Some shill explain to me what I'm supposed to see in this video. Is the helicopter one of the two flying near Mandalay Bay before and during the shooting?
Las Vegas Shooting Mercenaries in Helicopter?
Other urls found in this thread:
According to a YT comment it's at the Harley Davidson store:
Sadly no time is given, can anyone find the original video?
The helicopters near Mandelay Bay can be seen and heard in this video:
At least tell me to go sleep ffs.
To me, a total moron, it looks like these "SWAT members" just found two automatic rifles on the concrete ground that seem to belong to nobody.
Is no one finding this worth investigating?
Last bump, I'm getting sleepy.
just looks like SWAT guys getting geared up
Wait... is that a fucking M240??
go to sleep user. this is just swat gearing up, they set their weapons down on the ground near them.
its amazing how close the blades are to the light post...
Whats that gun he's holding there?
something semirelated:
route 91 on october 1st.
route 91 on 10/1
33 guns, out of all the numbers this one. the masons favorite. pic related shows that 33 also took a role in 9/11
the numbers MASON
Fucking hell that rotor is close to the lamp post.
Where is the shooting though?
I think it's an M16 or AR15 or something like that, but I don't know shit about guns. Any /k/ommando here?
it was a lizzard people psy ops. they’re distracting us from the chem trails with the shooting.
The guy picking up the second gun (see OP) is already carrying a rifle however.
My first thought was that these are the guns of shooters that were able to flee. But as I said, I don't know shit.
Thats a heavy fucking machine gun
Found here btw:
Laugh at me, but it has become almost impossible to discuss this event on Sup Forums.
Dude, there is like 4 posts in the reddit thread so how is that better than here?
Snipers normaly carry an additional AR in case the situation changes.
For you
Looks like a belt-fed light machine gun.
The same with a fire rate of 600 rpm, as recorded on the video.
I know, just posting for completeness. If anyone can find the original YT upload or source, feel free to post.
Looks like it.
Can anyone confirm? That sounds pretty stupid and unwielding to me.
Near those coordinates form the other night
Saw this earlier today
Why don't they release the fucking footage that he had supposedly taped in his room?
Also the security cameras around the hotel MUST HAVE SEEN HIM CARRYING 23 FUCKING GUNS.
This whole thing stinks!
Helicopters huh? hmm
this vid is extremely creepy with a subwoofer, wtf is that bass beating noise
oh its his footsteps, what the fuck thats so creepy, how did it record like that
Weren't shots reported from the airport? It's right next to the spot...
>SEE this video
I remember on the night seeing something about a general being escorted through Vegas (unsure if it was true) as the police scanner reported 2-3 armoured vehicles nearby
Anyone back me up with that?
Okay I see the 'copter but do you really think they would shoot at the hotel? I mean there is civilians there and shit.
You mean these? Sadly he didn't tell us his source...
I wish we had the flightradar data from that night.
Yep. Thanks for reposting
3 black vans?
crisis actors, FOH..
looks like an lmg of some kind, probably a 240 bravo. definitely not standard police equipment
To anyone wondering, the guy who posted that image said these coordinates were found in Paddock's hotel room. He only made two or three posts.
No crisis actors. I literally saw a video of the carnage minutes after it occurred.
who are those soldiers? It's not a military base, and that's not swat, why the fuck was the military there?
Aren't there military bases really close to Vegas?
They seem to know the "shooter" is dead - otherwise why the stretcher?
Link us to it
that pic is so retarded, all these points are so stupid.
Area 51
yup, this
I love a good conspiracy with some meat on it, but these fuckers aren't even trying. I think they're legit 12 year olds without any critical thinking skills.
Complimentary bump on that bravo
Austism 101
Gimme a link, google is useless.
Did anyone figure out the number string at the bottom of the coordinate list?
They're SWAT - Our police are very militarized.
A helicopeter landing in that tight ass spot is hazardous and actually against the safety regs for EVERY LEO organization, that helo is a littlebird type probably for some "tactical unit" we have found the "real shooters" or parts of the drill psyop. Notice the unmarked cars....and the arrest of a man ont he ground far away from the Mbay. If thats the "capable force" then why weren't these guys sent to the Mbay?
No its very eye opening and you pretending its "retarded" show you have no argument.
Download it because I'm taking it down in 5 minutes.
May God Bless those who had their lives taken away from them and may God's vengeance punish the perpetrator(s), Amen.
True, it's a strange little clip, yellow t shirt guy just pointing his gun in peoples faces. Also no medical team and why are the two at the back undercover?
To break cover and means you were there undercover for the purpose of the event.
The gopro camera is attached to his cowboy hat, it's beating like a drum to some extent. He's probably wearing cowboy boots too so his footsteps are a bit clock-clocky.
That's not at Mandalay Bay, it's at Tropicana, where they were called for shots fired (apparently some woman was reportedly shot). So likely the stretcher was brought for a casualty they were expecting.
Those 'undercover' could be plain clothed casino security.
What the fuck is this "comped" shit I keep seeing
fucking hate you jackass. unless you're a shill then I respect your game but I suspect you're an autist
what the fuck
The brother - good memes mane.
Yep, I knew an AR fired fast than what I heard in those videos. Im glad someone put this together.
>x-pensive sushi
Looks like a long gun of some sort - Definitely not a M240 (did you watch the video)?
its a shotgun
It's probably more like flat earthers - noise and chaff intended to discredit anyone associated with questioning things.
who is "Frank Sinatra?
>Already gone.
Thanks for the link, but looks like a staged bunch of crisis actors. Why is that guy going around to get that coverage? Isn't that incredibly unsensitive, he's acting like he has medical training bunch won't put the phone down to treat people or assess their condition.
Some woman says a guy has an entry and exit wound and the guy with the camera manhandles his head. the mouth fluid crap looks staged.
I'm not an unsensitive person and jaded to just blank out emotions totally.
I can smell the bullshit and this video does nothing to prove to me those people aren't just playing dead.
The woman gurgling out blood when he presses her neck was the first thing to make me go oh ffs.
and it's gone
what was it?
Its a road
>I think it's an M16 or AR15 or something like that, but I don't know shit about guns
Yet you still replied. Literally attend a country concert in Vegas.
its a sling hanging down not a bipod, watch it in slow motion
These are simply the special forces, getting ready to storm the hotel.
This. I remember they said they were transporting Frank Sinatra
for what the police helicopters?
street in LV
do they have slings? watch it in slow motion
Another non American mental midget, Netherlands is home to white slavery bestiality and Dutroux's killing kiddies for fuhn, long been a stornghold of imbeciles with feeble intelligence and a penchant for jew worship...Clearly you ahve done no investigation and have VERY limited life experience. FACT those all the makeup hoax kits made by a certain company proven to be used at Boston hoaxathon to paint on fake "gore" and. blood they are made to look like "med kits" in style but they arent. Its twi tier tackle box like white plastic its to for halloween gets up clsoe inspection of the Boston hoaxathon showed these unrelastic boxes sitting there people put two and two together and saw the makeup jars that are in them and fake blood packs...These are undeniable facts. Stop shilling its bad for your country, soul, and mind.
zoom in same box they put bandages in them to hide the brushes fake gore and fake blood bottles and jugs.
No, it's not a M240B, those things weigh 28lbs and they're huge. Faggots, all of you.
oh frank sinatra ohh frank sinatra