/PCG/ - Sup Forums Checklist General

/PCG/ - Sup Forums Checklist General - Conservatism Edition

Hey Sup Forums.

Which of those options have you done?

Join our di,scord: PfGWMCb

Have done 5 of these already. What about you OP?



Jesus was a terrorist kike and i would rather play a game than go 2 church cause church is boring and gay and there's no cute women at my church just fat mexicans

Zero. Fuck all of that, especially the church. I don't need a God

>stopped playing vidya

I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, or a scotch and a cigar very occasionally - I don't smoke cigarettes, have given up weed and don't go out 'to the bar' at all any more.

Married, and these threads have started to encourage me to think of both attending Church, and having children.

In the UK the Gun license is pretty limited, but I'm on the waiting list for a local club, and go clay shooting with my father every now and then.

Bought my own house (moving in next month) and already grow my own veg and fruit.

6-7(depends if I can count Christian Church), and I will have 8 in a few month, because by them guns will be legal in Poland

3 but I already did 2 of them before Sup Forums

>join a gym
what kind of gay shit are you promoting?
men work out alone at home, faggot.