So I'm on the second season right now. If these niggas don't hurry it up and make a baby ima be pissed. Im suing everybody if they don't at least kiss. Im suing The anime company that made this shit, Hulu, my TV, my momma, my grandma, your grandma, the mailman, shit everybody finna have a fucked up day.
Rock and Revy know damn well they got the hots for one another so wtf? Quit teasing me!
Shit I may be a gangsta, but ima gangsta with a heart nigga on crop, I just wanna see a happy muthafuckin ending.
Landon Ramirez
No kisses on the show but the author himself draws doujins of them
Kayden Ortiz
No way?! They online?
Brayden Martin
Yeah, but I can't remember where to read them since I just found them through a link in a thread a long time ago. Probably shouldn't be that hard to find though
Ryan Clark
Fsho, ima have to look it up after this 2nd season. Do you know why the author decided to draw a doujin instead of adding a little romance in the anime?
Colton Martin
They don't kiss but it is heavily implied they fucked in the Roberta ova.
Do you or anybody know of an anime where niggas aint scared to get romantic but now that cheesy corny shit.
Carson Thompson
You should read Prison School.
Austin Sanders
hahaaa nah i aint that dude. he just another nigga like me that likes anime haha shit had me crackin up though
Jack Thomas
its good? prison school is on hulu as an anime. anime vs manga? which one?
Kayden Morris
Don't go for this, it is comedy that has none of what you are looking for.
White Album 2.
Joseph Gray
Is that a manga or anime? and is it on crunchy roll or hulu?
Leo Powell
Download the episodes you noob bucket.
Jayden Miller
I will do just that you snob pillow
Evan Ortiz
>Rock and Revy know damn well they got the hots for one another so wtf? Legit spoilers ahead. After watching the yakuza boss chick turn down his offer to help and instead kill herself is disgrace, Rock loses his fucking mind and gets obsessed with burning the city down. He manipulates events such that Roberta fucks half the city up, the drug fields that fund 90% of the city are at risk, and the American military get involved. He and Revy are no longer bros.
Benjamin Moore
>Hulu Consiuicisuicide
Christopher Evans
My imagination says otherwise. In my world them niggas say fuck being bad guys, they take a long has vacation on a private island, they get drunk everyday, and live happily ever muthafuckin after blood.
Ima little delusional so bare with me my nigga
Luis Gomez
lol sounds interesting enough
Andrew Martinez
>american niggas
I thought UK niggas talked funny
Kevin Martin
No he doesn't. He's done some guest art for some Black Lagoon characters, and he does doujins of other works (often Type Moon and Touhou), but that's it.
Justin Morris
I haven't read much past the Maid arc, but that sounds debatable.
James Gomez
I grew up screwed up. What can I say bruh. I wish I had fuckin british accent though. Shit a nigga would pull all the hoes.
James Hill
>Azasuke Wind draws more Black Lagoon shit than Rei Hiroe does. Fucking KILL me
William King
Rock manipulating Roberta? Not how I saw it. Rock had his hand in how the whole thing ended, but Roberta was definitely in it just for herself. Also, I don't see The Wired Red Wild Card showing any signs of Rock's relationship with Revy going bad.
Samuel Price
Whether or not the author grew some balls and made them niggas an actual couple, we can all agree them niggas made some babies right? Am i right? If y'all believe in miracles let me hear y'all scream "ROCK AND REVY MAKIN BABIES!"
Mason Powell
That cigarette kiss was sexy as shit though. I thought they was finna get it in right there in the back of the cop car.
Julian Bennett
Yak arc got pretty dark. Rock's last little scraps of human decency wove together into "save this poor little girl before fryface kills her like she did her whole family." And then she killed herself with a sword in front if him. Sorta exactly like Gretel did, except without the whole "super creepy sexual mutilated murderer" thing dulling the emotional blow of watching somebody's brain get blown out. And, you know, being a suicide. Point is he gave up. At the beginning of Blood Trail he's a fucking robot.
