NGNL Movie Announced

The official Twitter account for the No Game No Life series announced that a movie adaptation of the light novel was revealed during the MF Bunko J Summer School Festival 2016 event which was held today.

It's not a season two, but I'll still be looking forward to it.

Read about it on CrunchyRoll

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This thread is shit and you should feel like shit.
Kaiji is better anyway.

Finally been waiting for this.

The anime was the most autistic thing I've ever watched to the point where I was cringing in shame even when I was watching it alone. I can't imagine the kind of unapologetic otaku filth who would be alright with watching it in a theater with other people

I usually hate this shit but it was a very fun watch.

Only reason pretentious twats think that show is intelligent or deep is because it had chess

I always figure I must be the most intolerable, judgemental human being on the earth until I hop on Sup Forums and look up the longest post in any given thread

He is just doing that for attention. A pathetic human being whose life is so meaningless and uninteresting he has to troll to get other people to notice him.

>maybe if I repost it every day people will give a shit

>reddit anime
Fuck off.

You're defending a show about magic genius NEETs in a semi-incestuous relationship with absurd amounts of fan-service and a harem style story covered up by just the barest pretense of it having a serious plot.

You sure you want to go in to bat for that?


>with absurd amounts of fan-service
At least the anime made the loli fanservice tame.

I never understood why people take ngnl seriously. It's not pretentious or deep, just look at the dumb comedy and blatant fanservice. It should be taking seriously as much as overlord or mahouka

I liked NGNL because it was fun.

What a lame insult. NGNL is good.

>these insecure normies
>on muh Sup Forums
I hope you can find the exit yourself.
Meanwhile, me and my wife will be gladly watching this film together.

NGNL anime was the perfect anime for "normies".
>with my wife
See, reddit?

>tons of animu and vidya references + lewd
>"perfect anime for "normies".

>having GFs

Reddit are normalfags like you.
They removed or tamed down the loli lewd so there's no problem.

>Supposedly adapts the Great War arc
My body is ready for Shuvi.

>been on Sup Forums for 12 years

>thinking normies are into loli whatsoever
>or animu in general

author posted on twitter already and confirmed it. Should be great, since I don't think I would like a whole cour of that arc.

I just want summer to fucking end so retards like this will fuck off

But it has only been posted once.

Nice try Reddit.
For that you sure sound like a normalfag to me, and no, they are not into lolis, which is great for them because the adaptation cut everything too lewd out or tamed it so that it won't offend anyone.

>pretense of it having a serious plot.
Except isn't, faggot. Fuck off.

My feels aren't ready for this.

I bet your wife is Shiro

>post Jewbril

Eh, NGNL is pretty good. Most people seem to be unable to take one significant premise the story keep pushing: Blank simply never loses. Once you can accept that (consciously or not) the show becomes a lot more enjoyable.

That and because Sup Forums hates shows that become popular unless the fanbase is big enough to shut it up leaving some few trolls left around.

>you don't like it you're too stupid to understand, or just a troll!
Please listen to yourself.

Fuck off.

Nice comeback reddit

Sup Forums isn't a single person but most of Sup Forums doesn't like shit catered towards normies and retards like SAO and NGNL

>Full otaku bait

The fuck is your post even trying to get across?

It's was a fun series. If you can't have fun with entertainment you should probably not post here friendo.

>I enjoyed playing with shit.

You're the only person in this thread saying Reddit over and over again. You need to shut the fuck up and leave, you are not welcome here.

Oh yeah, that was such an accurate and complex chess game. I'm so glad people with small minds like you don't understand just how deep NGNL really is, only a true retard would watch it for it's comedic aspects and great art.

Fuck off to your blog.


Why movie? Like, what important thing are they going to show in a movie that they couldn't in a new season? I mean, what? Doesn't make sense when you have original content to work from, or there are no material at all?

Nice try ribbit.

Volume 6, family.

AKA The volume that proves Jibril is the worst girl.

I just started watching the first season.
Will the anime adaptation be concluded or am I better off starting to read the original LN?

And this.

Dunno? The Light Novel is still ongoing, apparently, and the movie seems to just be testing the waters of how interested fans still are in the series.

I went ahead and read most of the LN though, and if it turns out there's no S2, you may as well too.

Fuck off.

what are you even on dude, people watched this because naked girls and fun plot.

like holy shit, cite one guy who called this show intelligent or deep.

I'm looking forward to it too, Jake.

Is the steam thing still on the bluray version?

>9 results

Can you people just stay on your shitty fedora site? There's already enough filth here as it is.

This show is intelligent for using naked girls and fun plots.

you ruined it.

also the music rocks

And the movie will bring more music

>Loli fanservice
>Full of otaku reference
>Catered towards normies
How do you even put these 3 together

>Ctrl+F "reddit"
>6 results
Holy shit

The movie's music will likely be much different in style and theme, seeing as Volume 6 was pretty dark compared to the rest of the series.