Are depression and anxiety real? Or are they just being pussies?

Are depression and anxiety real? Or are they just being pussies?

Very real but I'd imagine msot "depressed" people are just sad at the time and handed meds to deal with ti

Depression's definitely real. Some people get enabled by the people trying to help them though. And some people are just attention seeking.

Real but very over diagnosed

Real. I was on the verge of becoming an hero until I was forced to see a doctor. He prescribed me some pills I was supposed to take but after seeing at least one person somewhat care I just said fuck it, tossed the pills and went on about my life. I just have to live with the fact I'm most likely not going to be happy for the most part of my life, it's just a long journey of genuine good moments overshadowed by majority of shit but it's okay because most people need to be happy to live, I realized I do not.

depression is caused by the lack of God in one's life.

>I didn't join the military for x
Let me guess you joined for the gibs.

Maybe you need to give a shit about someone else. Try helping people in your life. Spend some energy giving back. I've been straight up pulled back in to the land of the living by a few very kind people and it changed my life. I now keep my eyes peeled for people that need help and put my shoes on/get out of bed way early to make sure those people know they have atleast 1 person that gives a fuck. IKTF.

It's real, but it's not an excuse unless you have catatonic depression. My grandmother on my mom's side had that. Basically could do nothing but lie in bed all day, barely moving. She had a tough life, and this was a Soviet asylum, so it's not like she got great treatment.

However most cases of depression (like mine) can be fought against with exercise, work, good diet, etc. I still feel pretty shitty most of the time but I consistently make progress in my life and that makes me happy here and there. Drugs should be a last resort except for the aforementioned sever cases. I was put on so many awful medications by psychiatrists that made me fat, took away my emotion, gave withdrawal symptoms when I discontinued, etc. The pharma jew is evil. Neurochemically, we still know almost nothing about what causes it, so these drugs are basically like trying to get rid of a tumour with a shotgun.

No good deed goes unpunished. In my experience, helping other people is a black hole. 99.9% of them won't be there when you need them.