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>tfw they try to be so innovative in their virtue signaling they actually do the bidding for us



What fucking retard parents let their 9 year old go to a Nelly concert? Their whole family should be euthanized. Fucking trailer trash.

We really need to convince people like Tariq and the BLM movement to organize a campaign to move to Liberia if they're so sick and tired of white supremacy in America. #Blaxit when?

Does He think that White Women shouldn't be above the average black man?
That's machism
Shame on him

EVEN if she's 9

2014 - feminists seem to rule the world - say all sex between men and women is rape even if it's consensual

2017 - black power leftists seem to rule the world - say all sex between black men and white women is viewed as rape

there is an inconsistency and a hypocrisy in there somewhere.......too tired or lazy to really point it out in detail though...........

Can I get a quick rundown?


I don't know if its all rape but according to stats about 35,000 times a year it is.

Couldnt agree more user, it is rape and beastiality.

wtf I love tariq now

All interracial sex should be illegal

Deep down, you know he's right


nice digits,
should we ask him about legal advice for that one weeabo black user who got jailed because he owned cp?

New game, take a shot every time one of these uppity “African studies” negroes says “white supremacy”.


It's impressive how close some of them can get to being redpilled and agreeing with Nazis, but it's like their brains physically don't have the capacity to take that final step.

>Tulsa was the first American terrorist attack

Do we know the race of the alleged tape victim in the first place? Furthermore, do we need to?
Dindu's I swear either he is up there with the dumbest of them on twitter or he is trolling

Get your nigger redoric out of here.

>tfw intersectional feminism forbids you from accusing men of rape


what timeline are we on.

If Tariq put on any more airs; he'd float.

Tariq is a left wing troll. Don't give this nog the time of day.

Nelly was charged with rape today for fucking some woman on his bus. But the previous night he was doing a concert and got a 9 year old girl on the stage and started sniffing her hair.


He's also done it before


This. Kek.

My man Tariq always speakin da troof

This is just what happens when you sell your soul and nation to the banks of usury. How will Europe ever recover?


It was old enough for the Prophet.

Nice quads man

What the fuck is the "Black wall street"?

at least he didn't piss on children like that one rapper

The Detroit weed exchange

Wish it was all sex between black people and white people, instead of just black men and white women.

Did you not see that Arianna Grande concert?

>the fuck out

actually it was a thing, white people bombed literally bombed by plane black financial institutions

>Tulsa was the first American terrorist attack
i could go either way on this desu. do indian raids count?

white people BTFO

So ... that whole part about urinating ...

>Focuses on the race before the age

You fucking idiot get out

It's been comically exaggerated. You can't make this shit up:

>“That’s what leads to Greenwood being called the Black Wall Street. It had restaurants and furriers and jewelry stores and hotels,” John W. Franklin explains, “and the white mobs looted the homes and businesses before they set fire to the community. For years black women would see white women walking down the street in their jewelry and snatch it off.”


Typical black dramatics. We all know they exaggerate in lockstep (HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT), but we refuse to turn the same critical eye to the past.

the offensive actions taken are well documented. greenboro's financial status is exagerated though
also i didnt see what
was did someone get it

I thought she was 9?

That explains s why he doesn't fuck women

the girl he allegedly raped is an adult the 9 year old was just a fan that nelly was being weird with on stage.

you too, leafy :3