Believe in Jesus you stupid fucks

Believe in Jesus you stupid fucks

I'm not sure what this means. Believe he existed? Believe he was son of God? Sure I believe it.

>believing things without empirical evidence

Believe in the morals of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and you will find true salvation

Or else face eternal damnation of fire and brimstone

Believe in my dick.

OK thanks.

>being an edgy, moral-less, spineless, atheist cuck who is doomed to have an unhappy, vacuous, materialistic life and unhappy, failed relationships
Lolling @ ur lyf, heathen

>I need fables created by sandniggers to have fulfillment

>being an edgy atheistic faggot who is doomed to a life of vapid materialism, failed and broken relationships, and no chance of ever having a happy and stable family life (and therefore no chance of raising happy and well-adjusted children)
Lolling @ ur lyf, heretic

p.s. no kike ever saved anyone
least of all you