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Rev up those napalm bombs

Oh shit it's real

Nothing will happen.

I hope I get drafted

Surplus gook SKSs here we come

>calm before the storm



>organize false flag mass shooting
>make it impossible to own a gun without military service
>start unnecessary war
>wannabe gun owners flock to enlist to be allowed to keep/have guns

I'll see you boys in Pyongyang.

>Want to fight the Nork fucks just like my uncle did
>Deaf in one ear



north korea is going to decimate zogbot spastics. have fun in those mountains and forests rejects. youre going to get brutalized. shits laughable and nukes are not real.

yay! a proxy war with china!


fuck off kim

>and nukes are not real.


Will there be raping and drug use in this war? If so I'll sign up


Can you tell me a war that didn't involve rape or drug use?

>Will there be raping

Only by the Western Imperialist pigs.



I see a lot of raping going on there and a lot of drug use immediately afterwards.


Haven't heard of a lot of rape in the desert which is borrrrrriiinnngggg

>tfw tranny so barred from fighting
>tfw even if I somehow detransitioned without immediately going back to being suicidal I still have depression and medication for depression on my record, even though I'm now off antidepressants

Will we see another draft?


> TFW have been begging the /k/ube for combat deployment
> TFW I genuinely hope it happens
> TFW We get fucking nuked as soon as the first invasion force hits

>Trump invades Norks
>Norks nuke California



Friendly reminder you're all being duped by the banking cartels.

>Tfw finally get to bag a virgin qt best Korean gf

>the juice
At least come up with an original argument

don't be so quick to lick that boot, not all of us are so lucky as you.

How much do you want to rape someone who's the product of inbreeding for over a thousand years and has a mustache?

Jews, Banking cartels, Rothschilds, Banking elites, International Bankers. It's all the same racket. Jews is just shorthand to describe the majority of these people who want to rule the world.

I think the term you're looking for is "sex slave" or something along those lines

refute the previous one first
pro tip: you cannot.

God fucking damnit

how do I get a green card out of this?

>I will finally get to smoke hash out of a human skull and have a necklace made of ears.

What a time to be alive

US hates the norks because they're a rogue commie state who commit human rights violation on a national scale as a matter of policy. Not everything is Jews, retard

Shoot yourself in the foot and or move to rural Alberta

this tbqh familam
pls gib m249 army

>he doesn't want to save jap and korean qts

What the fuck is wrong with you?

no what I mean is that I am europoor and want to get a green card for going to NK

Po-tay-to, po-tah-to...

finally, someone waking up to the fact that sanctions are a joke and shoveling money at the problem doesn't work either

>yes goy gear up to fight my adversaries while non-Whites stay at the homefront

back to loser

>finally, someone waking up to the fact that sanctions are a joke and shoveling money at the problem doesn't work either
Maybe it's because the North Korean economy is resilient enough that sanctions aren't really efficacious.

Still, unless you want 7 or 8 million Japs and Koreans dead, a reunification that will make East and West Germany seem easy-peazy, and probably trillions of dollars in damage, diplomacy is the best option - which often means you need a carrot to go with your stick. The fact of the matter is that deterrence has worked for over 60 years, and that the worst thing to do is antagonize North Korea into doing some stupid "use it or lose it" warplan because the US wanted to swing its big dick around. Add to the fact that Trump is undermining the credibility of his Secretary of State, kneecapping the credibility of American diplomacy, and you have a foreign policy disaster that (should it erupt) will be worse than Iraq or Vietnam.

So True.

>Goy we are pissing everyone off with our freedoms
>they are jealous of alllll of our freedoms
>Your great granfathers died to that tyrone can fuck your women.

Fuck this gay nation



You don't remember this?

Then how did all those guys in the tests get cancer?

>Tfw the times we live in are so boring that I unironically wish WW3 would start already

>being a draft dodger

He really is a child, isn't he? Empty threats only bolster the North Koreans (and reduce American credibility). Stuff like this gives them plenty of justification for preemptive action and more missile testing in the name of self-defense against the dotard. Yes, his base will look at this callousness and see ''MUH FEARLESS LEADER PLEASE PUT YOUR PENIS IN MY MOUTH AND PROMISE ME A WALL'' but they couldn't finish a Dr. Seuss book without having to look up half the words.

This is a sorry, sorry state of affairs.

No, even ignoring the political climate, it wouldn't be necessary unless things really go to shit with China.

for me I just believe my life won't be complete until I can yell "gooks in the wire"

>Wanting an illiterate malnourished psychotic commie for a gf

You can just get that at any anime convention, no war needed.

Can Canada come too?

Where's the edit of this where the baby's an evil thief and the Americans have detained him?


If you kill Norks they win

If china or russia gets involved, yes. Otherwise no.

they'll be broadcasting our movements to the enemy because if we kill them they win

>You will see napalm/willy pete dropped on gooks in your lifetime

>Stuff like this gives them plenty of justification for preemptive action
Thats what he wants. He wants an undeniable reason for war that no one can challenge. Imagine if NK actually launched a nuke. The US and allies would rain down and anyone in their way would be seen as evil world wide.

Does this mean we get real camo now and not this shit

>Wanting to reenact July-August 1914 inna Asia
>1918 + 99

Good, kill yourself mutant. You still have a Y chromosome.

Literally no-one wears that anymore as it is except for recruiters and super POGs

>he wants to be forced to kill other people and likely die in some third world shithole
not everyone on /k/ is a sadist.

We got rid of ACU long ago. Some POGs in poorer units are still issued ACU gear but its being replaced quickly. They d


On a scale of 1/10 It would be an 11

Can Trump unilaterally order a missile and airstrike on North Korea? Does he need to get approval from the Joint Chiefs? Do we know if military assets are actually being moved into position or is this all bluster? I want to know before I enlist in the Chair Force and get sent to Korea.

They dont even issue ACU uniforms anymore, only OCP

So did many people before WW1 or WW2
But war gets old pretty fucking fast

They're just behaving like their president.

I want Nanking levels user that's not even close plus it's hot over there must be lots of stank puss

>the jews want to destroy a communist nation

I may not like you but I'll let you suck my dick

Hell no I dont want it. I'm in the service unlike most of /k/. I dont want to die in a jungle somewhere.

>Jews want control over another nation

>Chair force
Unless you are a pilot you arent going anywhere near combat.

No thanks, and I know that full well.
That's pretty lewd, user.

>Implying the Aussie's didn't get raped


>not wanting to have easy pussy to bang innatrench
Just allow trannies to serve in non-combat roles. Boom. Problem solved.

[spoiler]US Armed forces cash out a magnitude more dollars on viagra than what it would cost to let trannies serve, surgery and everything[/spoiler]

>Haha dude Viagra lmao

No shit, Sherlock. There are several order of magnitude more people that would make use of Viagra.


It's beautiful.

And thus the "Armed forces can't afford Trannies" argument was sunk to the bottom, never to be seen again.

Trump isn't going to invade NK as it stands right now.
He needs them to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on LA or San Fagcisco.
Then the US can go full-Nanking 2.0 on the norks and the world won't bat an eye.


>He needs them to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on LA or San Fagcisco.
Any president actively trying to get the US nuked to start a war should be impeached.