Is Frejya crying?
Macross Freyja
She's sweating.
Anyone knows (or can estimate for that matter) when the new tracks will release like full op ed
Been Mirage is suffering ;_;
CD comes out on 10th August, so if our korean overlords are generous it might be out the weekend before.
I'm now giving SDF a try to confirm whether the triangle in Delta as you guys said is similar to this series.
how am I supposed to wait that long
Mirage will win
Just wait and buy it.
She will win, have faith!
I don't care about the bowl, I want her to get some development
These are my thoughts towards mirage's tearing scene.
I can tell the moment when mirage shed tears is when she knows that she could not be with hayate anymore nor be like frejya. She knows her own weaknesses on not being a capable pilot, she lacks fold receptors and ability to sing to resonate with hayate like frejya and she often times could not express the emotions that she has been holding back. All these things that she lacks is shown everywhere in the past episodes.
She is envy towards hayate and frejya because the both of them are like a perfect combo in her eyes. From that scene onwards, she realized that she had feelings for hayate despite knowing that she very much loss.
I'm just sharing my rational opinions on mirage's character overall and how it affects that tearing scene in the end. I have no intention of making her the winner of the triangle.
I would like to listen to everyone's thoughts as well. do comment. Thanks a lot.
I'm sorry, but did Mirage already lose? Oh, that's right. The show isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halftime. Does not having the lead at halftime count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the show is still on? Mirage is still fighting right now and has been the best captain in the Delta Platoon for how many episodes now? She's fighting one of the worst singers in the cluster who just happen to have a lead because she's feeding off the energy of a genki girl. But you know what? She still fucking suck. Mirage is one of the best fucking girls in Delta, she went to a date last episode and would of won the Hayate Bowl if he didn't choke on genki girl's emotions. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Mirage wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Mirage just pressed her chest on Hayate's back and he liked it, just like Sheryl did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-MIrage topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like her because she's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking girls on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
How to improve it?
>Makina and Reina said that Kaname likes Arad
>It's true
>Makina and Reina ship Mirage and Hayate
>implying they're wrong
>Not implying
>But that is how Mirage feels now.
>Didn't i not specify my thoughts specifically towards the tearing scene?
>Can't you even tell that my post is actually open for both parties to discuss, My dear Frejyafags and Miragefags?
Do you even read?
I'm trying to view her at her shoes. Besides the reason why i said i have no intention of making her win is because this will trigger more Frejyafag's shitposting.
Btw, i'm personally a miragefag myself.
It's not really similiar at all. There are similiar superficial elements. But those are shared between most macrosses. Like the guy is a pilot, the two love interests are 1) singer and 2) military. The military girl is the oldest, then the guy, and the singer is the youngest. But then the similarities sort of stop here as far as the triangle dynamics are concerned.
In SDF, the main guy is hopelessly chasing after the singer for almost all of the show's original runtime (read: up to ep 27), while she only sees him as a friend. Meanwhile he spends a significant portion of the show being on bad terms with the military girl, but the two of them at some point find mutual ground in that they're both have unrequited loves. Towards the originally intended end of the show, everything looks to have neatly resolved itself with the main guy having given up on the singer and sort of ended up with military girl after he rescued her following the climatic end battle. Then we have 9 episodes of extension where the singer suddenly appears to have had a change of heart and now apparently is interested in the guy. This leads to the guy nearly destroying what he had manged to make with the military girl because he loses his head apparently when the singer finally starts showing interest in him. It does however again end with him taking farewell of the singer and ends up with the military girl.
Where does any of that sound like Delta?
Interview said that Hayate will interact with Windnigga more. I hope they team up or something for understanding ending.
Misa's crush on Kaifun was so bullshit, it turned me off the romance in SDF.
I bet he'll bro it up with Keith.
Their fanarts are so cute.
Omg that switch of Bogue's and Hayate's expressions is pure gold
Mirage's a cute.
Team up with Keith would cool. Alto and Brera final fight scene was great. I wait for something like that.
Man episode 27 was PERFECT.
>Where does any of that sound like Delta?
They say the most unlikeliest girl will win the triangle, which is Misa as they said.
Most importantly I think one of the reasons that Misa was able to win was that there was a significant rift between Hikaru and Minmay, so she was capable of squeezing in. However this time around Mirage doesn't really have that going for her, seeing how Hayate and Freyja are really close.
My honest opinion is that this is my first time seeing a possible couple in the Macross franchise being so emotionally and spiritually connected, not to mention how well they clicked since the first episode. I don't think anything Mirage could do can come even close to the deepness of the bond that Hayate and Freyja share. Just my 2 cents though.
No they wont cause they hunt Hayate down once they know it's Hayate's dad who dropped the bomb
>people still believe it's been the NUNS who dropped the bomb
>They say the most unlikeliest girl will win the triangle, which is Misa as they said.
