Life is a balance between right and left ideologies, and you're situated in a good compromise - but as of definitions currently, that's just a moderate conservative.
Logan Lewis
> Pro degeneracy WTF Are you saying you want people to do drugs, etc.? That's a lot different than tolerating it.
Brandon Foster
I'm exactly the same, minus the trans stuff and degeneracy. I don't think porn should be banned or anything, but I wouldn't describe myself as pro-porn either.
Austin Williams
>pro transgender >pro degeneracy
People these days...
Caleb Smith
It should be illegal to make money off porn. You cant stop people from making it. You can take away all incentive to make it.
Alexander Lee
Generally in the same boat. I'm a classical liberal (not the same thing as a neolib). I support pretty much all individual rights and liberties, in fact I find the way that neocons and neolibs have differing stances on guns and the war on drugs to be pretty stupid since they're basically the same issue. Making either of them contraband just creates a violent black market and rampant smuggling and more dangerous organized crime. Neocons are pro guns and pro war on drugs, Neolibs are anti guns and anti-war on drugs. The correct stance is pro guns and anti war on drugs.
As far as Immigration goes... you have to have tight control on immigration and security of your nation if you wish to provide things like social safety nets and universal healthcare. The system will collapse itself otherwise. If you believe in providing a social safety net and universal healthcare then strict immigration control is the only sensible position. Neolibs with their wanting open borders AND social safety nets and universal healthcare just live in a fairytale world.
As far as race goes.. I generally want to see people treated equally but at the same time abhor miscegenation as it destroys diversity. Diversity can't be your strength if you homogenize everything.