Best SYD girl? Best SYD girl time.
Best SYD girl? Best SYD girl time
How can the other girls compete?
Thanks to her season 2 sucks.
Said no one, ever.
>not suzu
Oh you.
suzu > judo > uomi
For me:
Mutsumi (judo) > Uomi > the rest
Uomi just wants to get cucked by true best girl Shino.
S3 when? what has GoHands even been doing for the past couple of years?
They did the K sequel last winter and they have something else for it coming out. They're working on another original (
Doki, doki?
As expected. Also, Chiwa Saito
Yeah but best girl.
Womi is definitely a great girl, but even she can not compete against the best girl.
Can't she?
Does anything ever develop in this series or is just crazy antics and sex jokes?
It's a gag manga, you retard.
At first, it was Shino. Recently, it was Uomi.
Judo>>>>>>>uomi>other sluts
That Tsuda, so lucky to have her...
Not a lot of Hatafags today, eh?
>planning to make an Uomi thread
>based user does it for me
First time Sup Forums had great taste.
OP here, I'm glad we're on same side.
Any Mori people here?
This goddamn semen demon
you mean made better
So what's up with her terrible pupil scar? I mean there is just a chunk of her eye missing.
She's the one that's into /ss/ and stuff right?
Best girl and best chemistry with Tsuda coming through
Will Suzu ever embrace Uomi more?
>two presidents in one anime
An OP with exquisite taste, that's unusual.
Uomi best wife.
I still prefer Shino, but I was surprised by how well she fit into the series considering her relatively late introduction.
And with the whole cousin thing, she has a different angle of attack and role instead of just being a Shino clone.
On the whole, it's also great how all the characters take the others approaching Tsuda, being light and entertaining, you get a reaction shot and they're already moving to the next topic, where everything is normal.
True best girl.
Do you fucks not know what the idea of 'best girl' is?
Yeah. Opposite of yours
>2.63 MB .gif
This could be smaller, in source resolution, with much better quality .webm.
Fucking kill .gifs as screencaps already, it's almost 2017.
>it's almost _____
Tumblr please
Always here in the shadows
Yes, sex with Uomi.
I want to get my white stuff on her.
Rice rice baby~
Remake all the pre webm era gif or fuck off. Seriously.
Mori is the best girl
I feel like they made her hair too light in the anime.
Who? (For real)
Mori, Uomi's VP, has been showing up in manga every now and then for several months, latest OVA she showed up in the anime.
She is an oblivious tsukkomi like Tsuda, and they get along well.
I want Mori or Suzu to win. Pie end is also satisfactory.
New season when.
>Best SYD girl?
Didn't realize I had so many of these.
>What's going on in this th-
I agree but the show is basically Best Girl: The Anime, there are no wrong answers, that's why SYD threads are so civil.
And a non exploitable one.
I still want one of these.
If only it wasn't upside down
Ha, that's great.
There's like 2 seasons worth of OVAs, SYD is the only thing that makes them money and apparently this is a more profitable business model
Mitsuba a cute
A cute!
Not best girl, best seiyuu tho
Kobayashi is best for crazy girls
Best girl.
She is too pure for her world
I can teach her a lot of things
Do you have the scene where Tsuda touches her and she freezes up
So who actually wants the Tsuda?
Everybody's gay for Tsuda
I want a cute suzu.