Is it related Sup Forums??????????

If not, what the fuck is going on???

Prolly a CIA MK Ultra Nigger.

>man was pulled over
>happens every hour

this is the exact fucking opposite of a happening you retard

Did they find any sushi or taco bell though?

With this much ammo??? I'm not that far from Johnson City. Rumor is he had explosives too...even though it wasn't reported...

not reported

He did attack the officers in during jail interview though. And they said he made officers nervous when they went up to his car. Won't look them in the eye.

FBI informant

>“The defendant then became very angry, and stated I know this is about CPS, and I promise you they will get the justice that is coming. I then asked the defendant what he meant by that, he stated all I needed to know is that justice is coming and I could add myself to that list.”

>Graybeal told us Monday afternoon that Edmisten also made threats toward officers and staff, at one point even lunging toward investigators.

>“He didn’t want to get along with us, and jumped at one of the investigators that went back to question him, so we didn’t take any chances, nobody was hurt, but we got the situation under control,” Graybeal said.

>Officers also questioned Edmisten about the firearms, asking him if he made them into fully automatic rifles.

>According to court documents Edmisten “stated yes but has not tried them out yet”

>When Edmisten was asked why he had so many weapons and rounds in the vehicle, court documents said”…he stated all it takes is one.”

What is CPS?

probably just cracking down on arms dealers. perhaps people paddock dealt with

This isn't that weird. He's just tweeker with a fresh government issue haircut. No biggie

No social media
No legal record
No other background
Mystery source of income
>hello fellow civilians