Precure Thread

Precure Thread

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Thank you very much for non-meme OP.

I'm watching da New Allstars movie. It's alright.

Is it out?

Found the torrent hash on the precure live journal, Chinese subs though.

Man Allstar movies really loveLulun for some reason.

Link that shit, nerd.

Well, Minna de Utau Kiseki no Maho was a bit of a letdown, not that I was expecting much.

193 days until Maho ends.

Drugs and Precure!

Let's not start this again

Fuck off. Seriously. I don't give a shit about your stupid fetish, stop posting it every fucking thread.

I want to fuck this creature.





I want Kirara to look on me with disgust.

Holy moly was that a good episode. Why didn't you guys tell me Maho got so good?
>Mirai getting tired from all the shit they've been through
>Riko having doubts while searching for Ha-chan
>New genie villain who keeps us interested by not knowing much about him
>Hints at Riko's father doing... something important I bet
>Ha-chan surprised at her new powers
The only thing bad was the ED song.

Flab and Precure!

It's funny cause her parents are Mirai and Riko

Bugs and Precure!

Don't even go there.

Just when I thought the villain couldn't be worse then they give us a fatass boring genie.
Not knowing much about villain has no value if said villain has no single point of charisma. Also Dokuroxy has so much potential as Maho's Voldemort/Grindewald/superrobot yet they ruin it with lolfairyhugpurification.
Well at least Yamoh and his mental degeneration is pretty entertaining to watch.




How have you been /pc/? I've been waiting a long time for this. So without further ado

Happy Birthday Minamin!

Daily Minamin!!

Fuck off.

Fuck on.


We've been telling you it's finally getting better. It's just hard to change overall assessment considering what we've been through up until now.

MiraRiko is a miracle of the Precureverse

How was Mana?

Farts and Precure.

Fuck off.

Two of my favorite things



YuuYuu is fat!

Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!

Scariest shit I've ever seen.

Fuck off


You always knew that one day you'll become a princess too.

>no details on the kneepits
>not even angled slightly to see Mirai's armpit

He should take a break. He clearly doesn't even care anymore.

>next year
>Single mom and her two daughters (12 & 13)
>Fairy tries to contact younger daughter with several narrow misses as it tries to avoid being seen by others.
>Finally manages to tell her she's the fairy world's last hope because it's been under attack from Dark Forces.
>Oneesan pulls a Katniss and steps in to take her place
>When oneesan falls in battle, imouto comes to save her, tries to protect her as a civilian, gets Chosen as well.
>They agree that they're in it together, and fight as Precure together.
>At mid-season climax, they learn mom was Precure (and her mom before that, etc.) and that oneesan should've been Chosen earlier but mom, despite having no regrets, still didn't want them to suffer through the hardship that she did and has been interfering with the process. Now becomes their mentor.
>Season based on connection & family
>Bad guys powered by loneliness, isolation and despair
>Precure Generations

Don't see the problem. YuuYuu is a big girl, after all.

Anyone knows the source of this?

You're a miracle of my universe.

I'm glad Felice brought back the triumphant chorus from GoPri.

This is almost as bad as Dia.

Some guy in that thread said it was in the file information of the webm. Just download, play it and the title should come up in MPC.

I want to fuck Riko
>Me on the right
Translate pls w

Fuck off

Precure 1-draw #823
Princess Carry!
As expected, today is so full of cute. I can't handle it.





Princess princess carrying princesses

>Mana being carried by Alice
Kinda cute.



>heart eyes

You should be able to solve this.


>God, you're such a little kid.
>Riko! Change my diaper!

Do the characters ever realize how useless they would be without their powers?

hmmm, not bad

Why is Haruka such a slut?


Why did they bring a bottle of piss to the beach?

>bringing your piss bottle to the beach

I want to be between Erika's legs.

Feet and Precure.

Fuck off


Old men and Precure!


This guy draws a really nice naked Flora.

Takeaways and Precure!

Thank you.

Fuck off

I'd rather have Manaposting than this

What happened to Rikka


>/pc/ - Old men & Precure

I want Kirara to abuse me. Both verbaly and otherwise.

Old hags and Precure!

You need to get in line.

Fuck off.

Holy shit mods. Please.

Why is Riko kissing her daughter?