That's kind of a dumb argument on why Mirage will win. At the end of the day the deciding factor was that Minmay and Hikaru were just too different and had different goals and expectations therefore pushing Misa as a "better" choice. Which is something that doesn't help Mirage this time around. Freyja and Hayate are basically the power couple that inspire each other to persevere in their dreams and have the same determination to reach their respective goals. They make each other stronger and better people, basically what a relationship is supposed to be about.
Reina and Makina also noticed Freyja's feelings for Hayate in some past episodes. However they are more willing to help Mirage for some reason.
Interact more =/= friendly
Hayate has no reason to be friendly to Windermemes and vice-versa especially if his daddy dropped the bomb
Hayate has been interacting with them in almost every episode
I loved this scene so I was pretty surprised to hear it was an animation mistake.
>However they are more willing to help Mirage for some reason.
Its probably because they have been together with Mirage for awhile. Besides, what lead to even help Mirage is that there are couple of episodes where they spotted Mirage being with Hayate all along when they are off duty
They didn't notice them. If you watch that scene it's them shrugging at each other as in "what's that about?" and "Idk'
>otherwise Arad and Robert won't keep that bombing a secret from Hayate
They seeing Hayate and Mirage in episode 14 so they tried to match making them by thinking that these two might be work out.
Bogue-Hayate interactions in which they aren't trying to kill each other would be hilarious.
I thought that Bogue gonna be his rival but look like Hayate is already being busy with Keith.
She just got the script for the last episode.
they already started gossiping about HayaMira even before episode 14
>there are people this stupid
Post-heartbroken Mirage > Bogue
Major development for Mirage to prove herself worthy
Oh you're right, I forgot about episode 9. Didn't they know that they're just try to help Messer yet?
I'm not sure they've helped. They may have been hoping for something to happen when Hayate and Mirage were out together, but that was just a byproduct of organizing a party for Freyja, which (predictably) mostly helps Freyja.
Before in the episode Reina noticed Freyja blushing when Arad explained how she resonated with Hayate. They must be aware and gossiping about it, but they aren't pushing Freyja to Hayate for some reason.
For now Mikumo and Arad are HayaFre, Reina, Makina and Chuck HayaMira.
I don't think these two gonna work out even there're Kagura/Zessica asspull in the last episode of EVOL.
Holyshit you're right.
Hayate is denser than blackhole. He not even listening to her conversation.
>Because seeing is believing bois.
>Didn't they know that they're just try to help Messer yet
Yes they did reveal in the later episodes. I believe those early scenes of Mirage being together with Hayate are actually foreshadowing of Mirage's relationship with Hayate which will or might happen in the final half of the series. As we can see the writers already developed HayaFrey's romance up to episode 16, so they might probably begin to proceed to HayaMira romance for the last 10 episodes.
What the fuck is this shit?
I can see why people would believe that theory because a lot of hints being dropped left and right that it's so obvious
But at the same time, it's *so obvious* that I'd be disappointed if that's the route they took.
Why would it be disappoint?
It's obvious he had something to do with it as it's obvious things aren't as simple as "he just dropped the bomb".
>Why would it be disappoint?
>Because its so obvious that its too easy to predict
>Not shinpi
>Not challenging at all
Way too predictable, cheap drama. But that's just me.
Is two toned hair a trend for "magical"-esque characters?
Why did the 'too kind for his own good' papa-Hayate nuke Windmere?
Well, Arad did say he was too kind so it doesn't really fit to have him be the guy who dropped the bomb, unless he felt so bad after doing it that he crashed his plane into a house.
Remember arad say he owes Wright a lot and Wright is too kind for his own good?
This implicitly tells audience that the person who was actually told to throw the bomb is Arad , and due to Wright being too kind, he do in Arad stead by shouldering the burden that Arad could've suffered.
Sheryl doesn't have any kind of "magic", its just future wardrobe/hair color change.
Mikumo's hair is magic
He took the blame.
Remember how Bogue actually slightly outperforms Mirage in the beginning episodes during their dogfight?
It is time for some Zessical revenge by having Mirage ace the shit out of Bogue!!!
That's the big mystery.
Was he forced? Did Arad misread his character and he was acutally a windhater all along? Var-control? Tricked into it? Did they threaten his family? Was there a bigger threat that the bomb was supposed to deal with? Did he even drop it on the right location? Was he "actually "the one who dropped it - or is he just taking the blame?
Hopefully in the next few eps the triangle will be decided and then we'll finally be able to get some answers.
Mikumo's hair is literally a giant rune. Screencap this.
I get the impression that he was definitely involved with the team that was supposed to do the op. But maybe defected? And it caused a lot more trouble than it should have.
Yeah, it doesn't fit. Arad is clearly fond of Wright. But at the same time he's been acting all this time like he's hiding something and he regrets his participation in Windermere's war (and the show supports why he'd regret it, what with tons of dead civilians, the knights being decimated, kids fighting and NUNS being shady). We are missing some key information. A popular theory is that Hayate's dad was VAR'ed by a third party.
