Why does a certain subsect of Sup Forums try to perpetuate the myth that the holocaust never happened...

Why does a certain subsect of Sup Forums try to perpetuate the myth that the holocaust never happened? Are they retarded? The evidence is overwhelming that it happened.

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If you look at the Nuremberg trials, the SS officers would try to blame others, none of them denied that it happened

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

show us

in the meantime ask urself how long it takes to burn a body

and why not juat withhold water and food if they wanted those jews dead? already had em in the camps, no gas needed

>show us
Sorry, you seem to have missed the image attached to the OP post.

>the myth that the holocaust never happened?
No revisionist claims this. They only dispute the number and means of deaths.

The important question is, if only ~220,000 or so died in camps, mostly due to disease and lack of food due to allied bombing, then why is the 'Holocaust' so special it gets its own name, and why is an entire race of people shamed and blamed from childhood for it?

Mass graves due to overwhelming starvation due to lack of supplies near the end of the war.

Why was this camp commander tried and executed for murder when a general discovered he had killed a couple of jewish prisoners?


>masturbation machines
>moving knife floors
>soccer ball babies
yeah very realistic

Because where did the 6 million come from?

Reminds me of the germans making a 'work camp' where jews were told they would be working to free themselves.
They were taught skilled jobs, machining and metal work, some working in chemistry. Some in maintenance, others managing the other jews and improving productivity.

They spent a full three months in training, even going to other factories and labs to learn the skills at great expense to the germans.
Then they set to work for another six months. Crafting, building, assembling, polishing all the parts.

Some worked on smaller, repetitive but still vitally important parts.

Eventually, after most of a year had passed, they had finished.
It was an interconnected pistol with hundreds of barrels.
One mathematically bright jew used his counting ability and counted the barrels. Then he counted the jews. One more barrel than all of us, what a coincidence. Then he realised he had not counted himself.

All of a sudden, the pistol fired all the hundreds of barrels and each jew was hit in the head and died a long, slow and agonising death - as the bullets the jews had built were designed to travel slowly through the air, and kill them over a matter of days.

When they had died, they guards melted down the pistol into steel, and then burned it until it had all gone.
Then they brought another set of jews and more materials to make the next gun.

That sounds very efficient


I hope it did. The jews wanted war, they got it, thus they face the consequences. Nobody cares about the millions of Germans dying trying to defend their homeland because they "deserved it". Why not apply the same standard to the Jews?


Who cares? The real question is why is that woman copping a feel in broad daylight
>tfw you'll never experience a sexually charged moment while standing in a mass grave.
Why even live?

>The evidence is overwhelming that it happened.
It's not. There's no evidence for homicidal gas chambers other than some evil Jews (and goyim working for 'Allied' governments) making up stories or others citing camp rumors.

Emaciated bodies disproves the claims of immediate homicidal gassings.

> They only dispute the number and means of deaths.
Without gassings and millions killed, it doesn't exist.

My grandfather was in that camp, by luckily they ran out of steel before they could finish the last barrel. He was the only survivor and went on to survive 9 more death camps.
After the war, only he, his brothers and sister, his parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins, and the rest of distant relatives survived out of his family.
He kept a diary on his laptop during the whole thing, he kept the laptop hidden in the sole of his shoe.

I've never denied the holocaust. I simply don't believe a lot of things that we are told about the holocaust, and I think we are lied to to cover up for the fact that allied bombing of German supply lines could have caused millions of deaths of Jews in labor camps.

Adding to this, how upset and encroaching on free speech get about the issue makes me deny it sometime for shits. If you're going to make it obvious you're revising history, I might as well try to revise it too the way you don't want it done just to piss you off.

kys faggot

>oy vey! bin those facts!


