDS and STDs dont care how rich you are.
Better option would be to keep some private whore network for yourself with all that monies. Being sugar daddy for young new models.
it is a sin.
Fuck you faggot, I saw a video where she said her favourite food was chicken tendies. If that's not a dog-whistle I don't know what is. I can probably find it if you like.
This fat fuck actually had a threesome with Olivia Wilde!
There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. This has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences.
Bottom line: Islam is not simply a benign and morally equivalent alternative to the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Sennels points out, the first and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims.
exactly, nobody doesn't care, while everybody else (normal people) does care
>of a gimmick fucker
sorry that he's not sexy and women need reasons to fuck him
PS lorde is a fucking mutant
>Look what Jew made me do
Guarantee he didn't
T. Hollywood user
Apparently he may be way into pizza as well
You should see the state of the Pakis round here. Untermensch doesn't begin to describe it. Five year olds get pushed around in buggies.
>At first, I was like: What's going on, did I miss another Hollyjew slob raping an (((actress)))? Gib short info you nigs
>But then I was like:
/sage the thread. and take the rest of your kike whore with ya!
I'm gonna need you to hang yourself, my shalom sandnigger friend
kys faggot
The problem is what the heck is going on with his tie???
>hurr jews
Fuck off you retard
kike detected
sup chaim
It is a Kike tradition to use positions of power to sexually abuse young Europeans. They have been doing this for decades, if not centuries.
Hi shill,
You need to go back to shill training. We are on to you.
t. Sup Forumsack
taytay looks scared
If I were that ugly I'd hate myself to the point of nihilism too.
And so it will always be with the juden...
..*le sigh*...
No comped sushi? Fucking pleb.
fair enough.
now, get out there and get your own casting couch, and get some.