
im pretty sure only fujoshi mad about this

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>its a purityfag vs slutfag bait episode

>Nakamura Hikaru, who made Arakawa Under the Bridge and Saint Young Men.
>has a child
Oh thank god, here I thought his perfect genes would waste away. Now someone please marry Nana and TM Revo already!

everytime shit like this happens I wonder why we don't just bomb their asses again.

Wait what? I thought nips only got angry at females in the anime and idol biz getting dicked?

>Now someone please marry Nana and TM Revo already!
They're already married to each other.

Kamiyan is a cool bro. He didn't deserve this.

I wish. Huge waste if they don't have kids. Might as well flush Japan down the toilet for this.

Oh hell no male VAs have it worse.

Fujoshi are crazy.

I love Kamiya. He is great. I'm glad he is married to Nana.
Looks like Kamiya is still a cool guy just like I though.

i never got shit like this, its not like they're going to come to your door and be like "yo i love you"
what did they think would happen

Muh selfinsert

Both of them have great taste to marry eachother. Stay strong Kamiyan.

I fucking love Kamiya and would be extremely sad if his work started dropping because of this. Fuck fujoshi man.

Kamiya's fangirls like to pretend that he is their boyfriend in their heads, but now that he is married they can't do that anymore, they know now for sure that he is romancing another women and that what's make them mad.
But that's bullshit, Kamiya is voice actor and not an idol, your are supposed to be a fan of his voice and works not his looks and purity.

He's the perfect VA for Shinji after all.

>hiding it.

He knew what he was doing.

Just imagine. Having a bunch of obsessive fangirls that don't want you to have sex with females.

Aren't they mad because they thought he was gay with OnoD?

He's been hiding something.

Yes, this is correct
They took a running joke at face value. Fujoshits are mentally ill

She looked pretty cute in the author pics you get inside the dustcovers too. I guess they got to know each other when Kamiya voiced Rick in Arakawa.

>tfw no S3

Idol or not, it's fucking stupid and needs to stop.

>Fujoshits are mentally ill
Waifufags are no better.

Purityfags should just off themselves.

So, its not only female VAs, this is insane. I will never understand this no-relationship-allowed, I know its "so fans can fantasize about having a realionship" but this is insane.

Well, tecnacly fujoshis can still fantasize about stealing their favorite VAs from their spouses, so they say "you may flee from my kisses, but can't escape my masturbation"

>Is 41 years old
Danm, dude looks young as fuck

Is that make them better?

>reselling his goods out of shock.


Can we have that again, this time in English please?

Well at least they have the presence of mind to reselling them instead of destroying them like waifufags otaku
Still dumb as fuck

>its another seiyuu thread on Sup Forums when /jp/ exists
fuck these episodes

Why are purityfags so delusional? Do they really think they have a chance? Or do they elevate them to the status of gods, and have to "protect" their image of them? Either way, it's retarded.

based seiyuu doing work at 41

So fujos will love me even though I'm a wizard if I become a voice actor? Time to learn moon!

Jaina from russia did it, so can I

>Keep you're waifu and daughteru a secret for 4 years and expect your fans to not find you the least bit suspicious

I mean I don't really care but aren't marriages and childbirth supposed to be happy occasions to celebrate? It's not like it was a shotgun deal like Miyano that would cause a scandal, he had lots of time to say "hey by the way we got married/by the way we are having a kid, pls be happy for us." I imagine fans would feel sad that he basically told them that they are too creepy to share this stuff with

Is all about how you sell your persona, I remember fans were happy when Maaya Sakamoto got married, same with Sayaka Ohara. Even with Rie Tanaka, but in her case the fans closed down the fan club because their main purpose was seeing her married, and with that done the club had no other reason to exist.

In he case of waifufags, it happens when the label/studio sells the actress as "pure", giving her only roles of innocent girls. Kyoani used to do this, but after the Aya Hirano incident they stopped, that explains why the K-ons went to perform in things like Seikon no Quazer and ecchi series like that as soon as possible, to get rid of that"purity" label.