Well with Hayate pairing off with Keith, someone has to deal with Bogue. If Mirage actually manages to get good it might as well be her.
Read 144438746 , and of course he could have infected by Var during the process
And so Chuck deals with the twins and Arad soloed Herman and Cassim like a boss.
I have a feeling that the senior pilots of the Aerial knights will die in the end of the series and the younger pilot will live on from any resentment.
It's almost a given that Herman's gonna bite it. Cassim might just follow him going by the death flags in ep 15.
That whittles down the Knight numbers to manageable levels. Chuck and Arad can deal with the twins, especially with Keith and Bogue tied up with Hayate and Mirage and thus unable to provide support.
>they think that Hayate and Chaos will just team up with Windermere just like that
>they think Windermere will even attempt to team up with Chaos
Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Especially if a third part does come out of the woodwork to fuck the knights + Windermere over.
>Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Especially if a third part does come out of the woodwork to fuck the knights + Windermere over.
Then you begin to realize that peace is actually very fragile.
Well, I thought so, but I didn't expect them to try to take over the world. No I don't believe Windermere will be ablle to get away with "we were just misguided".
Sucks to be them
The only good windnigger is a dead windnigger
All of them did horrible things and look. Unline NUNS Windermere's characters have sympathy points and backstories that explain their actions.
>Tojo did nuffin wrong
Dealing with Vajra is the most asspull thing in Macross. Le space bug is cool fuck the glassed bitch.
To be fair, 'take over the world' is literally just Roid + twins and Bogue.
Heinz just wants the war the end, and he sees this as the best way - but then again he's just 9 and most likely being used by Roid for his own agenda. Keith, Herman and Cassim are against it. The rest of the Windy population are sheep and are just following the plan because the nobility are (seemingly) for it and they make the decisions around here.
Not every person on the entire planet is like KILL ALL HUMANS - only the few in power. If they're removed quickly I can see them getting away with being misguided.
>fuck the glassed bitch
No. Because she achieved what the protoculture couldn't 500,000 years ago
They didn't even know what peace is.
They actually understood their actions, but they're beings that can destroy the galaxy, the best people could hope was teaching them better ways. They also did what they did to survive.
Now Windermereans operate on the same "rules" as any other humanoid society and they even have the audacity to declare that their conquest is to "liberate" other nation which of course is just kekus maximus.
who has best style guys?
Reina and Freyja. Collarbones are underrated.
I bet Frejya's sweat taste like apple juice
An that's why they need to be bombed back into the stone age
>If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting
Hoina is so lewd lately.
Mikumo looks like sex
Heinz now is all for this plan of galactic conquer, but he's just a kid starving for love and affection who has been told that's his late father's will. Bogue and twins are dumb teenagers who have eaten up all the hate and propaganda from Roid, even if Bogue for example has a good reason for hating NUNS (no different from Alto in the tv series, and Heinz reminds me a bit of Ranka's and Sheryl's role, more or less). For me their actions are decisions are understandable and make sense, even if I don't agree with them and think Keith, Herman and Cassim are actually right about opposing Roid's plans.
Grace did nothing wrong
They are real Windermere beans
Not this again. I thought we had all agreed Windermere's actions were understandable from their POV.
Also, in the series Alto wanted to eradicate Vajra, which would have been a galactic crime, and in the movies Sheryl was in fact a traitor and in cahoots with Grace the whole time until meeting Alto and Ranka made her have a change of heard. The both of them got a free pass despite operating "on the same 'rules' as any other humanoid".
>thought we had all agreed Windermere's actions were understandable from their POV
fuck off windnigger apologist
>I thought we had all agreed Windermere's actions were understandable from their POV.
When they wanted to chase NUNS out of the cluster yes, not when the king decided to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
I'm not trying to defend Roid because I think he's just an opportunist and a protoculturefag, but Heinz, Bogue and twins are acting more or less how I expected of them given their age and their circumstances on Windermere.
What I would wear: Kaname (minus the hat), Mikumo (maybe not the thigh highs)
What I wish I could wear: Reina
What looks pretty cute but probably not translate very well irl: Makina
Reina's is cool, but too Hipster Edgy Hot Topic for me.
Not a big fan of Freyja's.
Mikumo and Kaname, but especially Mikumo.
They don't care who wins the HayaHaya but they want a winner. They knew Kaname and Arad liked each other but they gave Messer a perfect oportunity to confess.
Roid is really the only bad guy here. He's playing all the kids (Bogue, Heinz, twins) like fiddles with his propoganda + bearer of Gramia's will claims.
The older ones (Keith, Cassim, Herman) see his bullshit plan for what it is - bullshit.
They're in it for the drama. They'll get the bridge bunnies in on watching it unfold with popcorn ready.