Plus he was a little off-kilter from having visited his own grave and acknowledging that as far as his parents and friends would ever be concerned, he really was dead and gone.
I'll admit, though, he did drop into crazytown a little fast.
Gavin Jackson
Never going to happen. They are going through a moment in their life and having casual sex isn't anything too surprising for people their age. They won't however have kids since how fucked up both of them are.
Hunter Morris
Oh, okay. As for anime with sex, Gantz has one sex scene without 'corny' shit, So does Afro Samurai, Ninja Scroll, Violence Jack: Harlem Bomber, and Crying Freeman. Anime is really averse to sex scenes for some reason. You're better off with hentai.
Lincoln Anderson
I didn't say he manipulated her, just that he fiddled events such that she contributed to his goal. It's like digging ditches in the path of a landslide: you can't steer that shit, but you can make one route look nicer than the others.
Grayson Diaz
Nah I wasn't particularly interested in just sex scenes. I'm interested in a good series where the characters actually acknowledge their feelings and act upon it and quit acting like some lil bitches. It aint gotta even be sexual, just no corny shit. Something realistic. But thanks for the suggestions, ima still peep them shits.
Nathan Hernandez
That's fucking depressing, why tf did I watch this shit. America going through bullshit right now so I need some happy shit to take a nigga mind off this LA shit too….Still a good series though i won't lie.
Wyatt Lewis
Well, for what it's worth, they're now at a point where Revy has no problems prancing around topless in front of Rock when they're together in private. Maybe that's a hint.
Bentley Cox
It is but it isn't completed. If you want a happy anime go watch
Cyber City Oedo.
Michael Wilson
Is the japanese culture just timid about romance? Why all them niggas be so dense and shit when it comes to girls?
Joseph Morgan
Wait so there's more Black Lagoon coming in the future?
Juan Clark
Niggas be on that ambiguous shit. When she pushes his head into her tittes and grabs his dick, that's when ill be convinced.
Tyler Jenkins
Well...there was that couple who had heart attacks and both died the first time they fucked after 5 years of marriage.
Parker Green
manga is ahead of the anime but it isn't finished.
Luke Barnes
The virginity is strong with this one.
Samuel Reyes
They have difficulty expressing romantic emotions. As far as I understand it, they almost never even say "I love you", but more like "I like you/you're nice" when they wish to express that they'd like you as a companion. It's something about expressing strong emotions being a taboo there.
Camden King
Wait what? No way? Damn thats some brazy shit.
Tyler Clark
Damn, no wonder. I heard that the birth rate in Japan is really low.
Cameron Reyes
As I'm sure everybody knows by now, the line 'I love you' in a novel was once translated into Japanese as 'The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?'. That was over a century ago now but it speaks volumes about the culture that still exists to some capacity today.
Connor Harris
Don't hate on my nasty imagination. Shit gets wild in my head bruh.
Nathaniel Lopez
…I didn't know that….Damn I'm still a fuckin noob at this shit haha. Just keep giving me as many suggestions as possible for good anime.
Jordan Rodriguez
Berserk has a little sex, but the road there is a little clunky and the road ends in fucking ravine
Gabriel Price
The ride is worth it though. I guess he'd even get to start on the follow up adventure even if you gotta deal with CLANG to do it.
Dominic Jackson
Japanese are pretty strange but it just their culture.
For example, in public many people will refuse to make eye contact. Why? It's essentially the equivalent of giving each other the middle finger.
The biggest misunderstanding we westerners have of Japanese men and women is that their perceived "shyness" is based off of low self esteem and/or lack confidence. The truth is their timid nature is the complete opposite of that.
They are so proud of themselves and their families name that they feel most people are unworthy of their time. They always have to prove themselves and expect nothing less from others.
They are quiet not because they are ashamed to say anything but because talking to YOU stranger is shameful act in of itself.