Gay coffeeshop owner kicks christians out

gay coffeeshop owner kicks christians out

no one gives a shit about christians or fags

there are literally both the same thing, christians arent fags because they are told to.

fags wouldnt be rampant if mainstream media didnt start all this gay nigger shit

same shit different story NEW THREAD PLEASE

He has the right to do so. Just as I have the right to criticize him for doing it.

try my coffee, user. I made this special blend just for you. hot and steamy. you're not fucking intolerant are you? come on, try a sip

>if I fuck my boyfriend in the ass right now are you going to tolerate it?

Why would they even want to hang out there? I wouldn't give money to this sodomite.

Good (((kikestians))) shouldn't be welcomed anywhere nor should religion be forced on others fucktards

go sodomize yourself you sex predator

Man can you imagine the media out-roar if the positions were flipped?

I gave up drinking coffee. There's just, like, no way of *sniff* knowing if the beans were harvested with fair labour practices, you know?

no one cares if the positions were flipped, both parties are in the same boat, brain washed by some limp dick nigger globalist scientist

remember when Sup Forums was good?
yeah me either

Make the coffee, bigot


Seattle. And the Christians put pictures of aborted fetuses inside magazines in the shop according to the owner so they were not 100% innocent.

How does refusing to serve homosexuals make one brainwashed? Especially by a "globalist scientist"?

I thought the cake baking court case settled that you cant choose who you do and dont serve? Isnt that what the LGBT community wanted?

Actually he doesn't. Religious discrimination is illegal.

No, they didn't, they were handing out anti-abortion pamphlets across the street and an employee of the coffee shop told the owner what they were doing, then the faggot when on the rant against Christian's saying he'd fuck Jesus cause he's hot

That's probably because your arrival here helped make it shit.

>hey let's talk about this thing that we already discussed yesterday
>its fun to keep repeating ourselves
You guys are fucking insane

I think it's great. Capitalism working as intended.

Why would a fag want christcucks in his shop? They think he is evil and that he is going to be tortured for eternity.

Christcucks shouldn't accept fags in their shops either, because they are unclean.

No (you) for (you). I won't give you the satisfaction

They dodged a bullet. I wouldn't want to drink a coffee that had been prepared by a filthy sodomite and neither should any other decent person.

>thinks we all spend 24 hours a day here posting in every thread

You're a fucking idiot

You're right. I meant if he were asking me, I would say he should have the right to kick him out.

No problem.

This is what individual liberties are about.

commie libs always go down the street on the wrong side or in the wrong direction

a living mass of hyphenated hypocrito cells

>Capitalism working as intended
Except the Christian will be arrested or fined for committing a hate crime.

i spend at least 18 hours a day here and did not see this thread yesterday

>anti homo propaganda
everyone on Sup Forums hates fags because it's mainstream
everyone likes Christianity because "Sup Forums" said so
It's almost like Sup Forums is turning into the news or something :thinking:

>insult with factual data to back it up
it's like yo uwant to look like a beta ass dumb fuck


we like free speech here at Sup Forums, don't we, fellas??

you should have a right to kick niggers and fags out of your business and they should have the same right to kick you out