When it comes to male VAs, things are way worse, it isn't about being "pure", is about being "gay", and fujoshi are know to have attacked actors because they -think- that they are in a relationship with a female being. Last year happened to Hikaru Midorikawa for a really ridiculous reason (a fan in a concert was wearing a bracelet similar to the one he was using in that show).

In terms of batshit insanity fujoshi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waifufags

>Do they really think they have a chance?
In most cases, probably not really, but the reality being pointed out is still unpleasant for them.

>I mean I don't really care but aren't marriages and childbirth supposed to be happy occasions to celebrate? It's not like it was a shotgun deal like Miyano that would cause a scandal, he had lots of time to say "hey by the way we got married/by the way we are having a kid, pls be happy for us." I imagine fans would feel sad that he basically told them that they are too creepy to share this stuff with
Honestly, I can't blame the guy for wanting to keep his private life private, especially given how badly some groups of fans react. What's to say some crazed fangirl wouldn't stalk, harass, threaten, maybe even attack his wife and kid?

Baseless speculation, he doesn't said anything about who his wife is.

Well, it's only logical that it's the women who are the real nutcases.

>In terms of batshit insanity fujoshi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waifufags

Fujoshi don't bring knives and chainsaws to handshake events though.

>based VA married based manga author
I see nothing wrong

Nana already has a kid and her name is Inori Minase.



If VAs can have kids and be impure can waifus as well now? I'm tired of this purity shit. Give me some experienced cakes how know how to sex

Imagine anyone caring if you had sex.

Yuu Asakawa is perfect for you

Congratulations for him



What about my 2Ddwaifus?

I'd hit it.

subhumans who treat voice actors like idols are literally the worst. why would you even want to associate your favorite anime characters with a real person? supposedly mark hamil asks fans to look away when he does his joker voice at conventions so they won't see old luke skywalker when they hear it.

I can sort of understand getting pissed that your 2d waifu is revealed to be used goods like that kannagi thing a few years back, but VAs? Who gives a shit. Live and let live. It shouldn't matter as long as it doesn't affect their performance

>Is all about how you sell your persona
Thats kinda makes sanse but still crazy

>Even with Rie Tanaka, but in her case the fans closed down the fan club because their main purpose was seeing her married, and with that done the club had no other reason to exist.
Thats realy sweet actualy, never thought fans were like that, awlays saw them as crazy obsesed people

>When it comes to male VAs, things are way worse, it isn't about being "pure", is about being "gay"
Thats even more insane

>In terms of batshit insanity fujoshi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waifufags
Nah, don't realy care about waifufags or fujoshi both are same level of shit imo

>I remember fans were happy when Maaya Sakamoto got married,
That's because her husbando is SuzuKen, also a very popular and brotastic VA (if a bit of a flirt), and fans shipped them together because of the characters they voiced. And even then there were a handful of very vocal faggots that screamed disapproval before being silenced by the majority of fans who only wished the best for Maaya.

Marketing VAs to be idols as well was a mistake. Should have stuck to the older model where VAs can be singers without being idols.

To be fair, seeing Hamil speak in Joker's voice live is quite bizarre, I don't blame him

The normal fans that would not be upset by the happy news might feel sad, but understanding that he didn't tell them.

The crazy ones will be upset no matter what.

>In terms of batshit insanity fujoshi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waifufags
That's because you're suppose to compare them with idolfags, since this particular type of fujo are more about the person than their roles. Just like idolfags - in which case, they're both equally batshit.

>know that the fans are very particular in a certain entertainment business
>sign up anyway
>get upset when you can't control your loins and the fans lash out just as you were warned

Why are normals such degenerate retards?

>he had to apologize for getting married and starting a family
Even the great Kamiya isn't immune to the otaku scum autism. A reminder that not all otaku are men hankering after girl VAs, but disgusting women (for the lack of a better term) obsessing over male VAs as well.

No one can see old luke skywalker, his face got all fucked up.

You're missing the whole point now

"Idol seiyuu were a mistake." - Megumi Hayashibara

>Kamiyan is 41
Holy shit. I thought he was like 30.

Not that dude but isn't a cake just unmarried at 24 or more? She can be experienced slut

>get upset
He's not upset, just trying to defuse the situation.
>hurr it's the VA's fault for X
There's always a couple of you faggots that say this.

