Janeane Garofolo blames Gabby Giffords' shooting on Tea Party rhetoric

Anyone remember this train wreck?

So Garofolo directly blames Giffords' shooting on Tea Party rhetoric, but is among the painfully silent when a crowd of mostly Trump voters gets gunned down amidst vile leftist rhetoric.

As usual, this is the left, and this is why I hate them and you should too.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Tea Party rhetoric
What is this, 2011?

Roundabout, and the Tea Party movement was as benign as they come compared to Antifa

She's inironically wearing the Hammer & Sickle, referring to the former Soviet Union responsible for Ukrainian deaths totaling 20,000,000 and reign of terror killing millions of "internal enemies"??

>Janeane Garofol


God, I saw her perform live once (a family friend was performing at amateur night at a comedy club; Garofolo was supposed to be their "headline" to draw in people who weren't friends/family). I didn't come close to laughing once during her set. I don't think anyone did. She went on a half-baked liberal political rant which got a few nascent claps (because this was in NYC circa-2015), but there wasn't an ounce of wit or humor in her performance. It was astonishing to me that this woman had allegedly made a career in comedy; her performance was the equivalent a soccer player with no legs.

I thought she died from impetigo

Her and Silverman could have a contest for being the most unfuckable and unfunny cunts who've ever lived

Silverman is at least a little attractive. Garofolo is like the proto-Amy Schumer/Lena Dunham.

I remember this was before we found out he was a schizo and not politically motivated