Friendly reminder that the NRA is a domestic terrorist group


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That;s Jimmy Kimmels' personal security on the right.


>muh NRA

BTW, I saw this exact same thread several times. It's probably being spammed by shillbots.

Private stockpiles of firearms are pretty much the only thing standing between America and white genocide.

No need to thank the NRA.

Friendly reminder that removing guns from law abiding US citizens will make it easier to get raped, murdered, and robbed by criminals and a corrupt government.

Daily reminder, the FBI is literally a domestic terrorism group.

What I find funnier than using sage on these shill threads; how the fuck are totalitarians going to ban guns and domineer the white populace without using guns?

friendly reminder that if you hung yourself today, people would forget within the week.

More so than that. Any infringement on the 2nd amendment automatically strips all powers from any government militia. Since theyve infirnged on guns since 86, the government has been illegitimate ever since, hence the move away from constitutional law to corporate law.

Move to any of the many country that bans guns

The government has been illegitimate since March 1861.

IF Drumpf weren't such a cuck, he would send all our gun-grabbers and leftist politicians and actors to Mexico, transfer their money to Mexican pesos, and revoke their citizenship.

Then those precious leftists would live in their dream Utopia, a gun-control Paradise.

The constitution has been illegal since day one since it illegally usurped the Articles of Confederation. Thomas Jefferson never trusted those scheming Federalists with their (((Banker))) friends. When the constitutional convention happened Jefferson didn't go, said he "smelled a rat".

Well if the nra did suicide bombings their would be no nra left

You can push it back that far, all right.

Have you read this book:

Although, everyone is a potential terrorist, one way or another, to the beltway morons. Even them!

name a terrorist attack executed by the NRA


Can't think of any. Does the NRA advocate the use of lawful force to place under arrest or restrain government employees who are found attempting to act ultra vires to the Constitution?

Who's the person in the middle?
What building is big pharma exiting?
What are the guns meant to represent?
Needs more labels

>Who is the person in the middle?

Why it's our former non-President!
