Post your face when rape horse

post your face when rape horse













The whole episode was garbage but yeah hooray a horse


This, why did they have to rip off a Dark Souls boss?




>implying phase 2 is harder than the first

Rip off Dark Souls?! Bitch please! Berserk is the OG son! Without Berserk, there would be no Dark Souls.

That is one lewd helmet

i want to fuck that helmet

it looked like shit but i couldnt help but be excited he made it in

Is that a horse for ants?

Is this from the preview? He looks fucking weird, can't wait for his angry face in CG

I can't even tell if you fags are being ironic or not anymore.

All of Miyazaki's game take inspiration from Berserk. Just google Bloodbourne's Hunter symbol

Looking forward to Mozgus' transformation scene. In fact I'm not, but still curious.

I can't even imagine his angry kind of squished face in CG

We all know that, but the guy I was quoting was responding to someone who clearly wasn't serious. Also who the fuck even types like that around here?


Crossboarders or retards. I think they're actually the same thing.





I'm pleased he wasn't cut, but it's sad how poor he looks. Kinda like something from poser or whatever it was called



>Separated at birth



>tfw watching it with my father

Miyazaki makes video games?


serves you memer fucks right



>not praising rape horse


It's his son though

She has based Valtr as a Cooperator so she should be good unless she's a skrub who doesn't know how to git gud