Monster Musume

Chapter 45 is out:

I found a shiny Oct

I'm... actually sorta okay with this color scheme

Muh diq

I'd have colored her with darker colors, but I guess that one was ok

Newt is cute
I want to marry her

>this boy would leave you for a pet snake

Literally a shit

My waifu > your waifu

My waifu > your waifu

But has the Kirra chapter been translated yet?

Hello fellow patrician

No, we are still waiting the translators

>ywn hold Draco close
>ywn reassure her
>ywn whisper sweet nothings in her ear

We may as well already be dead.

My waifu > your waifu

>We may as well already be dead.
We are on the inside

Translation is done we had some hold ups on proofing and type-setting.

Oh, nice
We should be getting it soon then

Tio: "the weak should fear the strong"'

I want to read the soft words of our godess Kiira

She's a cute girl.

It just isn't fair

>samefagging this hard.

I'd give him my trouser snake, if you know what I mean.

So, what is going on in this chapter?

>Everyone is samefagging now

We have the raws and the translation. Needs to be cleaned, typeset, and quality checked.

Tripping on shrooms.

She's so beautiful
When will she finally be happy?

We should hold a tournament, where anons fight for each of their waifus. Then at the end we hold a wedding, with each user marrying their favorite girl.

Ima shank a nigga

ooh give me break

The competition will be pillow fights.
The pillowcases are filled with sand

nth for Lilith, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms

>Tiofag does it and nobody bats an eye
>Cereafan does it an everybody lose their minds
You guys are hypocrites

Who do I need to fight to end up with this snake

Tiofag is at least justified. His waifu IS better than your waifu.

Why are you bringing Tio into this? Feeling jealous of superior big girl?

When we dream, even for but a brief moment, you are together with her. And you are both happy.

Is that even a question.

>tumblr filename

who do i fight for spider?

The boot

Spider is love, do your part spare a spider

Tiny Horse is cute

I wan(t) to marry this Kobold.

Protect this smile!

Daily reminder to marry your waifu so you can have Jesus-approved sex

If you think you'll beat me for Mia you're wrong


>Doesn't even spell her name right
Miia deserves better than you

Yeah she deserves me

Don forget to upgrade your snek, user.

Cause we all wanna know.

My house if full of spiders because I always think of rachnera when I see them. I have a problem.

>spelled wrong
Spell check does that user

>no ring

What do we call that?

Just be glad it's in a thread that will be dying soon, as opposed to some OFFTOPIC fag claiming a get for his waifu in an unrelated thread. Fucking Kirinofag. Never forgive.

>Darling thinks a crazy zombie is the most dangerous
>Not a crazy Nyarlathotep


Where can I buy the hair band things snek has?


At last you reveal your true form, demon!
The power of darling compels you!

You want Miia's D?

I want to make this wasp my wife

Not him but I can confirm there is at least 1 /k/ommando Green Beret that waifus snek

Very much so

Sneks have two.

You have fantastic taste.

How can one newt be so perfect?

Please accept this superior version that wasn't butchered by phone-posting, friend.

This snake is pure sex

>Find wasp girl fucking sexy
>Deathly afraid of wasps that I want to spray her wings with my cum so she can't fly after me

If she wanted to get at Rachnera, why did she try to stab Darling in the heart?

I'm sure it would just paralyze him so he would be easy to capture

>you took my modesty, I'm gonna take your Honey!

This wasp make my heart tingle

So, this was the second chapter without porn (the first being lala in the hospital) right? I had a little lewd with kirra, but was mostly a "CUTE" chapter.

And i laughed my ass of. Just me likes this series humor and character interactions way more than the porn?

Are you sure that's your heart and not your pants?

Yes, it is entirely just you. Now cease posting.

It's a good mix of both, this manga overall that is.

This chapter has suu as a gelatinous cube so I'm sold.

Thanks, user. I hope you can forgive my transgressions.

Spiders freak me out. If rach is leathery like a black widow she would scare me too much. Also does Miia make a lot of noise when she moves? In episode 1 you can hear swishing all the time

I want that wasp to have my larvae
I want angry wasp daughterus to attack me with hugs the moment I get home from work
I want a jealous wasp waifu to attack me in the bedroom after our children go to sleep

>the first being lala in the hospital
But user, Lala's legs.

>jealous wasp waifu to attack me

This user, he understands.

So does the anime really just end at episode 12?
Will there ever be a Season 2? Or is it literally a meme by this point, and it'll never happen?

Season 2 already aired, fampai.

Monster Musume is one of the best selling mangas right now. Season 2 will come eventually.
At least, I hope it does. I need more animated Miia

Don't listen to the others user, it's not our but awhike ago they were thinking about it or something

This newfags.

Lala's chapter was the first (but her thighs and body are so damn lewd), then Doppel's (not nude but kinda lewd), then Manako's chapter, and now this chapter

I'm hoping for a 2nd season too, I need more of the girls animated, especially Lala


Chapter where Lala and Smith leglocks darling's hips when?

Her body wants it bad.
A Smith Lala three-way would overload the leg-man.

When will Lala realize that separating Darling from the girl he chooses in the afterlife is not something she wants and throws her head into the ring?

When she graduates both middle and high school. Then she will become someone with a good head on her shoulders and realize what she must do.

>Lala's body isn't exactly trying to push him off of her

I dunno when, but this arc is leading to something more about any of the girls, so far is pointing to Cerea,but who knows, maybe next arc is Lala's
One leglocking your head/face (softly of course) and the other one leglocking your hips,near your crotch
It would be too much for anyone

Lala's body is an adult that openly wants the Darling
Lala's head, on the other hand, is a middle schooler that refuses to admit her feelings