>SS officer doing collaterals on babies, then later changed for children of less than 6 years old
>Real soap, mistaken as soap made of human fat by jewish families because of the whole nazis evil actions hysteria, were buried and received jewish last rites in Israel
>jewish group still celebrated their "saviors" until the 80's, a bunch of black soldiers if you ask them when the unit of said black soldiers was 160kms from the camp

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to read Sup Forums. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of psychometrics most of the jokes will go over a typical reader’s head. There’s also Sup Forums’s traditionalist outlook, which is deftly woven into its posts- its personal philosophy draws heavily from National Socialist literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these posts, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sup Forums truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sup Forums’s existential catchphrase “Gas the Kikes, race war now” which itself is a cryptic reference to Hitler’s German epic Mein Kampf. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ben Garrison’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a swastika tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re at least 95% European ancestry (preferably not Slavic) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Given that during the end of the war and the years after, the 'good guys' kept 3+ million Germans in camps with no shelter or facilities, breaking all international conventions, leading to mass deaths.

Sound familiar?

Same goes for the Japanese interment camps in the USA.

>One mathematically bright jew used his counting ability and counted the barrels. Then he counted the jews. One more barrel than all of us, what a coincidence. Then he realised he had not counted himself.

No one denies Jews (or other groups) died, they deny the methods and the fact that most of it was by unintentional methods, such as disease and starvation at the end when Germany's infrastructure was literally in pieces.

Many SS officers and other men "involved" gave forced confessions after torture. Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, confessed to a camp that never existed.
I wouldn't be surprised that SS officers were trying to blame each other to avoid the noose considering Nuremberg was a fixed trial.

the key word that betrays the instability of your state of mind and your inability to judge the situation

a freudian slip of a sort

Your mind is overwhelmed. You said it yourself. You are unable to rationally assess the situation. The same reason why everyone else is tricked into believing it's true.

The "holocaust" imagery is most people's first time seeing war. They are shocked and afraid and don't know what to think because they have no experience with these things and they are upsetting.

They accept the first explanation they hear from a person of authority.

This is why we should expose our children to the way of the world early - take them hunting, show them pictures of war, things like that. Then they don't fall victim to the delusion that Germany is the source of all evil, they realize that violence and death are everywhere and that ordinary people have to deal with it as best they can.

What are they even doing there to begin with? Was this a hot date for them?

>Hey baby let's go on leave and tour the steaming corpse pits.

The Evidence is overwhelming goy
Also its forbidden to even look into the evidence

Anything thats illegal to investigate is suspect instantly

Because while Germans killed some, other deaths from allied bombing and Russian massacres were covered up and blamed on Germany to maintain alliance and morale.
They have stuck to the story ever since

Well, I can only speak for myself, but when I say that "Hitler did nothing wrong", I'm not saying that the Holocaust never occurred. I'm saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with any ideological action he took, up to and including the Holocaust. In fact, we need a new, and considerably larger Holocaust to take place again today. And, once my inexorable rise to power is complete, there will be. It will be absolutely horrific.

>beta who doesn't know how to show a girl a good time
I take every new girl to the lime pits for a leer. Works every time.

I'll lend my axe!

and crickets

>The evidence is overwhelming that it happened.

Oh it is? What exactly is 'it' that you're so sure happened then? Can you define the Holocaust please?


Most people will confess anything after a few days of torture, I though that was pretty basic knowledge.

Bergen Belsen where thousands died when the UK had full custody of the KZ. Blame the poms for being defeated by lice.

They had their man bits crushed with pliers and were told their families would be given to Soviet rape squads. TJB.

Does Japan have an equivalent of Holocaust denial with the Rape of Nanking or Unit 731?

I agree, there are some kind of elements that resemble "shadows" or "Schatten" as the germans call them here. These shadows permeate all levels of administration and activity , both amongst the end users and finance in social media. These shadows are highly important to consider and portray an important part for future organizational behavior. We should not neglect our duty to analyze and study these elements for the sheer sake of safety of international society.

Furthermore, if anything has every really deserved to have crimes committed against it, it's humanity. I mean, let's be honest about that at least. Also, for the record: Jews, gypsies, fags, the infirm et al., aren't people.

why are you posting in this thread and not in the shadow thread?

Kek. Those "Liberators" are suffering the consequences of saving parasites in modern time. Pure irony.

2 posts by this ID.

OP is a LARPing faggot posing as a normie just to start a bait thread.

Then the Fifth Amendment means to say that you are guilty, then.

answer me op