>Kubo deleted his Twitter? He shouldn't have looked like that gay wrestler
>Sumippe is also suspending her account because of harassment? She shouldn't have posted cute pictures of herself like the fans expect her to
>Emi Nitta is being blasted by fans for an old AV? She shouldn't have gone into that business all those years ago because OF COURSE it would come back to haunt her when she's mad popular from Love Live

This. Teh Rei is always right.

>Going into AV business
Now that's definitely her fault. It'd come back to haunt her regardless of what normal job she had.

No. Cakes are 26 and over who are untouched. Just the female version of a wizard.

I hate this meme. Give me a milf anyday

So was the Nitta thing actually conclusively proven?

>Emi Nitta
I thought those were just rumors. Has any solid evidence come up?

>I can sort of understand getting pissed that your 2d waifu is revealed to be used goods like that kannagi thing a few years back
But why? Why is people getting upset that a fictional character is implied to have had past romantic/sexual history something you consider reasonable?

No, but her agency handled the situation so poorly that a lot of retarded fans were convinced that it was indeed her.

I don't know how this corruption got invented, likely from autists here that can't into simple words.

Christmas cake just means an unmarried woman over the age of 24. It comes from the old saying that nobody wants a christmas cake after the 24th (christmas eve), and just suggests the short shelf-life of bachelorettes and the fact that their desirability for marriage declines rapidly with age. In other words, it's a way of saying "you're 24 already, hurry up!"

Them being a virgin has nothing to do with it. The only necessary conditions for being a christmas cake are being a woman over the age of 24 and unmarried. Purityfags can fuck off with their delusions and corruptions of simple colloquialism.

It's like my wapanese animu.

>He is said to be married with the manga author, Nakamura Hikaru, who made Arakawa Under the Bridge and Saint Young Men.
I had no idea they were by the same mangaka, she's pretty based

>marrying a non virgin
No wonder they're cakes

Read this too fast and thought another VA had cancer. Fuck cancer.

>fans angry that he has a life outside of being a seiyuu

Not this shit again. Some other actress left her role after people thought she wasn't pure enough to be Sailor Mercury.

Reminder that anyone who uses "purity-fag" as a derogatory term is a NTR enthusiast who inserts as the guy getting NTR'D .

Why not? Animu characters embody exaggerated ideals of perfection. It's the main attraction of 2D. It's also easy to write "X-chan is pure as snow, end of story". It pleases the otakus and it doesn't affect anybody's real life.

You have to be deliberately fucking with your fanbase to make somebody used goods, somebody you know is a lot of people's waifu on top of that. VAs, on the other hand have their own lives to live

>if you're happy about your favorite VA being happily married you're a cuck
What logic is this?



What's wrong with B'z?



>In terms of batshit insanity fujoshi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waifufags
nah no way
it's idolfags >>>> yurifags >>>> selfinsertfags(both categories and this includes hardcore waifufags and husbandofags) >>>> fujos >>>> normal waifufags

They're just too popular for the fanbase to be sane. It's like One Direction's popularity, only B'z is actually good.

What the hell is baseball soccer? Is that supposed to be kickball?

B-But that's just a crazy conductor - are you saying the tetsudo otakus share this worldview?

Train otaku. People who are obsessed with trains. Instead of being obsessed over guns or other military vehicles, it's trains. What's there to not get?

>male seiyuu has talked to women
Fucking disgusting

But why would they be trouble

>Adult Games

well fuck

Fucking train conductors, man

Would you also happen to be

>Politics Otaku
>Net right-wing Otaku
>Reds Otaku (?)
>Love Otaku
What the fuck are these things?

>Foreign dramas Otaku
Must be middle aged housewifes obsessing over melodramatic telenovelas

Always thought otaku as anime/nerdy/geek/collectables obsessed poeple, didn't know there were some many kinds


By becoming a sword in the morning.

The shield of the innocent.

A white knight who cuts down hundreds of OrcTakus and wets their blade with their blood.

Join me in this fight. Who will be brave and stand with me in the War against the OrcTakus?